The Last Embrace

Chapter 299 Accept My Offer!

Adam was now on the brink of tears. This is what he had been waiting for! The chance to repair his broken relationship with his brother. He no longer has to transfer his power to his brother, Zain would even stay in the same room with him to repair their relationship, it's a good offer that he can't let go. But he has to sacrifice one thing and that means losing Jessy in the process. But it also means one thing, Jessy will finally be free from her fake marriage with Zain, he knew that Jessy has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

Zain asked, "Why are you silent, brother? Are you going to consider my offer or no?"

Adam looked at his older brother. "I will accept the offer, bro. Just give me enough time until I can finish all my commitments in the human world, then I'm willing to stay inside this room with you for two years," he said.

Zain smiled triumphantly. "So, you're now willing to let go of —Jessy?" he asked.

"Yes, and how about you, are you willing to let go of your wife?" Adam asked him the same question.

"Yes!" Zain answered without blinking his eyes.

Adam breathed deeply. In order to repair something, he needs to let go of the woman he loves with all his heart. If he and Jessy were meant to be, destiny will find another way...

Zain stood up and walked towards his brother and enveloped him in a tight embrace. "Welcome back brother, don't be so sad about letting go of the woman who destroyed us. I'm very happy to know that you chose me over her, that you give more importance to our sibling relationship than the affairs of your heart. I'm willing to sacrifice and let go of my wife so that we can repair our relationship. Don't worry we will be able to learn to forget her in time, you and I, we can help each other forget the woman who comes between us, it will take time but we will eventually forget her and start all over again. Are you with me, brother?"

"Yes," Adam agreed with his brother's statement although his heart was already breaking and bleeding inside.

Zain patted his younger brother's shoulder. "It's gonna be hard for both of us to let go of Jessy the woman we both love, but in the end, this is all for the best. We all can heal together, including Jessy," he said trying to instill in his brother's mind that it is the only way to solve their love triangle peacefully. The three of them can finally let go of their painful past and embrace the future with a new purpose in life.

They were silent for a minute or two.

"I'm leaving now, brother. If I'm already free of my responsibility I will come here when I'm ready," Adam said.

"I will wait for you, don't rush brother, take your time," Zain said gently. He doesn't want to pressure his brother.

Adam looked at his brother in the eye for one last time before he exited the room.

Zain stared at the closed door.

After being imprisoned in the room for a long time, he finally realized that forcing Jessy to stay in the marriage with him will never make her fall in love with him because he knew that only Adam occupies her heart. If he can't have Jessy, then he can't allow his younger brother to own Jessy as well and have a happy relationship with her while he was wasting his life in seclusion and misery. He can't allow them to be happy together, while he was suffering in silence. It's not fair that they will live as husband and wife under one roof and create their little happy family, while he was still licking his old wound, agonizing on his misery unable to forget how painful it is to be betrayed by the person you love.

They will have to suffer, the three of them, together!

It's the sweetest revenge that he can think of. He might lose the woman he loves which is his wife but he will regain his brother back...

Well, that's life, you can't have everything.

Zain sighed deeply.

He was gone from being bitter, from being vengeful, from being angry, in the end, he has to let go of the woman he loves so that they all can be freed from their painful love triangle.


Adam and Princess Abigail went back to the study room as if nothing happens. Jessy was watching Adam's face keenly after he and his sister entered the room, she knew something is wrong right away, the look he gave her... it's different a bit detached.

That look!

Full of pain and sadness...

It tore her heart into pieces right away.

Huh? Why Adam looked so sad? What happened after Princess Abigail and Adam went to visit Zain? Did something go wrong?

For the rest of the night, Adam was keeping a safe distance away from Jessy.

When midnight strikes, the crowd finally dispersed readily to retire for the night.

It was just a mini-private party, a get together to celebrate the milestone, everyone went to their rooms in a good mood, except Adam and Jessy.

Jessy walked towards her room alone, when she saw that Adam escorted his sister to her room.

When she entered her room, Adam was already inside, smiling lovingly at her.

She catapulted happily into his waiting arms. Then she looked into his eyes, Adam was quick enough in shielding the sadness of his eyes from getting seen by his girlfriend.

But Jessy knew it!

"Spill the beans now! You act differently after you came back from your brother's room. What is wrong? Did you and your brother argue or had a fight?" she asked right away.

Adam shook his head. "No. What makes you think that something went wrong with our visit to him?" he asked.

"B-because you looked sad and troubled when you come back in the room, why? Please tell me, what happened back there?" she persisted.

"Nothing happens, I just feel sad because it was a happy occasion but my family is not complete, Zain was not there to enjoy the milestone with us," Adam lied.

"Are you sure, that is the only reason for the sadness I saw in your eyes?" she asked again doubting his explanation.

"Yeah, trust me, that's all there is to it," Adam lied again.

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