The Last Embrace

Chapter 301 The Bell Rings!

A few days later.

Jessy was lying in the clinic bed for the last blood transfusion for the night. She was halfway on the blood transfusion when a loud ringing of the bell can be heard all over the Facility. It's the first time she heard the bell being played...

When the bell rings, it means the entire Facility was in danger!

Enemies had descended on the outside perimeters of the Facility and everyone should be ready to fight and defend their home. As for the ladies, children and old folks they'd better hide in their rooms.

As awareness began to sink in their consciousness, Jessy and the doctor looked at each other.

"Should we stop the blood transfusion or continue—Jess?" the doctor asked, alarmed.

Jessy looked at the frightened face of the recipient. "We shall continue, Doc," she said calmly and smiled at the old woman, telling her that everything is okay in silence.

"Okay, as you say so," the doctor said.

They carry on the blood transfusion.

Princess Abigail entered the clinic in a hurry to bring the bad news.

"What's going on outside, Abi?" Jessy asked.

"The whole facility was surrounded by bats, bloodthirsty bats....they crowded outside like a blanket and it's hard to see anything outside, I can no longer see the full moon above, as if the total darkness has descended on the Facility," Abi explained.

"How about the Habitat, what is the status of that place right now?"

"The Habitat was not attacked, only the Facility..."

"Maybe the enemies have to weaken our defenses first before they will attack the Habitat!" Jessy said. After hearing that it's just bats, she realized that it's not the military that was attacking the Facility right now, it's somebody else...

It could be another enemy!

And she can only think of one enemy...could it be Jagger?

If she was right with her guess, this Jagger can summon the large gathering of bats and command the animals to attack the Facility.

"Where is the King Father?" she asked.

"My father and his men were gathering to fight the bats outside the Facility, these bats are deadly, they carry deadly venom in their bites, my Father told me," Abigail said.

"Thanks for the info, Abi. You go to Hanna's room and bring her to your brother's room. Stay there, don't come out of the room until I come out looking for you, Okay? Where is the Mother Queen?"

"She's preparing a contingency plan just in case, the bats can get inside the Facility," Princess Abigail answered.

"Go now, Abi!" Jessy said in a loud voice.

The princess obeyed and exited the clinic in a hurry.

Looking at the doctor, she asked, "How many minutes left, Doc?"

"Fifteen minutes more to go then we can finally complete the blood transfusion," the doctor answered.

"Okay, I will close my eyes for a few moments," she said and shut off her eyes.

Jessy initiated the ability to separate her mind from her body and make her subconscious rise above the Facility.

Up there, she saw not only thousands of bats, but millions of bats trying to enter the shield but to no avail. They have blood-red eyes, the color of blood, it only means one thing these mammals are vampire bats.

Jessy was glad that the shield was holding on protecting the Facility from the bloodthirsty winged invaders.

She glanced at the Habitat, surprisingly it was not attacked as of this moment, which is a good thing! he already knew that at this very moment the king had already divided his men, half will protect the Habitat to death and the other half will fight the bats.

She surveyed the surrounding areas and trees.

There, on the west side standing behind the tree was one lone man. His full gaze was directed to the Facility.

Jessy's subconscious zoomed towards the lone figure. She can see his face now clear as the broad daylight.

It's Jagger!

He was wearing a black cloak, his shoulder-length messy hair was flowing in all directions blown by the wind, his eyes were blazing with hatred and revenge.

"'s you Jagger!" she spoke.

Jagger's eyes widen upon hearing a woman's voice, he looked from left to right, he can't see anyone near him.

"Who the hell are you!? Where are you!?" he said, eyes blazing in fury and wonderment why he can't see the owner of the voice whose voice sounds so close to him.

"You want to see me? Wait for a few minutes, my body still down here, fifteen feet under the Facility. But I warn you, you better cancel this attack of yours and released the innocent bats from under your spell, or else they will be slaughtered and you're gonna have them all killed just like what happened to your vampire subjects in the still haven't forgotten you?"

Jagger's hands form into a fist on his sides.

" your energy later...for a battle with me...but you need to face the king and his men first, stay alive for me...see yeah later..."

Jagger waited for the owner of the voice to show herself at least before leaving...but he can no longer hear the melodious voice of the woman, he was more than intrigued to see the face behind the voice, she must be powerful to be able to separate her consciousness from her body, and what the hell! How does she know his name!?

He pushed the thoughts of that mysterious woman's voice away from his mind.

As he was looking at his minions, he was getting impatient, these stupid bats were not able to penetrate the core of the shield yet! Dammit! He was not even prepared for this, to his chagrin he only realized just now that the whole Facility was protected by a thick shield.

Who made the shield?

Only a powerful vampire can make a shield of this magnitude.

It could be that woman, the owner of that invisible voice!

If these damn useless bats are not up for the task, he will start burning the whole place down including the good for nothing bats.

In the past few weeks, he had been staying in a cave where the bats live, it was situated far away, for one purpose to manipulate the bats using his black magic wanting them to do his bidding, now that he can finally control them, hell...he was very disappointed...they can't even do anything to crack the shield.

He doesn't want to go up there and waste his energy because he needs to save himself for the arrival of the king and his men. In the meantime, he wants to stay in the sideline hidden by the darkness so that he can see the enemy first, the moment they appeared in his vision that would be the time he will burn them all to hell using all his power and strength. His planned to get them all busy with the bats and only strike their back when they are unaware of his presence, he has to kill a lot of the enemies before they can kill him, he very well knew that the king still has thousands of soldiers at his disposal. But if the golden opportunity presented itself, he will go for the king alone!

Today he is ready to die just to avenge his father and mother's death.

Today his parents will be proud of him.

If he will come out victorious tonight, he will burn down the Facility, and the Habitat next, then return to his brother's side triumphant and victorious!

He was grinning from ear to ear, he can almost smell his victory...

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