The Last Embrace

Chapter 241 Attack Plan!

Jagger had already unfrozen himself, and obviously, the mortal guy that was supposed to be his hostage to lure the identity of the one responsible for freezing him was already gone. Those intruders were gone, back to where they belong.

He was curious about the identity of the powerful being that can easily freeze him, too bad he can't retaliate because the enemy was always hidden behind its invisible form.

The night was getting deeper and a few hours from now the daylight will begin and floods the entire forest, he'd better go back to the cave, he hovered above the trees going back to his domain.

Inside the cave.

He lies down in his bed.

He feels awful and lonely now that he was the only one living inside the cave. He was craving for everyone's presence.

He must do something to avenge his fallen clan members! In the last few days, he already formulated a plan in his mind, with this plan he can fulfill his revenge and bring havoc to the Facility, he might not succeed 100% to eliminate his enemies but at least he can inflict great damage and fear into the heart of his enemies.

In the next full moon, he will gather all his minions and launch a surprise attack to the Facility and he will include the Habitat as well.

Time for reckoning is coming!

Those who massacres his people will suffer death in his hands. On the night of his attack, he will try to slaughter as many enemies as possible even if he will die trying. The voices of his fallen clan members were whispering in his ears urging him to avenge them.

He still has several days before the next full moon, he needs a lot of preparations to do and wise planning to ensure smooth execution.

He previously planned to go back to his brother's hideout and convinced his brother to launch an attack on their enemies, but he was hesitating because once his brother knew that all those who followed him already perished he will surely get angry at him and punished him instead and throw him into the dungeon and it might take years for him to get out free if he is lucky.

He and his brother have a different ideology. After their parents died because of the war against the other vampire clan, they settled in the mountains far from the civilization to establish a safe distance from the enemies, his brother just wants to live a peaceful life with the rest of their surviving clan.

In short, his older brother avoids war and wants to live in peace.

But Jagger promised his parents to avenge their death, he has to!

That's why he persuaded those vampires who are clamoring for revenge and brought them to the cave where he was supposed to lead them to attack the Facility. Too bad, they were killed before they can even launch an attack on their enemies hideout.

It's like he just strings them along with him to lead them to their death, the guilt he felt was so great only revenge can fill that huge void in his heart.

It's the most shameful defeat he had encounter in the hands of his enemies, his men were defeated reduced to zero, they were unprepared, without even had the chance to fight back it's something that is very hard to swallow down his throat.

He had decided that he would rather die alone on his crusade to seek revenge on his enemies than go back to his brother to ask for refuge and reinforcement.

Now that his mind and heart were beating for one common goal, there is only one way to go, attack the Facility and die proud of himself!

He closed his eyes and remembered so well the last word her mother had told them while she was lying in the ground a few minutes from her death trying to save her husband from the hands of the enemies.

"My beloved children, please do not take revenge for us, our death should put an end to this war. I'd been trying to convince your father to stop the war against the other vampire clan but he won't listen to me, his savage vampire origin always gets in the way of his thinking, he can't control his blood lust and barbaric way of torturing humans which are the source of our own existence, he has no respect for other form of life, even though I love your father so much, I failed to change his evil ways, I consider myself a failure...when you grow old do not attempt to take revenge, instead, live your life in peace with your families...revenge and hatred will only lead to more war and countless's a never-ending cycle..."

Tears were streaming down on his older brother's face as he was holding his mother's bloody limp hands.

"I promised mother, I won't seek revenge on the enemies, I will live in peace with our people, I will guide them and try not to encourage hatred and revenge in their heart," Roden said clasping his mother's hands.

The dying woman shifted her gaze to her other son, Jagu. "Son, promise me you won't seek revenge, okay? I want you and your brother to live in peace one day, there is no good outcome in war and vengeance, it will only cause a never-ending death and miseries, this earth is only worth living if we all respect one another and leave in you understand me, Jagu?"

Jagu didn't reply to his mother's dying wishes, instead, he kept his head down 'coz he was trying hard to conceal the hatred and fury that was growing rapidly inside his heart. He will avenge her mother and father's death one day when he is old enough to lead his own men to attack the enemies.

As her mother was holding his hand firmly, he can slowly feel her grip on his hand loosening...she was fading away and it's very painful to see his beloved mother dying before his very eyes and he was powerless to save her, but he doesn't want her mother see him crying in front of her, he wants her to see that he was brave to the very end. He will cry a river tonight in his bed but not in front of his dying mother.

When Roden starts crying hysterically that's when Jagu realized that his mother had passed away. He bit his lip, no, he can't show weakness right now, he has to carry on nurturing that hatred and vengeance in his heart so that one day he can finally avenge his parents' death.'s the same hatred that killed the men and women who believe in him.

He sucks big time being a leader!

He failed in so many ways that life is not worth living anymore unless he can bring completion to his revenge.

He's willing to die with his crusade as long he can also kill as many enemies as he can, then he can finally die in peace and follow his beloved mother and father to their grave and beyond.

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