The Last Embrace

Chapter 312 I Won't Settle For Less!

The hands of the clock on the wall strike at midnight.

Jessy was done with her last blood transfusion for the night and she will be going to the forest and visit the treehouse and check Jagger's condition.

She went inside her room and proceed to the bathroom then splash water on her face, afterward, she wipes dry her face with the towel, then she left the bathroom.

She's ready to go.

She made herself invisible first and teleported into the forest right inside the treehouse. It was dark inside, but there was some light coming from the moon above. She grows a little flame in her palm and lighted the torch, finally, the whole area was fully lighted.

She caught sight of Jagger still lying in the same spot where she left him the other day. He was clinging to her jacket and trembling still. She went to his side and placed her hand on his forehead, his body is not hot, meaning he has no fever. Now she was fully convinced that he was slowly turning into a mortal being.

Then Jagger's eyes flew open staring directly into her orbs.

"Hey...are you okay? How are you feeling?" she asked in a worried voice.

"Belle...I'm d...dying...I'm feeling awful body is weakening...I can't move a muscle..." he was complaining in his trembling voice.

Jesy smiled a little. "No, you're not dying, you're undergoing a period when your body will finally transform into a mortal being. After seven days, your fangs will no longer exist, you will no longer be called a vampire, you won't crave blood anymore. You will start eating human foods just like this ripe banana here," she pointed to the untouched banana.

"No! What the fuck you're talking about? I'm a vampire, I don't like to turn into a useless mortal being!" he protested. "Belle...d...did you poisoned me?" he asked in a sad voice feeling betrayed.

Jessy shook her head. "No. I did not poison you. For your information, I am the crossbred mentioned in the prophecy. Once a vampire ingested my blood they will become a mortal being after seven days. It just happened that when you were about to die from being fatally wounded by the spear, I fed you with my blood, lots of it. So basically, just like any vampires who consumed my blood, you will turn into a mortal too," she explained gently.

"No! I don't want to become a mortal! What will happen after I become a mortal? Will I lose all my power?" he asked in alarm.

"Maybe yes...I have no idea...we will find out soon after seven days," she answered.

Jagger's hands went to his throat. "Aargh, my throats is very parched and dry, I am feeling so thirsty! I want blood!" he grabs her hand and sinks his fangs hungrily into her skin. Unfortunately, his fangs were nowhere to be seen, he can't summon it. "I'm so thirsty!" he shouted aloud.

Jessy immediately picked up the coconut shell and scooped water from the earthen jug and urged him to drink the water. "Drink this water, this is what you need, it will quench your thirst, hurry up!" she said urgently.

At first, Jagger doesn't want to drink the water, he wants blood!

But Jessy pressed the coconut shell into his mouth and soon the water was spilling into his mouth.

Jagger tasted a few droplets of water and finds it surprisingly pleasant to his taste, he immediately drinks the water, he finished drinking two more rounds of water, and surprisingly his thirst had abated dramatically.

Jessy smiled. "See—? The water tastes good right? Much better than blood, am I right?"

He slowly nodded his head agreeing to her statement. "Yes, the water taste refreshingly cool in my throat..."

Jessy peeled one ripe banana and pressed it on his mouth. "Here, give this one a try, just a small bite," she coaxed him. "This is one of my favorite fruit!" she said smiling at him. To encouraged him to eat the fruit, she took a big bite on the banana and chewed it in her mouth. She took another banana and peeled it and pressed it on his mouth. He refused to open his mouth. "As a starter, just one bite is enough, you don't have to force yourself," she said.

Jagger finally relented and took a small bite from the banana, but he spits it afterward, although it doesn't taste bad in his tongue.

"How does the banana taste in your mouth?" asked Jessy.

"Not bad, just that I'm not used to it," he grumbled.

Jessy smiled. " just have to make do with the banana and the water here. If you regain your strength back you will be able to catch fish in the stream or hunt for animals and start cooking your food. This forest is teeming with food and wildlife, you won't die here," she said.

He went silent for a moment. He was dreading the moment he will finally turn into a mortal and become a useless and powerless individual, it's something that he can not accept. It will cripple him and render him useless. It's hard to accept his new life. He was not prepared for this thing to happen. Right now, he was confused if he was grateful that Belle saves his life...maybe death is better for him.

Jessy was observing the confusion on his face. "Hey, being human isn't bad at all. The best thing about being human is you no longer have to depend on human blood to live. You can eat everything without craving for human blood. You no longer have to kidnap human beings and subject them to horrific conditions. Consider your transformation as a blessing, not bad luck," she went on.

He continues his silence, not wanting to start an argument with Belle. When he woke up earlier and haven't seen Belle, he feels sad. But now that she's here, he doesn't want to annoy her by being stubborn fearing that she will leave immediately and no longer visit him. He will hold on to whatever tiny kindness she had allotted for him.

Jessy shrugged her shoulder. "Okay fine, if you don't want to eat the banana. But if you suddenly feel hungry and your stomach is grumbling and hurting, you have no choice but to eat these ripe bananas that I had prepared especially for you so that you won't die of hunger while I'm away," she explained.

Jagger looked at Belle helplessly. " went home to your husband and your boyfriend?" there was pain lingering in his eyes after voicing his question.

Jessy smiled and nodded. "Yes, of course. I love my boyfriend, we will always be together. As for my first husband, what we have is a fake marriage and we were going to separate soon I'm just waiting for him let go of me, but he is stubborn and I'm annoyed of his refusal to set me free, so love life is already don't add to my problems, okay? I always have a room for a new friend in my life you can apply for that space..." she offered.

Jagger swallowed the lump on his throat. "You already friend zone me—?"

"Yeah...let's just be friends...for your good," she quipped.

The pain in Jagger's eyes intensifies. "B-but you told me that you will marry me? So you were just lying all along?"

Jessy rolled her eyes. "What can you expect? You abducted me and put a black magic spell on me, naturally, I have to humor you just to save my ass...but if you ask me answer would be NO! I would never marry you because I ALREADY HAD A BOYFRIEND THAT I LOVE VERY MUCH!" she put more emphasis on the last words so that he will clearly understand her stand.

Jagger realized that the more he was under the kindness of this woman, he will never be able to get out of his infatuation for her, there is also a possibility that he will fall madly in love with her as days goes by if they keep seeing each other. So, to save himself from further heartbreaks, it's better to not see her again.

"Belle, I will give you two options, you either kill me now or if you don't have the heart to kill me then don't ever return here again. I do not want to see you again!" he declared with finality in his voice.

Oh! Jessy raised an eyebrow, she was taken aback by his sudden change of mind. Wow, he can change his mind too fast!

"Are you sure, you don't want to be friends with me?" she asked bewildered by his sudden outbursts.

"Yes, I'm sure! If I can't be your husband then I won't settle for anything else," he said in a withdrawn voice laced with pain.

Jessy stared at him for a long time. "Okay, I will leave you alone. After seven days, you will be able to take care of yourself...until then I have to continue coming here to lend you my assistance," she said.

They were enveloped by a thick silence descending upon them, Jagger and Jessy were fully engrossed by the thoughts running in their heads.

Jessy has to come up with a way on how to monitor his movements. If Jagger decided to go back to his brother, she needs to know when it's going to happen so that she can follow and spy on him.

"I'll be leaving now, take care of yourself," she said and disappeared from his sight.

She's gone! Jagger released a deep sigh realizing how doom his life would be if he loses his power, he should have died, that would have been a better alternative. He continues lying down on the floor feeling lethargic while embracing Belle's jacket. He closed his eyes waiting for sleep to take over his senses.

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