The Last Embrace

Chapter 258 Reminiscence

Three days later.

Late afternoon.

Jessy and Adam decided to visit Nana Aida and Grandpa Waldo. They were curious how the two folks were doing? Will they able to work in harmony together or there's a conflict between them considering that it's their first time working together?

Jessy waited for Adam to finish taking his shower in the bathroom.

A few minutes later he comes out of the door drying his hair dry with the towel.

Done with dressing, they are ready to go.

"Wait for a second..." Jessy remembered that she was supposed to make earrings, bracelet, and anklet out of the gold nuggets that her father had given her. She took out the fifteen gold nuggets from her sling bag and placed it on Adam's hands.

Adam asked, "What is it? Are you going to give me gold?" he frowned.

"No. When my father gives me a pouch of gold I told him that I want to make a golden earring, bracelet, and anklet. So, if you know of a jeweler who can make that jewelry for me, then please bring these gold nuggets to that store, okay?" Jessy explained.

" problem, Jess. I will bring to you the finished product two weeks later," he said and put the gold nuggets in the drawer of his bedside table.

"You are not busy nowadays?" she asked.

"Yeah, sort of. I just have a couple of mall tours promoting products that I'm endorsing such as men's clothing, men's shoes, sandals, perfumes and etcetera, all within this week," he answered.

"Okay, so what do you think the status of Nana Aida and Grandpa Waldo today? Will they hit it off?" asked Jessy.

"I guess they are doing fine together, but we will know after we arrived there, shall we?" he opened his palm and Jessy put her hand in his.

They teleported into the mansion in Adam's room.

They transformed into their invisible form.

He slowly opened the window of his room because it feels stuffy inside since the fresh air can't enter and circulate the whole area.

Adam saw something in the swing. "Oh...lala! Jess, look at that!"

Jessy peered at the open window and saw two people in the swing!

"See—what I mean?" Adam grinned, feeling amused.

"Wow!" Jessy beamed. Grandpa Waldo was pushing the swing and Nana Aida was sitting pretty in the swing, smiling.

A moment later, Grandpa Waldo was no longer pushing Nana Aida, instead, he sat on the other swing and together they swing up and down, they were enjoying the company of each other, laughing and smiling.

"I remembered once that Caden was shipping them—? What do you think?" Adam looked at Jessy.

"Lol, don't be malicious, it's clear to me that they were just having fun and there is no romance involved," Jessy reasoned out.

"I guess you are right, besides they are too old for romance stuff, but if they do then there's no problem since they are both single," Adam muses. "If they will fall for each other, we could be attending their wedding a few months from now. Looks like they will get married before us," he joked.

Jessy pinched Adam's side. "You overthink things so much!"

"Let's keep watching them, and let's make a bet if they kiss you lose and if they don't then I lose," Adam said wickedly.

Jessy was trying hard not to laugh aloud. "Okay, I'm sure you lose this time."

Fifteen minutes later.

Nana Aida and Grandpa Waldo were now slowing in the swing, then they completely stopped and left the swing without kissing each other.

Jessy laughed. "You lose!"

"Yeah...I guess you are right, they were just friends," Adam chuckled and scratches his head.

"Since you lose, you have to reward me," she said.

"And what do you want, my pumpkin?" he grinned.

"Let's visit the downtown tonight after I finished blood transfusion at eleven in the evening," she said.

Adam's brows knitted together. "And what we'll do at eleven in the evening? All the stores are already closed by that time, the only establishments that are open during that time are the 24/7 store, disco pub, and bar houses. Don't tell me, you want to go to a disco bar?" he said.

"Well, why not? Let's go to a bar then and listen to some nice music played by a live band and then strolled in the deserted street holding hands, isn't that romantic?"

"Okay, as you say my love, anything you want I will give it to you," he said and kissed Jessy's lips.

Her eyes sparkled in adoration for him. "I love it when you always humor my wishes. Come, let's go to my room and let's watch our photo album," she said.

They exited Adam's room and went to Jessy's room.

Inside, they hopped into the bed and flipped on the pages of the album where the vivid memory of their young sweet love was documented on every page.

"Gosh! I'm so ugly back then," Adam commented.

"Yeah, you are ugly before, but I fell in love with you, I must be blind," she said jokingly and giggled.

Adam chuckled and pinched her nose. "No regrets then—?"

"No regrets!" Jessy nodded her head and kissed his mouth. "Even if you're ugly I will keep loving you," she looked deeply into his eyes.

"Me too, even if I wasn't resurrected from death I will keep loving you beyond the grave," he declared wholeheartedly.

They were silent for a moment, listening to the sound of their breathing, relieving those dark moments of their past when they were momentarily separated by death, that was the most painful moment of their lives when hope can never be found. And this room witnessed those dark moments of their young love being torn apart, this is the place where Adam took his last breath.

Adam looked at Jessy. "You still remember everything that happened here on the day I died?" he asked her.

"Yeah...that was very sad and very painful for me. My heart also died that day. I never thought we will see each other again," Jessy sighed deeply carried away by the painful memories of their past.

"But I was resurrected by your blood, Jess, which means we are meant to be. You and I belong to each other," Adam said.

"Yeah, we defy the odds together and here we are closer and more in love to each other than ever before," she snuggled closer into his body and Adam enveloped his beloved into his sweet embrace.

After enjoying each other's body warmth, it's now time for the couple to go back to their respective places.

"Don't forget our date tonight!" she said.

Adam placed a lingering kiss on Jessy's lips, and they shared a passionate kiss.

After their lips parted, it's time to go their separate ways.

They began the teleportation process and disappeared from the room instantly.

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