The Last Embrace

Chapter 31 Rescue 101


One rainy night in November...


Nana Aida burst inside Jess' room, face pale...body shaking!

"Nana, what's wrong?" she rushed to the older woman's side.

"I need to go home now! Nathan wasn't able to go home for the last two days already. He's been missing since Tuesday. They expected him to be home yesterday morning, but until now, they can't get hold of him. His phone keeps ringing, no one's answering his damned phone!" said Nana in a frantic voice.

Jessy massaged Nana's cold trembling hands, she's trying to soothe her fear and worries away.

"Did they contact Matthew?" she asked.

"Matthew was also missing. It was Ivy who informed me five minutes ago. Nathan would sometimes sleepover at Matthew's house. It's the first time he didn't go home and both of them were missing." Nana Aida's quivering lips stuttered...the severe worry she felt for his missing son was overwhelming.

"Nana, you can't go home right now. It's not safe to drive when you are in a worried state. You might encounter an accident on the road," said Jessy.

Nana Aida shook her head and went heading for the door. "No! I just can't sit here and do nothing. I will go home now!" she said in a hysterical voice.

Jessy followed her Nana's retreating form helplessly.

What can she do?

Ah, maybe Adam can do something...

She went to his room, her heart pounding. He found him watching a random movie on his laptop.

"Adam, you need to help Nana!" she said in a hurried tone.

"W-why, what happen to Nana?" he was startled.

"Hurry up, Adam. Nathan is missing and Nana Aida will go home now to help find Nathan. She's not fit to drive at her current state, you have to prevent her from going home!"

Adam immediately sprung to his feet...heading downstairs.

Jessy has to run to catch up with him.

They were able to come on time in the garage area when Nana was about to enter her car.

"Nana wait!" shouted Adam.

The older woman glanced at him. "Adam, you take care of Jessy. I need to go home for a while, my son is missing!" her voice frantic, she went into the driver's seat and started the engine.

Adam stood in front of the car, trying to get hold of Nana Aida's attention.

The older woman finally stops the engine.

"Nana, I can help you in finding Nathan. Trust me, I will find Nathan for you."

The older woman's face was already streaming with tears. Her sobbing tore Adam's heart.

"Jess, watch over Nana. Don't let her out of your sight!"

Jessy nodded.

"Nana, I will call you right away if I already found Nathan. So please stay calm, okay?" he told her.

He did not waste more time, Adam went upstairs, straight to his room and donned his black costume. He still has Nathan's scent with him, he can locate him anywhere in the vicinity of the town where he lives.

He activates his teleport power and leaped through the window...and zoomed in mind blowing speed...passing between houses and buildings. He needs to hurry up, every second's count.

If something bad happen to Nathan, Nana Aida will be completely devastated.

He finally reached his destination in the center of the town, totally hidden behind a buildings shadow...he concentrated and activated his brain scanner...gathering every cell of his brain to work with precision in scanning for Nathan's whereabouts. He still has a hold of his scent with him, although it's a bit obscure now. It's the only thing he got as of this moment.

He's still alive...

If he can no longer smell his human scent that means he's already gone from this world.

Judging from his faint means he's currently not near the vicinity where he was currently standing.

He levitated and rose above buildings, trees...floating in the air, now, the whole town was under him.

Nathan, where are you, buddy...?

He scans from left to right...north...south...


He got a signal from his brain, originating from the north side of the town. This time he can now smell a bit of stronger surge of scent emanating from Nathan and not only him but also Matthew's scent.

He quickly hovers on the north side of the town, the neighborhood below him was dotted with big houses, pristine swimming pools, and immaculate lawns. Probably an exclusive neighborhood owned by wealthy residents of the town.

The scent becomes stronger now...he zeroed in on one particular house which has a minimalist and sleek outer design. The house was submerged in darkness, it could be that the occupants were already sleeping or currently not in the house?

He checked the garage, lawn area, and the swimming pool area, not a single soul was there.

He entered the house by passing through the wall, he checked the living room, the kitchen...the dining room...the adjacent library's quiet.

He went upstairs and examined the four bedrooms on the second floor, no one is sleeping on them.

But the scent of Nathan and Matthew emanated from this particular house! He was sure of that...where could they be? He frowned...puzzled.

He went back downstairs...

Then he saw a small door on the left side of the living room, it was partially hidden behind the cupboard.

As he came closer to the door...the scent of Nathan and Mathew also grows much stronger...more defined.

When he tried to open the small door, it won't's locked inside.

Not bothering to waste his time on how to open the door, he teleported inside the door...behind the door were stairs in a downward spiral...he slowly descended on it.

It's a basement area!

A narrow passageway was leading to the west side, he walked through it in silence but in alert mode.

As the passageway was nearing to its end, he saw a room at the end, its door was partially opened, he quickly hide behind the door, then he heard voices of men talking...

He flattened his body on the wall behind the door...and took a peek inside the well-lighted room.

He saw two men, wearing black face mask...

The first guy was sitting on a chair, smoking cigarettes, while the second guy was holding a gun, pointing it to a motionless body lying on the floor...

Adam can't see clearly the face of the guy who was blindfolded, lying in a pool of blood, probably the guy in question was already dead?

Shiit! Damnit!

His heart skips a beat. Is he too late?

Is that Nathan-!?

Then a shout came out from nowhere...

"Alfred, please don't kill Matthew!"

He immediately recognized it as Nathan's voice.

Adam sighed in relief. He saw Nathan two meters away from where Matthew was lying, he was also blindfolded and both hands were tied behind his back. He got some nasty bruises on his arms, he got a broken lip and some blood smeared on his face.

"Shut the f*ck up!" the second guy shouted at Nathan.

Then Nathan screamed again at the two men:

"Matthew did not screw up your girlfriend! It was your girl who keeps sending flirty messages on Matthew. In case you didn't know, your girlfriend is a slut! she f*cked every guy she fancied behind your back! The whole school knows it!"

The first guy stood abruptly. He picked up another gun from the table and aim it at Nathan, then he pulls the trigger...

F*ck! Adam saw the bullet leave the gun and travel fast towards Nathan...he immediately sprung in action waving his hand in front of them....freezing all things inside the room in the nick of time...

He let out a deep breath of relief...

He strode towards the bullet and extracted it from being suspended in the air with his gloves covered hands ...he also took the guns away from the two guys and tossed them below the bed far from their reach.

So it's all about a girl...

Adam shook his head in disgust.

He went to Mathew's side and unfreeze him, he felt his pulse, he was still breathing, but unconscious, the pool of blood came from the stab wound on his arms. He found a cloth nearby and covered the wound with it to prevent further blood loss.

Adam went to Nathan's side...and inspected his body for any wound. He was glad, Nathan only got few bruises on his body and some minor cuts. It seemed the culprit's anger was more directed on Matthew rather on Nathan.

'You will be fine buddy,' he whispered to Nathan.

Then he left the basement and went back upstairs, he found a telephone on the living room, he dialed 911. An operator picks up his call quickly.

Adam spoke in a ragged voice:

"A kidnapping and shooting takes place on the corner of9th street, house color gray, please hurry up, a person is dying on the basement!" his voice frantic. He put back the phone on its cradle and opened the door of the basement wide so that the police can find it quickly. He also opens the main door, wide...

He left the house.

Adam settled himself quietly among the leaves and branches of the trees surrounding the house and waited for the Police officers to arrive...

A few moments later...Police sirens can be heard approaching the house.

Two patrol cars arrived and six Policemen got out from their patrol car in a haste...they sprinted inside the house in a hurry.

As soon as the Police officers were already inside the living room, he unfreezes Nathan and the two guys.

Nathan's blood-curdling scream can be heard from outside the house...

Two ambulances finally arrived in the scene.

A Few minutes later...two guys emerged from the house in handcuffs flanked by the policemen.

Then Adam saw Nathan and Mathew lying above the emergency stretchers and being loaded in the ambulance.

He sighed in relief.

He wasted no time and teleported back into the mansion.

He landed on his bedroom, he quickly disposed of his bloody gloves in the trash can. He quickly changed into his t-shirt and cargo pants.

When he descended on the staircase, he saw Nana Aida and Jessy setting on the sofa on the living room, huddled together.

"Adam...!' exclaimed Jessy, she saw him first.

Nana Aida's tear-stricken face stared at him, paralyzing fear etched on her eyes..."W-where's Nathan? D-did you find him?" she asked in trembling voice.

"Nathan is okay now, he has been taken to a hospital as of this moment," he explained.

"Thank God!" the older woman murmured. She sat down on the sofa, her shaky legs can no longer support her trembling body for a short time. She has been wracked with stress, fear, and worries since she learned of his son's disappearance. Adam's good news flooded her entire being with relief.

"Adam, w-what exactly happened?" she asked.

"Nana, just ask Nathan. I don't know exactly the story behind what happened to him. He alone can tell you what really happened."

Nana Aida's cellphone rung, she answered it right away, it was her daughter Ivy. "Nathan is in the hospital? Okay, I will be there tomorrow."

Jessy sleeps on Nana's room for the night to accompany her.

Early in the morning, they traveled to Nana's hometown to visit Nathan in the hospital.

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