The Last Embrace

Chapter 347 - Decision!

Jessy breathed deeply. This priest needs to be sent to jail, he is not safe around with underage children!

And who's son is that lying naked on the bed? must be one of the church patron's who trusted the priest, if he indeed was the priest!

The man was done putting clothes on his body and exited the room, but he padlocked the door outside.

Maybe he was going to open the door now!

Jessy zoomed outside the house and instantly unfreeze Samuel!

Just in time when the main door of the house opened and the man's eyes widened upon seeing his visitor!

" that you—!?" his eyes bulged.

"Yes, Father Joseph. It's me, Samuel!" he said.

Samuel was puzzled by the priest's reaction upon seeing him, looks like he saw a ghost. They saw each other every day but the priest was reacting like it's been ages that they had last seen each other....besides the surprised...there was also panic plastered all over the priest's face.

"Can I come in now, Father?" Samuel said.

The priest was hesitating to allow Samuel into the house. But he knows that Samuel also lives in the same house he can't turn him away after he's been gone for a while. "Where have you been after you disappeared? I thought you will never coming back here..." he asked while opening the door wide for Samuel to enter.

Samuel entered the house and sat down on one of the sofas in the living room.

"Where have you been all this time, Samuel?" the priest asked looking at the younger man's face closely.

Samuel brows furrowed. "Huh? Father, I'm sorry I am confused with your question I was never gone, I am always here living in this house with you... I...I don't get your question," he said bewildered when the priest kept insisting that he disappeared.

They were having an ongoing conversation, when all of a sudden there was movement inside the room where the naked boy was being held, there was banging on the if the boy was already conscious and wanting to get out of the room.

Jessy looked at the padlocked door.

Samuel looked at the door as well, then shifted his attention to the priest. "Father, is there someone inside your room?"

The priest's face was turning pale. "I...I...have a companion inside," he stammered.

"Huh? Let that person get out, Father!" Samuel commanded in a loud voice, he was now seeing the priest in a whole different light. Was the companion a girl?

When the priest was not making a move to open the door, Samuel stood up and went to the closed door, he was puzzled why there was a padlock in place? Then he heard the voice of a boy shouting from the inside...

"Let me out!" the boy keep banging on the door.

"Father, open this door! where is the key, please give it tome!" Samuel said urgently.

The priest did not give the key to Samuel, he has no plan to open the door or else his secret will be revealed.

Samuel went back to the sofa and looked at the priest in the eyes, feeling disgusted. "Are you keeping that child in your room, Father? Did you molest him? I'm going to the police Father if you won't tell me what's going on? Why there was a child in your room? Please answer me!"

Then all of a sudden the priest broke down in front of Samuel, then he slowly confessed his sin...

"It all began when I'm studying college, I realized my sexual attraction to young children. I searched my mental illness online and I found out that people of my kind were called pedophiles. I was aware that it's morally wrong to have these kinds of lewd thoughts towards young children, to keep myself away from this sin and temptations I went to become a priest so that I can be reminded every day that it's unforgivable sin for a priest to fantasize on younger children. I managed to keep my urges and sexual fantasies locked hidden inside my mind for a long time but when you disappeared one mental illness resurfaces in full force. I began fantasizing about bringing a child here inside my room and molesting them since I'm now alone in the house. Last month, I finally got the courage to do it after grooming this one boy who is the son of our neighbor, the moment I started I can no longer stop. I fed the boy with a substance that can put him to sleep and dissolved it in a glass of soda so that he will fell unconscious while I'm doing the deed, then after I'm done with his body, I put back his clothes and sends him home and give him money..."

Samuel's body was trembling with horror by the priest's confession. The servant of the God that he trusted so much has done an unforgivable sin. It's hard for him to accept all this, he looked at the priest with unconcealed disgust in his eyes. "I'm sorry but I have to bring you to the police station, Father! It's the right thing to do," he said in a sad voice.

"No! Please listen to me, Samuel! I can suppress this illness of mine again now that you've finally come that you're here I will not do this again, please hear me out, I will never do it again! I swear!" the priest begged and went down on the floor in front of Samuel in bended knees, with tears of regrets and shame streaming down his eyes he began crying. "Just don't inform the police authorities about the truth, please, Samuel, I beg you," the priest pleaded again.

Samuel was torn between forgetting what he saw today or....just go ahead and inform the police about the crime the priest had committed. He never expected that the priest he idolizes is a pedophile! He never sees it coming! And he was disgusted with the priest's sin.

"Since when this all started and how long have you been sexually molesting the boy, Father?" Samuel asked in a cold voice.

"Just this m...month. I already m...molested the boy t...ten times," answered the priest in quivering voice.

Aargh! Samuel feels like vomiting...poor boy!

"I will decide tomorrow, Father. In the meantime, open the door and let the boy go home!" Samuel said in a calm but authoritative voice.

The priest obeyed and went to his room and inserted the key to the padlock, then he opened the door.

The boy steps out of the room already wearing his clothes.

"I will go home now, Father," the boy said with downcast eyes.

The priest took some money from the pocket of his trousers and handed it to the boy.

Huge relief washed over Samuel as the boy exited the main door and was finally out of the house.

The priest and Samuel looked at each other.

"I will go to my room now and rest, Father. We will talk more about these disturbing events tomorrow," Samuel said and walked towards his room.

The priest also went to his room.


Jessy watched as the two men entered their respective rooms.

It's now time for her to go back to the Facility since she was already done here. She just hopes that Samuel will be able to decide wisely and think of the boy's future...

She initiated the teleportation process back to her room in the Facility.


Back in the priest's house.

While lying in his bed, Samuel was thinking of what to do about Father Joseph...will he gave him a second chance and pretend that nothing happens tonight? or he will do the right thing and inform the police about Father Joseph's crime that he committed against the poor boy.

His mind was a bit muddled right now, he was confused as hell, hopefully by tomorrow the moment he wakes up in the morning he can already reach a wise decision.

Four hours later, Samuel already reached a decision, he will inform the police about Father Joseph's crime against the boy, that was his final decision before he closed his eyes to sleep that night.

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