The Last Embrace

Chapter 245 Danger

Jessy was walking absentmindedly into the direction of the clinic, she was thinking of Zain's options, none of his proposals can end her dilemma, it will only put her in a difficult problem later on. His first option is ridiculous! She would never share her body with the two brothers! She can only love one brother and that is Adam. Serving two men in bed is kind of gross...Ewww... and worst they are brothers! end of discussion.

She caught a glimpse of the queen about to enter her study room, the queen paused, and then glanced over her shoulder and saw her...

Queen Margaret summoned her to come into the study room, she nodded her head in understanding, she ambled towards the room.

Inside the study room.

She greeted her mother-in-law. "Good evening, Mother!" she settled comfortably on the sofa.

"Good evening to you, Jess!" the queen replied.

"What is it, Mother?" she asked.

"This concerns with the rescued mortals, I will start erasing memory this coming Friday, did you already pick who among them will be the first to go back home?" the queen asked.

Jessy was silent for a moment, she had not visited them again yet, sigh. "Hmm...honestly I have no idea who to pick first, but I will choose one out of the healthy ones so that we can start sending them back to their families one by one," Jessy replied.

"Okay, get that human ready, I will erase his or her memory this coming Friday," the queen said.

"Thanks, Mother, I will get the human ready on Friday," Jessy said.

"That's all for now, child. You can go back now to the clinic," Queen Margaret said.

"Goodnight, Mother," Jessy bid goodbye to her mother-in-law and left the room heading towards her destination.

Inside the clinic.

One of Antonia's ward was already inside lying in the bed.

They smiled at each other.

She settled into the clinic bed right away so that the blood transfusion can finally start. While the doctor was inserting the needle in her veins, she was in deep thoughts again.

Dang! She nearly forgot about the rescued humans. She was thinking to get their information and their address in the city, then visit their address first, then brings the humans later to their homes...after the memories have been erased. Now that she already had an initial plan, she will just carry them out this Friday or do some investigating the day before and see if she can think of a better plan. The best time to bring them back to their homes is during night time. Tomorrow during her breaks between blood transfusion she will visit the humans and explained to them how things will unfold after they will be taken out of the Facility.

She will start with the first four healthy mortals until all of them will finally be return to where they rightfully belong.

But first thing first, she needs to see Adam tonight and bring him to the Facility, it's her immediate concern for tonight. She has no idea when will Jagger launch a surprise attack on them so they should be well prepared.

One hour later...

The blood transfusion with the girl was finished. The young girl was taken to another room for observation.

Jessy got off the bed and went to her room for an hour rest. She was lying in her bed shutting her eyes for napping. Only one blood transfusion left for tonight then she can finally go to Adam's condo and tell him about her plan so that he can make a shield for the Facility and Habitat, it's top on the list of her agenda. A feeling of uneasiness gnawed on her stomach since she had seen Jagger pointed a knife on Zain's neck. Jagger is a danger lurking in the shadow that can not be ignored.

One hour passed.

She got up from the bed and left her room, strolling back towards the clinic.

She met Princess Abigail in the hallway.

The princess smiled broadly at Jessy. "Hi, Jess! Where are you going?"

"I'm going back to the clinic for the last blood transfusion for tonight," she answered.

"Ah, okay...go on. I won't keep you for long," the princess replied.

"Thanks for giving Antonia and the kids a children's book, it helps the children's mind occupied," Jessy said.

"Ah—that one, don't mention it. I'm just thinking about what can make those children stay busy, so I come up with those ideas. Thank you also for bringing back Hannah and my brother Zain back in the Facility. Your help is greatly appreciated by me," said Princess Abigail.

"You know I will comb the entire forest just to find them. Just make sure they can no longer go out of the Facility from now on because it's dangerous outside especially that your brother is already a powerless mortal," she reminded her.

Princess Abigail nodded her head. "I understand, Jess. Don't worry it won't happen again, I'm just being careless, I know better now," she said.

Jessy wants to make sure that Princess Abigail will not allow the couple to get out of the Facility ever again. She has to tell her the terrifying truth about her brother nearly killed by the leader of the savage.

"I will tell you something, Abi. When I'm in the forest looking for your brother, he was held hostage by the leader of the savage, he was frozen and that guy pointed a knife on Zain's neck. Your brother was almost killed on that night but I was able to save him before any bad things can happen to him, I'm just lucky I was able to freeze the guy on time, but I'm not sure if your brother will be lucky to avoid death next time if you will still allow him and Hannah to go out. That is why I'm warning you, you shouldn't be lenient with them, okay?" she looked into the girl's eyes wanting her to see how serious she is.

"Oh my!" Princess Abigail's reaction registered shock, she did not expect that her brother will encounter danger in the forest. She was expecting everything is alright and her brother was just exploring the forest, the thoughts of danger didn't cross her mind since Hannah was with his brother and no matter what happens Hannah will protect her brother. "Why Hannah did not tell me everything about the danger they encounter in the forest?" she asked.

"Because that guy has been lurking in the dark waiting for the right timing to attack your brother and Hannah, it so happened that I saw him first and freeze him before he can do anything, but if I didn't arrive on time the outcome would have been not let them get out the Facility ever again, okay—Abi?" Jessy said.

"Okay, I promise, I'm sorry I didn't know about what happened in the forest," Princess Abigail can't still get over the shock, because of her carelessness, her older brother was trapped into a deadly situation. She only has herself to blame.

Jessy patted the girl's slumped shoulder. "Your brother is already a powerless mortal and the forest is teeming with danger in every turn, better be safe than sorry. I will proceed now to the clinic. Good night, Abi!" she said.

She continues walking towards the clinic.

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