The Last Embrace

Chapter 249 Very Sad!

Jessy flagged a taxi cab and instructed the driver to take her to the nearest subway. A few minutes later, she arrived at the subway and boarded the train that would take her to the next city.

The travel to the next city only took one hour.

After emerging from the subway, she boarded a taxi and gave the address to the cabbie.

Thirty minutes later, the cabbie dropped her in the entrance, in front of the guardhouse at an opulent neighborhood called Oasis Village. The houses there are nice looking compared to the place where Virgie's parents live, if she can describe the neighborhood in a few words, she can very well say that this place is where the middle-class and upper-class lived.

There is one minor problem though, the guard won't let her in especially that she was not able to bring any identification cards with her.'s now time to use her power.

She walked away from the guardhouse to find a dark corner somewhere. She found a tree and hide behind it, then she transformed herself into her invisible form.

Problem solved! She can now roam inside the neighborhood freely without being seen by anyone. She hovered in the air and entered the place passing above the guardhouse and above the trees.

After a few minutes of searching, she finally found the Orchard St. The number of the first house on the left side of the street coincides with the address Martina had given her. She examined the house, it's a 3-bedroom bungalow house.

She can't ring the doorbell because Virgie's ex-husband might start asking her question, chances are she won't be able to give any credible explanation to him why she suddenly appeared on his doorsteps in the middle of the night and poses the risk of getting apprehended by the guards or be taken to the police station for questioning due to trespassing.

Well...the only way to see if the children are alright is to go inside the house without the owner's permission and knowledge.

She did just that, she passed through the main door of the house ignoring the doorbell.

Inside the house, she found her way in the living room, the light still on, she went to see the picture frame in the cabinet showing a couple happily kissing and hugging each other, the guy must be Virgie's ex-husband and his new woman.

She shifted her gaze to the left side. She saw three bedroom doors. Which is the children's room?

She went inside the first's dark inside, it looks like no one is using it. She exited the room and went inside the second room, what she saw inside made her smile a bit...oh...lala!

The bedside lampshade was burning brightly and there was a naked couple in the bed in the act of doing sexual intercourse. Their moaning, panting and grunting were getting louder filling the room with an erotic atmosphere.

As the man kept thrusting against the lower region of the woman, Jessy exited the room, she's not here to watch a live sex show, dang! she's here to see Virgie's children!

After exiting the couple's room, she entered the last room.

The last room had its light on and a television was playing a cartoon show.

When her eyes fully grasp what's inside the room.

Oh God...she gasps in shock!

What's with that foul smell?

It was shocking!

What she saw inside the room...made her want to vomit.

And the smell is so horrible!

The room is reeking with the smell of urine and feces.

The two children aged between five and six were sitting in the bed, munching on a loaf of bread, their sunken cheeks and eyes were fixated on the cartoon show they were watching. They looked so thin...and so dirty!

Below the bed are mountains of dirty diapers, trash such as cellophane wrappers, styrofoam boxes from take-out foods, dirty clothes were lying everywhere. The room is complete trash and not habitable for humans, dammit! the filthy surrounding is not fit for children!

Grrrr! Her blood was boiling!

Jessy was beyond pissed! What are those two adults doing in the other room? They just engaged in sex all day and all night long and letting the children fend for themselves?

So disgusting adults!

So irresponsible!

Where are their hearts and conscience?

She was fuming in rage!

It looks like the room has not been cleaned for a long time and the lazy adults just feed the children anything from take-outs, delivery and bread, at least she saw water bottle on the bedside table. She was furious that the children have been taken away from their grandparents to be brought here only to be abandoned like a piece of trash.

This is not acceptable!

How long has this been going on?

She'd never experience like this before, as her heart was bleeding due to the horrible situations the children have been subjected to and at the same time she wants to punish somebody...very badly!

She wanted to kill someone tonight!

Her rage was so great that her nostrils were flaring...

She will go there inside that room where the couple was making love and drag them to the room and let them see how pitiable the condition of the children. But they already knew of course! They live in the same house with the children!

She can't believe Virgie's ex-husband allowed all these to happen to his very own children! What kind of father is he!?

Damn! She can no longer control her anger!

She was about to storm out of the room.

But...wait a minute...dragging them here in the room won't solve the problem. She wants the kids to be back in their grandparent's care so that when Virgie will be reunited with them her happiness will be complete.

Hmm...violence won't solve the problem but she wants the two adults to be punished for their negligence!

She stormed into the couple's room!

When she arrived there, the couple were already done romping, they were looking at each other and now Jessy can finally see the man's face and she was surprised to see the man's face clearly, he doesn't look like the one she saw in the photo frame!


Who is he!?"

She went closer to the couple who are talking to each other, wanting to hear what they were talking about.

The guy leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on the woman's forehead. "I will go back now to my house, my wife will arrive soon after two hours," he said.

The woman smiled seductively touching the man's face. "When are you going to leave your wife? I don't like living in this house anymore, I hate taking care of those children! This is not the life I have signed for when I decided to live with Peter. I hate his children! Can you just leave your wife and let's live together somewhere far from here? Please, sweetheart..." she pleaded to him with sultry eyes.

"Okay sweetheart, I will divorce my wife after two months, then we will live together. But how about Peter?" he asked.

"I will leave him after he will come home next month," the woman replied.

"Okay, that's good!" he said. He murmured into her ears. "Let's do it one more time before I go home..."

The woman smiled alluringly at the naked guy and spreads her legs open wide.

The guy shifted on top of the woman and they were about to begin shagging again.

Jessy's right hand moved and freeze the couple instantly.

If her guess was right, the guy is a neighbor or just someone enamored by the woman's beauty,

Bringing the kids back to their grandparent's place is too easy...

Killing and punishing the couple is also easy...

But there is a better solution, she will do it the proper way.

Jessy grinned and picked up the telephone handset on the bedside table. She dialed the 911 number.


"Yes...what's you're emergency?"

"Please come immediately, at Oasis Village ...Orchard St. First house on the left...two children were being neglected in a room filled with dirty diapers and trash...they were so thin and has not been feed well, please come immediately!" then Jessy put the phone back to its cradle.

She will wait for the policemen to arrive...she went to the main door and opened it a little bit for easy access by the police officers.

Twenty minutes later, the police car arrived and they rung the doorbell of the house since no one was responding they tried to push the opened easily...they went inside and began inspecting the rooms.

The first room is empty.

They went to the second room and saw the naked couple in the act of having sexual intercourse...they closed back the door slowly and one of the policemen went to the 3rd room while the other one remains guarding the couple's room.

"Jesus Christ!" the policeman who entered the 3rd room exclaimed in shock.

"What is it!" the policeman rushed to the room and discovered the reason why his comrade's face can not be described in words.

"Let's call the ambulance!" said one of the policemen.

Jessy waited for the ambulance to arrive, when the vehicle finally arrived, she went back to the couple's room and unfreeze them.

She had done her part, now it's the police officers' turn.

Time to go!

She teleported into the Facility right outside the clinic, she went inside in a hurry...she murmured an apology to the doctor for being late, she immediately lies down in the clinic bed and stared at Antonia's ward in the next bed with tears in her eyes.

She sighed in frustrations, no children should suffer horribly under any circumstances!

It's very sad.

For some unfortunate children, this world becomes a cruel place to live in.

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