The Last Embrace

Chapter 24 Going Home

"Let's rob a bank!" Jessy giggled diabolically.

Adams' eyes widened in a total surprise. "You're crazy, Jess!" he laughed at her silliness.

"Why not? Let's put your power to good use!" she exclaimed.

"Let's rob those rich, big greedy corporations and business empires that won't give even a little percentage of their profits to charities. Rob the rich and give the money to the poor! This world of ours is already controlled by a few wealthy individuals, but the majority of the total population of the world were dirt poor. Many were struggling to even put a decent meal on their table," she continued her rant, with total seriousness in her eyes.

Adam looked at her ladylove astounded. "You're not serious, are you?"

She ignored his snide remarks. "I hated it when I saw street children, beggars, old people still working to their ripe age just to continue living, prostitutes who if given a decent job their lives will completely change," she continued with her rants.

"There are too many poor people living in this world, you can't help them all," he said.

She sighed. "You are right..."

"Seriously, if you will become a vampire and obtain great power one day, is this all you're going to do in the future? Rob banks and rob rich people to give their money to the poor?" he scratched his head in amazement.

When he looked at her, he did not like what he saw in her eyes, he saw a strange determination in her eyes.

"There's a ninety percent chance I will do it once I obtain great power," she firmly said.

Adam choked on his own saliva. "No, it's not a right thing to do, Jess. No matter how good your intention is, it simply won't do. It's not acceptable!" he argued.

She laughed. "Chill...I won't kill wealthy people, I will just rob some of their money and give them to the poor. I think it's fair enough."

He shook his head many times. "No. You can't do that! That is total madness!"

"That is why I don't want you to die, who will keep me sane? Only you can influence me. If you're already gone I will probably go ahead with everything I said today. That's it~if am going to be powerful someday," she said.

He smiled sadly. In any case, if she's telling the truth, then she is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode...

She fixed her glance in the distance. "I watched too many documentaries about poor people living in harsh conditions, abandoned children casualties of war, immigrants seeking asylums in other countries, some died trying. Terrorist blasting innocents people with bombs. Oh God, I have read and watched too many bad things online and I realized how lucky and sheltered we are. You and me, we live in this beautiful seven hectare land in peace and quiet no need to worry about money, we are provided with everything. That is how fortunate we are, while the majority of the population are struggling and governments of the world are too weak to help their own people. It's kind of maddening, super sad and chaotic world we live in."

He sighed again. "Here I am, thinking you watched makeup and fashion videos all day long just like any teenage girls do," he said wryly.

She pouted. "Am never interested with makeup, fancy dresses, and other girl's stuff obsession, just not my thing. I still watch movies though, but few in between. I am more interested in world news nowadays. I love watching documentaries, histories, discoveries and all that kind of stuff. It's kind of discovering a new world suddenly. Maybe because am getting older and I realized this world is heaven to a few but hell to many."

"You're really growing up fast, Jess," he mused. "So tell me, what will you do if you already obtain your powers?"

"I will annihilate all terrorist, shut down all tobacco and alcohol plants, hunt drug lords and kill them all, I want to eradicate drugs, all types of toxic drugs in this world. Drugs destroy people lives."

"Wait...w-hat? And why would you eradicate all of them? I can understand the terrorists and drug lords' part, but tobacco and alcohol-?" he sounded genuinely confused.

"In case you don't know, too much tobacco or cigarettes smoking caused cancer and alcohol distort human brain. People get drunk, drive and got into an accident and all bad stuff happens. Honestly, if we can't eliminate the source, the same problem occurs every single day to all parts of the world."

"Well, there is a thing called 'moderate consumption,' people need to remind themselves of that. You really don't need to eliminate those companies who are producing those products, it all depends with peoples self control." He contradicted her principles.

"You're wrong in that aspect-Adam, as long those companies existed, people are too weak to resist their products, they will get addicted sooner or later and they are too weak to control themselves, so it's better to eliminate the source." She's not slowing down with her rants.

Adam can't stop himself from grinning. "Why did we ended up with this kind of discussion in the first place, eh?" He caresses her cheeks with his thumb, thoroughly amused by her outburst. He was trying to find a way to stir her mind from those dark thoughts.

She smiled at him, she decided to change the topic. She can see he was getting bored. "By the way, what are you thinking mostly?"

"Am thinking of my family back home and my fellow vampires, we are one of the extinct species here on this planet. If something goes wrong, I will entirely blame myself. As you can see Jess, you are our only hope, our survival depends on you," he replied.

She hooked her arms around his neck and looked deep into his eyes. "Don't worry about it. I will save and protect your family and I will save all vampires under your father's command. I promised you that."

"Thanks...Jess. I know I can count on you," he hugged her.

"Let's go swimming!" she stood up and pulled Adam with her.

"It's a good day for swimming indeed!" he agreed.

They race downstairs and run towards the man-made lake, their merry laughter echoing behind them.


After dinner, Adam hangs out with Jessy in her room.

"Let's go malling!" she suddenly blurted out.

"Lol, it's just been five days since our last adventure. Seriously, you're too full of energy!" he chided her.

"It's one of my wishlist's, to walk hand in hand with you while strolling in the mall. I want to store more memories with you in my mind. Time flies too fast, I might wake up one day and you're no longer here by my side," she said sadly.

"Jess, we still got few more remaining years together," he reminded her.

"I know. But we need to do more as long there is an opportunity to do so, we shall create more memorable memories together," she insisted.

Adam gave up. "Okay, as you wish my dear," he finally relented.

"Yaay! We're going to the mall tonight!" she clapped her hands in great anticipation.

He pulled her in a tight hug and she melted in his arms.

"Aargh! Why I can't say no to you-Jess?" He buries his face into her neck.

"Because you love me," she said.

"...And you're abusing my love," he grumbled.

He seeks her mouth for a kiss, she avoided it.

"Not tonight Adam, I know where will this lead. Chances are we might not able to go to the mall after all...because this kiss will lead us somewhere. Am I right?" she tried to gauge his action.

He grinned. "You're smart, Jess." He stood and plant a quick kiss on her lips. "I will go downstairs and check if Nana already fell asleep. Then we will get ready and go to the mall."

At exactly 12:00 midnight...Nana already had fallen asleep and the lovebirds donned their black costumes.

Adam chooses the nearest mall, they arrived in the vicinity of the mall after 10 minutes.

There's a bench on the bus stop a few meters away from the mall. It's empty.

"Jess, stay here for a while. I will check out the guards and freeze them. I will also check out the CCTV cameras inside the mall and freeze them first before we can go inside, okay?"

She nodded, anticipation and excitement were building up inside her. Adam instantly disappears from her sight.

Five minutes later...he's back.

"Everything is ready, Jess. We can go in now," he hugged her tight and then they disappeared from the bench.

They landed on the second floor of the mall.

Jess' face broke into a big grin. "Yes, we did it! We're finally here!" she exclaimed triumphantly.

They went into the empty arcade, they checked out empty food stalls, and they went inside the movie theater.

"Lol, we have the mall to ourselves-Jess," he was grinning.

"Let's go to the third floor!" she yelled.

Since the escalator was not working, they climb the stairs. They check out the shoes, bags, and apparel section for men and women. Jessy was all smiles. She tries on some of the women's trendy hats and runs her hand in the fabric of the dresses hanging on the rack.

Only a few lights were on inside the mall. It's a bit gloomy inside.

A few minutes later...They rested on the bench in front of the fast foods restaurant section.

"You're hungry?" Adam looked at Jessy, he motioned his head into the fast food restaurant in front of them, they both laughed.

"So, this is how it feels if you are trapped in the mall," she commented.

Adam chuckled. "We are not trapped, we sneaked inside on our own free will," he corrected her.

"Yeah. Come on, let's check the grocery store section!" They sauntered inside the grocery section and checked out the items in every rack.

A few moments later they exited the grocery section.

"Are we not done yet?" Adam said. There's a hint of boredom in his voice.

"Let's go home now!" she finally said.

"About time," he murmured and hugged Jess tight.

After a few seconds, they were back on the bench outside the mall.

"Stay here a bit and I will unfreeze the guards and the CCTV cameras," he said and disappeared from her eyes.

So, that was her malling experience with Adam, kind of weird and a bit gloomy, maybe because of the absence of people inside the mall, but it's still an interesting kind of experience for them, Jess' thought to herself.

She almost screamed when suddenly~someone hugged her from behind. "It's me," Adam whispered in her ears.

"Wheww, you scared me!" she pouted.

"So, hows the malling adventure?" he smiled cheekily.

"It's weird," she answered.

"Weird indeed. Okay, let's go home now," he hugged her again and they disappeared from the site.


Two days later...

They were eating lunch together.

"I will go home for a while, Nana," he said out of the blue.

Four sets of eyes looked at him in unison.

"Where's home?" said Jessy, her eyebrows rose.

A frown appeared on Nana Aida's forehead. "What do you mean, Adam?"

"My parents summoned me to go home for a while, I will be gone for three days max, I will be back after three days," he said with a smile on his lips.

"You looked excited," said Nana Aida. "When are you leaving?"

"Tonight. I am looking forward to going home, I miss them all!" his happy countenance is blinding.

Jessy went silent. For some unknown reason, the news of him going home does not sit well with her. She finished her food in silence.

After lunch, they went into the swing.

Adam felt her deafening silence. "You okay, Jess?"

"Why do I have this feeling that you will never come back?" said Jessy.

Adam smiled at her. "That is nonsense, Jess. I will come back. I won't survive being gone away from you for a long time."

"C-can I come with you?" she asked.

Adam shook his head. "Hmmm, I think it's not possible at this time. Am sorry-Jess."

"Okay. I understand," she keeps to herself her worries and doubts.

That night, she sleeps in Adams' room, she hugged him tight, as if it will be the last time she will ever see him. She dreaded that something bad is going to happen.

Adam consoled her ladylove. "Come on, cheer up, Jess. I will be back as soon as possible." He rubbed her back gently.

No matter what he says, she can't shake that bad feeling that something bad is going to happen...

"Let me sleep first before you go, okay?" she murmured.

"Okay. I will hold you until you fall asleep," he replied.

When Jessy finally falls asleep. Adam slowly disengages from her embrace. He donned his black costume, he kissed Jess' forehead and disappears into the night.

The next day...

When Jessy wakes up in the morning, Adam was no longer beside her, he's gone.

She felt empty.

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