The Last Embrace

Chapter 227 Spying?

Sarah looked at her daughter thoughtfully. "Daughter, you should focus on the blood transfusion only and avoid doing dangerous missions, please don't wear out yourself, you are doing too many things at the same time, you should have let the king and his men do the rescuing while you focus on blood transfusion and have a good rest in between," she said.

Jessy smiled fondly at her mother. "That's what I've been doing, Mother. I just rescued the mortals, it was an easy thing to do, and the king and his men do the killing for me, I did not kill a single soul last night—I swear!" she said seriously.

"Then—how many people you killed so far, Jessy?" Sarah asked her daughter the question without even batting an eyelash. She saw the dark cloud covering her child's eyes quickly. She can't monitor her going out of the Facility all the time and this got her worried. "Tell me, child," she said in a calm voice not wanting to alarm her.

Jessy looked at her mother mystified. "Mother, please asked me another question I would be glad to answer everything," she said trying to avoid answering the question.

"Just tell me how many and what circumstances drove you to kill them? I will give you a benefit of a doubt," Sarah said. She knew her daughter was avoiding her questions but she must press on.

Jessy breathed deeply. "Just two—Mother, one is an old military official I put him to sleep after I discover his sinister plan to bomb the facility, then the other one is a serial killer who slashed my throat with his knife—so I did not hesitate to kill him with his knife," she said.

Sarah was horrified. "A-are you spying on the military officials?"

"Yes, why can't I? They are surely spying on us," she said. "I'm just doing the countermeasure..."

"How long have you been doing this—spying thing?" Sarah asked nervously.

Jessy shrugged her shoulders. "Not long ago, I mean—just recently, I happened to come across a military camp near us wanting to launch an attack on the Facility, so I took the initiative to scare and immobilized them by stealing their weaponry and follow them back to the military camp. That's why I killed Major Miller because he is going to bomb the whole Facility including the human workers above the Facility," Jessy said.

Sarah was having a hard time accepting the truth that her sweet innocent daughter was more than capable of murdering people in cold blood.

"I'm not sorry I killed those people, Mother, yeah—I did feel a bit of remorse after I have done the deed but some things needed to be done no matter what the circumstances will be..." she defended her actions.

Sarah sighed deeply. "Just promise me one thing, child, as long you can control yourself don't kill people without giving it much thought because once you end somebody's life you can never bring back a person's life. So think twice before you kill someone—okay?"

Jessy nodded her head. "I understand, Mother. Great power comes with great responsibility," she said looking glum.

Sarah rubbed her daughter's arms. "I'm not condemning that you killed somebody, just make sure that they are worth killing and you won't hear a thing from me," she said. But she was also aware that sometimes people cannot always make the right decision all the time—there will be fatal mistakes along the way.

Jessy stood up. "Let's go now, Mother. I need to go back to the clinic," she said putting up a wise face.

Sarah put her arms around her daughter protectively.

Outside the canteen, they went their separate ways.

Jessy walked briskly towards the queen's study room, she knocked softly and pushed the door open.

"Come in, Jessy," the queen said.

"Sorry, Mother, I'm a bit late, I just come from the canteen," she explained.

"It's okay, child. No need to explain. Take your seat," Queen Margaret motioned to the sofa.

Jessy sat on the sofa comfortably facing the queen.

Queen Margaret spoke. "I called you here because I want to discuss with you about erasing the memories of the mortals. Let's start with the healthy ones and after I erased their memories you will bring them back to their families one by one. Just that—I can only erase memories of one or two people in a week, I can't do it daily because it will drain my energy and power if I will do it successively. Hope you understand—child," the queen said.

"No problem, Mother. I'm okay with just one person per week, I won't put your health in jeopardy and thank you very much for agreeing to erase their horrible memories," Jessy said.

Queen Margaret sighed, she'd been thinking about the pros and cons of erasing someone's memory, she resumed talking again. "Child, I suggest that before I erased their memory, you will gather their data and their address, and asked them where they want you to bring them, there will be confusions later on because they will feel that a big chunk of their life has been taken away from their memories. Their relatives will ask them a lot of questions asking where have they've been through the years. Chances are—some of them are married people and their partners will surely ask questions where their spouse has been hiding through the years. Although it will be a bit awkward and a big mystery that they just re-appear back on their loved one's life out of the blue and no idea where they'd come from, no valid explanation whatsoever, but I hope their love's ones won't press much and just accept their relatives return without much fuss, it's not gonna be easy, there will be problems along the way. Some reunions can be a happy ending, traumatic or sad. I just want you to be aware of all these. What I'm trying to say is that when you finally bring them to their homes, try to leave right away, do not linger long, or else you might find yourself entangled in their affairs, remember, your only task is to bring them back to their family safely...then leave right you understand me—Jessy?"

"Yes, Mother," she said, nodding her head in agreement just to put the queen's mind in peace.

"That's good, you can go back now to the clinic. We will start erasing memory next week, we start with the healthier ones, okay?" Queen Margaret said.

"Got it, Mother, I will go now," Jessy said. She rose to her feet and left the study room.

While she was strolling in the hallway going to the clinic, she can't understand the queen's explanation as if she was hinting negative result of returning the captives to their families by erasing their memories...aren't all reunions a happy event? She ignored the little warnings ringing in her ears.

She went to the clinic and resumed her blood transfusion duty. In her mind, she was already conducting a meeting with the mortals to have a chitchat with them to relax their minds and worries. The sooner she will answer their questions the better for their mental health.

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