The Last Embrace

Chapter 224 I Care!

Jessy landed outside the cave, she walked in a relaxed pace towards King Antone who is supervising the burning of the dead bodies.

Right now, she saw that the fire already died and the smell in the air is super ewww...stench of burning bodies is something that no one will get accustomed to but the king and his men are used to this kind of scenario in the past. As for her, she wanted to vomit but she will try her hardest to prevent herself from doing so.

She went to King Antone's side. "I'm done rescuing the prisoners, Father. They are now in the Facility sleeping soundly in their clean living quarters."

"That's good, child. So—do you have a decision already on what to do with the captives inside the cave?" King Antone asked.

"Yes, Father. I will go there now, I need to know if they are worth saving," she answered.

"Okay, go ahead and let me know of your decision after you come out of the cave," he said.

"Yes, Father," Jessy mumbled and left his side.

King Antone gave orders to his men. "Starts covering the hole partially! We will leave the place anytime soon and go back to the Facility!" he said.

The white-cloaked vampires start dumping earth back into the burnt bodies.

Jessy entered the cave's entrance and went straight into the clearing where the surviving savage vampires where being kept.

There were twenty warriors in there guarding the whole place. She saw the flushed faces of the women, old folks and five children. They were staring at her with mixed reactions on their faces. She studied their expressions, some of them gave her a cold stare, others were looking at her with burning hatred on their eyes, others dropped their gazes. The five children were staring at her, two boys and three girls, the children weren't showing any feelings of hatred on their faces.

Jessy looked at the warriors. "Guards, please leave us, I want to talk to them in private, wait for me outside the cave," she said to the men, loud enough for everyone to hear.

The guards obeyed her command and they immediately vacated the place and began moving towards the entrance of the cave.

Jessy addressed the survivors. "I don't want to apologize for what happened today. What is done is done. In every war, there are always casualties on both sides. King Antone, give me the privilege to decide on your fate, you guys are supposed to die along with your kin, but he had a change of heart and spare all of you and give the final decision to me, your life is now in my hands to do as I please. I'd been asking in my heart if I will save you all or just finish you all," she said.

One of the women bowed her head in front of Jessy and starts pleading for their lives. "P-please s-save us!" she said stammering, the five children went to the woman's side.

All of a sudden a voice speak from the group.

"You are a traitor! You are a disgrace to our clan!" one of the old vampires shouted vehemently at the woman bowing in front of Jessy.

"Yes! You are a despicable whore! You are shameless to beg on that enemy! Come back here!" they said to the woman.

But the woman refused to budge and ignored the insults of her clan.

"Please save me and the children they're innocent!" she begged to Jessy again.

Jessy looked at the woman. "What is your name?"

"My name is Antonia," the woman answered.

"And these children? Are you their mother?" Jessy asked curiously.

"No, they are orphans I'm in charge of taking care of them," Antonia replied.

Jessy pointed at the corner near the entrance of the clearing. "Stay there Antonia, bring the children with you," she instructed.

Antonia gathered the children and steered them to the area near the entrance.

Jessy shifted her attention to others. "Those who want to continue living, go over there to where Antonia is standing, those who want to die—stay where you are," she commanded.

A few moments later it seemed no one wants to be saved by her. Instead, they looked at Jessy with burning contempt in their eyes, if looks could kill, she might already be dead right now. Jessy released a deep sigh, she's giving them a chance to be saved but they continue to behaved stubbornly and refused her offer of help. Then she noticed that they were whispering something to each what are they telling each other? her eyebrows furrowed.

Tsk-Tsk! These people are taking much of her time, although she genuinely cares and wants to help save their lives, in the end, they have to choose what's best for them, she can't choose for them.

"Okay guys, I know you are very angry at us for killing your people but you have to understand that what you did to the mortals in the cages is beyond brutal. The battle already ended, there's nothing I can do that will take your pain and sorrow away, but rest assured that if you go with me, there will be no more killing in the future. Those who want to go with me, the King and Queen can offer you shelter, and you will have blood supply every day, we will take good care of each other as brothers and sisters from now on."

Jessy paused for a moment...then she continues speaking.

"I will count from one up to twenty...please choose what's best for you...make up your mind..." she said.

She looked at their faces, it seemed no one is interested, sighing, she began counting.















"Time is up!" Jessy said.

Then all of a sudden somebody shouted...ATTACKKKKK!

Pandemonium occurred!

Before Jessy was able to take a full grasp of what they're about to do, she was already pinned into the ground and several bodies were attacking her from every direction, she saw their fangs sinking into her skin, unfortunately, they can't sink their fangs into her skin because she already activated her shield. Somebody grabs her hair, ouch that hurts! And she saw a woman grabs a stone and was about to smash it on her face...Jessy quickly teleported into the area where Antonia and the children were watching in horror!

It took a few moments before the savage vampires realized that their enemy was no longer in the ground beneath them, they all turned around and face her...

A single tear fell from Jessy's eyes. It's a tear of pity for them, she offered them safety and peace yet because of their hatred and revenge for their fallen clan members, they were blinded by too much hatred on their eyes that's why they can't see her good intentions, it's futile to save them, she did try her best, just that they didn't want to be saved, end of the story, sad!

She can see the intense hatred flashing in their eyes and only death can subdue those intense rage growing inside them.

"ATTACK!" they shouted in unison and advanced into Jessy's direction.

But before they can reach her, Jessy already had her hands froze them on the spot.

She took one last look at them, sighing.

"Goodbye!" Jessy mumbled with sadness mirrored in her eyes, she holds the hands of the two children and they began moving away from the clearing.

With a trembling body, Antonia followed the young woman silently holding the three kids' hands, she has no idea what future awaits for them but the children need to survive no matter what the cost!

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