The Last Embrace

Chapter 292 Lot's Of Tickets!

Jessy was all smile when she entered her mother's office.

Sarah raised her brows wondering why her daughter was looking happy today. "Did you woke up on the right side of the bed or swallowed the pill of happiness today, my child?"

"Hello Mom! Good afternoon!" she grinned.

Jessy put her laptop on the table, power on the lappy and waited to be connected to the WiFi. Then she emptied the contents of the brown envelope into the surface of the table, then she began counting the tickets just to make sure it was indeed 333 total.

"Oh, wow! So many lotto tickets!" Sarah reacted in amazement upon seeing many lotto tickets in the table. "Did you buy all these—Jessy?"

"Yes, I bought all these tickets last night while I'm in the city," Jessy replied.

"But why—?" Sarah was puzzled, she can't understand why her daughter will buy so many lotto tickets.

"The jackpot money last night was $200 million dollars. Of course, I want to be a millionaire, Mom!" she beamed.

Sarah scratches her head finding her daughter's action today, weird. "Really?"

Jessy looked at her mother, amused of her reaction. "Nah, I'm just kidding, Mom. I bought all these hoping to win the jackpot so that I can help Olivia and her mentally ill son. They're poor and she works as prostitute selling her body to men so that she can provide food to her son. I want to help her and changed her life for the better!" she declared.

"Ah...I see!" Sarah finally understood everything. "So—you want to help someone to get rich. I thought you bought it for yourself," she said.

"Now you know mother dearest. Helping Olivia and her son is the reason why I bought all these tickets. Wish me good luck, Mom! I need to win the jackpot!" Jessy said.

"Okay, good luck daughter!" Sarah humored her daughter.

Jessy looked at her mother. "Mom, can you please check what is the winning number on last night's draw?" she asked.

"Okay. Do you also want to know if there is a winner already and where the winner bought his or her ticket?" Sarah asked her daughter.

"No! Just the winning number please. I might not be able to finish checking the rest of the numbers if there is already a winner. I don't want to get disappointed," Jessy grinned.

Sarah was amused. She opened the Lotto Website and checked the winning number of last night's draw, then she wrote the winning number in a piece of paper, then gave the paper to her daughter. "Here it is, the winning number!"

Jessy took the piece of paper and put it in front of her. She began to work, comparing her tickets and the winning number if there is a match.

Sarah turned her attention back to her work while glancing at her daughter's face from time to time.

Thirty minutes later.

Jessy already finish checking one hundred tickets and nothing made a match yet!


"This is frustrating, Mom!" she pouted.

Sarah raised her brows amused. "Why—? What's wrong?" she asked.

"Out of 100 tickets, nothing comes close to the winning number!" Jessy retorted.

Sarah laughed. "Keep still have 233 more...maybe the last ticket will match," she said.

"Okay," Jessy throws back her attention to the task infront of her, checking the next one hundred tickets.

A moment later.

Jessy stood up and stretch her stiff body for a few minutes... then back again checking the tickets.

Twenty minutes later.

Jessy was getting disappointed. She had already checked a total of two hundred tickets and no match yet, sometimes only two numbers will match, sometimes only one and most of the times no matches at all. "This is...terrible!" she blurted out her frustration.

Sarah smiled and patted her daughters shoulder. "Hey...don't be so frustrated. Playing lotto is like  gambling, there is no guarantee you will win. Sometimes people play lotto all their life and died without winning anything, that is how it is. Winning lotto is like next to zero chance so don't let it affect you my child. Playing lotto is a game of chance, a game of luck. Please don't take it seriously, okay?"

"Ok," Jessy nods her head.

"I will help you..." Sarah grabs some of the tickets that has not been checked yet so that she can help her daughter finish checking all the tickets quickly.

Fifteen minutes later.

They were done checking all the tickets.

Out of 333 tickets not a single ticket match the winning numbers.

"Oh, this is so sad!" Jessy exclaimed, annoyed.

Sarah laughed a little. "Cheer up, my child. You still can help your friend, Olivia—" she said.

"What is your suggestion, Mom?" Jessy asked curiosly.

"You can ask your father for some gold and give it to Olivia," Sarah suggested. "With just a few gold nuggets, it can already uplift your friend's living condition."

Jessy drummed her fingers on the surface of the table. "That is the last on my list, Mom. I doubt if father will give me another pouch of gold since he already give me one previously..."

"Oh, so what did you do with the previous pouch of gold?" Sarah asked.

"I give them to the poor and needy people I met along the way of my adventure," Jessy answered and grinned.

"You are very generous, my child!" Sarah commented.

"It's called...Share your blessing... Mom," Jessy replied cheekily.

"Don't worry, I will ask your father for some gold if he will refuse to give you. He can't say no to me," Sarah said positively just to brighten her daughter's gloomy countenance.

Jessy smiled mischievously. "Nah, thanks your offer, Mom! I already found a way how to make Olivia a rich woman," she said grinning.

Sarah lifted an eyebrow. "Eh?—how?"

Jessy whispered something in her mother's ears.

Sarah's eyes widened. "No! You can't do that! That's cheating!" she reprimanded her daughter.

Jessy laughed heartily. "Huh? Cheating? Why it's called cheating? All the winning numbers in lotto games are drawn randomly and the winners are also one will know who is the winner until all the numbers were drawn..."

"But you are going to use your power to manipulate the winnig numbers, and that is wrong!" Sarah persisted.

Jessy grinned. "Jeez, Mom! I'm not going to rob anyone. I'm just going to tweak the outcome of the draw to my favor. No one will find whatever the outcome of the draw will be considered legit. Someone will always why can't Olivia be the winner? I'm doing a good deed in favor of someone who needed financial help badly, I'm not gonna grab the winnings myself. My tweaking of the result is for somebody else's bright future, especially for Iggy, for that poor mentally ill boy. See...Mom? I'm doing it for somebody else...not for myself," she defended her reason.

Sarah released a deep sigh. "Are you really going to do it—?"

Jessy nodded her head. "Yes, I will!"

Sarah massaged her temple. "My child, you can't do this all the time, using your power to satisfy your whim..." she was trying to sway her daughter's decision. She doesn't approved what was brewing on her daughter's mind.

"Mother dearest...I'm not going to kill anyone. I'm just trying to win a lotto jackpot for somebody else. Please don't start poking at my conscience, Mom!" Jessy pleaded.

"Okay fine!" Sarah finally relented. "So, how are you going do it? Do you know that the security is very tight during the actual lotto wanna see one?"

"Yes, I wanna see one!" Jessy said aloud.

Sarah clicked the youtube channel and typed in the search lotto was drawn...and pressed enter. Many video result appeared based on the search key words, she played the first video.

Jessy watched intently the entire video, from the moment the lotto Chairperson walked inside the room, picked up the lotto balls from the attache case and put it in the transparent enclosure box where the lotto were drawn...and everything were explained clearly...including how the balls were moving in frenzy while being blown by the air pressure inside, the balls were moving in every direction trying to enter the cylinder tube glass and finally popped up one by one to become one of the winning numbers.

"Oh! Wow! Interesting! So, that is how lotto results were drawn then?" Jessy asked.

"Yeah, that is how it is. You better study these videos here so that you will know what to do once you are inside that room, and look at the camera's inside, my child," Sarah said. "I wonder how can you manipulate those lotto balls since there are too many of them...with just one false move...your effort might be wasted," she added.

"Well," Jessy scratched her head. "Hmm...I need some heavy thinking and a proper plan before I will execute my move, Mother dearest. I want a flawless result!" she grinned.

"Okay, good luck! And let me know when you will do it so that I can watch the lotto draw, live," Sarah smirked.

"Okay, Mom! I will study the videos first," Jessy said.

She rose to her feet, and thinking of downloading those lotto videos so that she can watch it over and over again inside her room in the Facility which doesn't have an internet connection.

"Where are you going?" Sarah asked.

"I'm going back to the clinic for another session of blood transfusion," Jessy responded. "Bye Mom, see you later!"

Sarah nods her head and watched her daughter's back disappeared behind the door.

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