The Last Embrace

Chapter 273 Charming Smile

One week later. Gavin Sanders and Caden were back in the mall for the continuation of the perfume promotion.

Gavin has to sign a total of three hundred autographs today, but he can't be in a slacking mode because his loyal fans were lining up religiously and waiting patiently for their turn to have a photo with him. From time to time, Gavin would glance at his fans and smile at them graciously. He knew that by showing them his charming smile, it would take away the boredom and tiredness of the fans' faces and made them excited and happy because they felt cheered by their idol.

Caden was helping the staff in making sure that fans would not stay longer in front of Gavin so that the event would progress smoothly and everyone will have an equal chance to take photos with their idol.

While they were allowed to take photos together with their idol it must be done quickly so as not to take so much time.

A total of fifty fans have already gotten their autographs and photos with Gavin and they were having #hashtag in their social media accounts praising Gavin for his professionalism in dealing positively with the demands of his fans, not an ounce of tiredness can be seen from his face, his sunny smile put everyone at ease.

Caden was following the shout out in Gavin's official social media account, he likes the glowing praises the fans were showering on their idol. He looked at his friend Gavin, he was all smile at the people in front of them.

It's one of the best things why advertisers love Gavin Sanders because he is not a pain to work with, and he is hardworking. He is the type of guy that doesn't have tantrums and not moody.

Gavin and the store manager had an agreement that for every one hundred autographs signed...Gavin has to have a twenty minutes break in between before resuming the autographs signing.

There was a cafe in front of the perfume store and a woman was sitting on one of the tables, directly facing Gavin's table while he was signing autographs, that woman was no other than the leader of the women who tried to drug Gavin in the store owner's mansion. She was busy taking videos of Gavin from afar but has no plan to get his autograph. She preferred to gawk at him from a distance so that she can study him better. She will just take pictures and videos of Gavin until she will get tired.

Forty-five minutes later.

The first one hundred fans had finally got their autographs and their photos. Feeling satisfied and happy, some of them stayed in the sideline to continue watching their idol...while the others resumed their shopping inside the mall.

Gavin and Caden went to the storage area of the perfume store to take a break and have some light snacks.

While sipping their cold refreshing soda and munching on Spinach Pizza with Bacon, they didn't engage in any conversation, their focus was on the food.

When the pizza was nearly done...

Caden spoke. "Bro, two hundred more fans to go before we can go home, are you still up for it?"

Gavin looked at Caden. "Yeah...why not...I'm not doing any stressful job, just signing an autograph and smiling with the fans, is not a heavy job. Before we knew it we are done," he said.

"Okay, glad to know you're keeping up with your fans and eager to humor them. You can always stop the autograph singing anytime and just throw some emergency reason why you can no longer continue the autograph signing, I'm sure the fans will love you still, although they will get disappointed for sure," Caden said.

"Nah, I don't want them looking dejected and going home empty-handed, so I will carry on signing their much-coveted autographs," Gavin explained. "After all it's not every day that I'm going to do this," he added.

"You are indeed a very professional idol, bro! Because you care for your fans genuinely," Caden said. He eyed the one remaining pizza in the platter.

"You finished that one, bro. I'm going back in there and continue the autograph signing." Gavin stood up and left the storage room to resume his duties outside.

Gavin was now on the second set of his autograph signing when a mild earthquake was so mild and ended quickly that the people didn't mind it at all.

Gavin was aware of the earthquake. He continues signing autographs but also mindful of the earthquake, thinking it might come back again in much higher intensity.

Two hours later...the earthquake didn't return.

Gavin finished the second only one hundred more to go and they will be going home.

During his break time, Gavin and Caden eat a sumptuous dinner in a nearby restaurant. They ordered Grilled Pork Loin with Chimichurri sauce and a platter of seafood's which consist of grilled squid, shellfish, prawns and crabs mixed with leafy vegetables adorning the dish.

Thirty minutes later.

Caden enjoyed their dinner so much that he did not leave any morsel on his plate and finished all that was left in the seafood platter after Gavin stopped eating because his tummy can no longer take any foods.

The restaurant offers unlimited rice and ice tea and Caden loves it. It's already Caden's third glass of refreshing ice tea.

"Oh God, I'm so hungry earlier that I finished everything!" Caden commented.

Gavin smiled, amused.

Caden looked at the empty plates. "God said, that we shouldn't waste any food especially the delicious mouthwatering pricey dishes because a lot of people in the world can't even eat a decent meal every day," he stated.

"You are right bro, looks like you are a very obedient disciple," Gavin chuckled while looking at the empty platter and plates in front of them.

Caden snorted feeling good with himself. "That's why God won't regret me having as his disciple because I will follow all his teachings obediently, especially when it comes to food..." a lopsided smile appeared on his lips.

They erupted in a burst of laughter.

A few minutes later, it's now time to leave the restaurant, they stood up and left the place going back to the perfume store. Gavin caught sight of the woman wearing a red dress inside the cafe, he recognized her as the woman who drugged him in the mansion.

Their eyes met.

Gavin no longer paid attention to the woman and went back to the table and resumed autograph signing.

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