The Last Embrace

Chapter 357 - Let's Go!

Jessy and Jagger's eyes locked for a few seconds before she disappeared from his sight.

She's already gone.

Jagger rose to his feet and sauntered towards the window, he was looking to the direction of his brother's hideout. It's gonna be a long looks like he can not stay any longer in this treehouse after Jessy's boyfriend know of his existence. Maybe it's about time to go away and return to his brother's side. He was no longer safe here.

But the problem is...he can't go back without Jessy by his side. He needs to convince her to go with him and once she will come with him to his brother's hideout. Once Jessy set foot on his brother's territory she can no longer go back to where she comes from. He will make sure she will forget everything about her roots and her family.

Once she will accompany him it would be easy to retain her by his side, forever and ever.

The hardest part would be how to convince her to go with him?

Would she even go with him to a faraway land?

He needs to convince her hard.

He lowered himself to the area near the portable radio that was currently playing a piece of country music. He lies down and reached for Jessy's jacket and wrapped it around his body...then he closed his eyes wanting to continue his afternoon nap. The only thing floating in his mind right now was Jessy's beautiful face, to honor her request, he will lie low tonight and try not to offend her beloved boyfriend.


Back in the Facility.

Jessy walked towards the clinic looking forward to another session of blood transfusion.

While walking in the hallway her mind was preoccupied. Although she already warned and brief Jagger about hiding his identity from Adam, she can't be sure he will stay true to his words. There was this nagging feeling inside her that tells her it's not gonna end well tonight.

Well...everything has been set...she will just wait for the outcome of Jagger and Adam's meeting tonight and act accordingly.

She was so engrossed with her thinking that she failed to see Hannah walking slowly behind her.

"Hi, Jess..." Hannah said.

A familiar woman's voice broke Jessy's reverie. She turned around and smiled broadly upon seeing her preggy friend. "Oh...Hannah...sorry...I didn't know you were following me. Where are you going?"

"I'm heading to my room. I just come back from the queen's room. We were discussing the baby's name," said Hannah.

"Wow, so when is your due date?"

"Anytime this month," Hannah answered, smiling excitedly.

"That's awesome! Let me walk you to your room," Jessy said.

After a few minutes of walking in the hallway, they finally arrived at their destination and went inside Hannah's room.

Up in the bed were some garments strewn all over.

"Sorry, my bed is kind of messy," Hannah apologizes, while looking at the array of cut garments in the bed ready for sewing.

"Ah, no need to apologize, Hannah, I like your beautiful chaos," she said.

Hannah opened her closet. "Look here, Jess...these are all my baby's clothes and onesies," she said with much pride echoing in her voice.

Jessy inspected the baby's clothes. "Wow, they're colorful like a rainbow and the clothes are smooth to the touch!" she gushes while running her hands on the cute clothes.

Hannah smiled. "Do you think my baby would like these clothes?"

"Yes of course!" Jessy smiled at the expectant mother.

She walked towards the chair in the corner and sat on it.

"How is he—?" she asked. It's been a long time, she had not seen Zain for a while and she has no plan to visit him anytime soon.

Hannah shrugged her shoulders. "Same as before. If Zain can't learn to love me I'm hoping that our baby can help soften his treatment towards me. That would be my last resort," she said.

Jessy rose to her feet and patted her friend's shoulder. "Let's keep our fingers cross, Hannah," she breathed deeply. "I will go back to the clinic now. Take care of yourself..."

"Take care of yourself too, Jess," Hannah responded.

Jessy stared at her friend for a few seconds, forcing herself not to shake her head—pitying her, she showed her a pleasant smile instead, then she went to the door, made an exit and walked away from Hannah's room heading to the direction of the clinic.


Inside the clinic.

Jessy was lying in the bed, with the needle attached on her arm, she was thinking of the rescued far... a total of eight humans had been returned to their families and there's still a lot more. She was thinking about the two couple who already had a baby. How to wipe the memories of their abduction? If they can eliminate that part of their memory, they will no longer remember each other...That's not even the real problem...the bigger problem lies by erasing the couple's memory they would also forget about the baby...the precious product of the love that blossoms while both parents were in abduction period.

After the memories of the abduction successfully erased from the couple's memories...their recollection of their baby will also be erased. So...what to do with the baby? Is it right to separate the children from their parents?

Hmm...she needs to discuss this pressing problem with the queen so that they can find a suitable solution that will benefit all.


Seven hours later.

At 11:00 in the evening, Adam arrived in the facility. Jessy was not in her room so he went to the clinic and saw her there... lying in the bed. He didn't bother to inform her of his presence, he just walked away. He will talk to his parents and siblings first while Jessy was still inside the clinic.

Adam sauntered towards his mother's study room.

Queen Margaret, King Antone, and Princess Abigail were all inside the room, they were delighted to see him.

"Good evening everyone!" Adam greeted his family.

"Nice to see you here, son!" Queen Margaret embraced her son.

King Antone get up from the sofa and hugged his son tightly. "How are you, son? How's life in the city?" he asked.

Adam smiled. "Still the same, Dad."

Princess Abigail smiled and went to her brother's side and hugged him. "It's good to see you again, brother!"

Adam patted his sister's shoulder fondly. "Nice to see you sister!" he sank into the sofa.

The family engaged in a lively conversation centered mostly on the Facility and the Habitat's condition and the royal family's plan for the future. They also discussed Zain's stubbornness of his refusal to let go of Jessy.

One hour later.

The royal family finally concluded their animated conversation. Adam bid goodbye to his family. He then exited the study room, walking energetically in the hallway planning to wait for Jessy inside her room, out of the corner of his eyes he saw her entering her room.

He teleported inside her room in seconds.

"Hi love," he said and planted a kiss on her forehead.

Jessy smiled at him. "I thought you no longer want to go to the forest with me," she said.

"I arrived early, I saw you inside the clinic, so I went to see my family first and chatted with them awhile ago," said Adam.

Jessy grabs her black jacket from the closet and put it on her body. "Let's go!"

Adam and Jessy hold each other's hand and teleported to the treehouse.

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