The Last Embrace

Chapter 337 - Found You!

When the figure was about to lunge on Jessy, she suddenly disappeared, then reappeared a few seconds later, grinning...

"Wow! Your agility is getting awesome, Jess!" the figure commented.

Jessy laughed and leaped into his arms. "How did you know, I'm here?"

"I teleported into your room, you're not there. I went to the clinic and searched for you everywhere the Facility, you're nowhere to be found. I even went to the mansion, you're not there either. So I come here and finally found you," Adam said, grinning while pulling her closer into his body.

They looked at each other's eye for a few seconds then Adam turns his gaze to the ocean. "Do you want to swim?" he asked.

Jessy shook her head. "No."

"You always come here?" he said frowning.

"Not really. I come here to burn the evidence," she said, her eyes gleaming.

"Huh?" a line appeared between Adam's brows in confusion.

"Mother and I visited the Food festival in the city and we're caught in a deadly shootout, so...I got to do what I need to do," she said looking away fearing he might criticize her as well.

Adam's mouth twitched. "Oh, you must be that mysterious woman who massacred the gunmen inside the getaway van? Are you?"

Jessy bit her lip looking at her toes. "Yes, I am that woman," she replied.

"Ah okay, so you want to talk about it?" he asked.

Jessy shrugged her shoulders. "Not much to talk, the whole scenario ended in just a few hours and the killers are already dead and so some of their victims. It happened so yeah...I need to do what I need to do," she explained in cryptic words.

"So, you're here on the beach to relax a bit and forget everything that happened inside that van?"

"Not really. I'm just here to burn the clothes I wore during that incident. I am done burning it earlier," she answered.

"Are your mother, okay?"

"Yes. My mom is okay. But I think she was a bit traumatized with the horrifying events that took place on our first outing, so she had a hard time accepting that her daughter killed again," she said in a sad voice.

The lovers sat down on the sandy beach.

Jessy looked at him. "If you are on my shoes, what would you do with those masked men?" she asked.

"I will immobilize them and wait for the police, it's the cops job to arrest those criminals," he said.

"You won't kill them?" she asked in surprise.

"No, unless I have a valid reason to," he answered.

"But one of them try to feel my chest and pointed a gun on my temple about to molest me..." she explained.

Adam's eyes darken in anger. "What? In that case, I will kill them myself," he said gritting his teeth. He remembered once when Jessy was kidnapped a long time ago and those rapists were about to molest her, his rage went through the rope. He sighed upon remembering it, the good thing is, Jessy can now protect herself every time she 's in danger.

"I thought you would condemn me for killing those murderers," she said.

"No of course not. Why should I? You only protected yourself besides they killed five innocent people with their random killing, they deserve to rot in hell!" he pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Jessy looked at him. "We will go home in a few minutes," she murmured.

"Okay, I just want to say this that altering your image is a wise decision," he said.

"Yeah. That area has many CCTV cameras and besides, I will be all over the news so using another image is a must. But nothing can prepare me for what was about to happen inside that van when they were about to touch my chest I feel so angry! I remembered that time when I was kidnapped once and those men touched my body appropriately, I went berserk, that's when I lose control and feel no remorse for them. So I ended their lives so that they can no longer hurt others," she went on.

Adam just wants to listen to her ramblings, offering her a shoulder to lean on, he was just contented in wrapping his arms around her.

"Are you okay now? Feeling much better?" he asked. He doesn't want to lecture Jessy regarding her methods of killing because he was not there inside the van in the first place. He doesn't know how severe the situation is prompting her to kill those men brutally.

"Yes!" Jessy smiled.

"Um, I will be attending a party two days later, Jess. I want you to come with me. I realized that you've been holed up in the Facility all the time and you have no social life, I think it's better that you will come with me outside from time to time," he suggested.

"Um... party?"

"Yes, we will be attending a party together. I will introduce you to others that you are my girlfriend," he said.

"But I'm not a socially savvy person, that would be awkward for me. I'm an ugly swan and being surrounded by beautiful people wearing such stunning gowns is intimidating," she pouted.

Adam chuckled. "Hey don't say that you are an ugly duckling! You are beautiful in my eyes and other people's opinion doesn't matter to me," he said.

" sweet!" Jessy giggled.

"So, you will attend the party with me? Pretty please..." he begged using a puppy dog's eyes.

Jessy was amused with his cute antics. "Okay, I will go with you. But I don't have a gown to wear to the party," she complained. "Unless you want me to go naked?" she joked.

"Ah, don't worry about the gown or evening dress. I already instructed my stylist to pick at least five nice evening gowns of your size for that event. They will deliver it tomorrow to my condo, you can try them all and let's pick which gown you like and fits your figure best," he said.

Jessy was amazed. "Wow, you're certainly looking forward to that event. eh? How can I say no, now?" she said.

"Ah, please don't change your mind, Jess," he said.

She looked at his eyes adoringly. "Don't worry, I will no longer change my mind. But I don't know what to say to the people, I mean, I am not good when it comes to conversing with strangers. I am not good at socialization," she said worriedly.

"You don't have to worry about that matter, just a simple...hi and hello will suffice then smile at the people around you, that's a good start. I won't leave your side, I will save you from any unpleasant conversation that will come your way," he said convincingly.

"Okay, thanks for putting my worries away," she gives in to his persuasion.

"I will wait for you tomorrow, you can come anytime into the condo to try the gowns," he said.

Jessy smiled and sunk deeper into his sweet embrace.

Fifteen minutes later.

Adam and Jessy stood up. "Let's have a stroll in the seashore first before we go home," he suggested.

"Alright, let's do it!" she said.

They held each other hands while walking in the sandy shore, enjoying the romantic atmosphere around the beach. The heaven was still adorned with millions of stars shining magnificently in the cloudless sky and there was a full moon to light the whole beach.

A moment later, the lovers disappeared from the beach.

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