The Last Embrace

Chapter 36 Sexedule

Their ever-growing physical intimacy completed their love story. They would make love twice or thrice a week, they can't get enough of each other. Being young and full of love they explored each other's bodies with curiosity and total abandonment.

It was one rainy night in February...

They have their own Sexedule. They will only engage in lovemaking during Monday's, Wednesday, and Friday.

Today is Friday...

Jessy emerged from the shower, a browned colored towel was wrapped around her body, she was wearing a lacy pink bra and pink underwear underneath.

Adam burst inside her room, panting, excited! He looked at Jess' toweled body salivating. Her fresh and desirable body turn him on instantly.

"Dang! I can't get enough of you, Jess!" he groaned, his pulse racing. He immediately closed the distance between them and lifted her body and lay it gently on the bed.

He took off the towel from her body and took his time drooling at her almost naked body.

He positioned his lower region into his soft core. He was still fully clothed.

Then he started kissing her neck, her cleavage above her pink bra, her belly and down there...

Jessy closed her eyes and let out a loud moan due to the pleasure of his lips brushing liquid fire all over her body.

A moment later...

Adam suddenly halted his fiery assault of her body.

She opened her eyes...

"W-why did you stop?" she asked in a velvety voice, raw passion and desire hung heavily in her eyes.

Adam looked at her lovely face thoughtfully as if remembering something...

"Where is that box of condom, Nana Aida has given us? You took it with you, right?" he asked.

Jessy did not reply right away.

A few minutes later, she has spoken. "We don't need to use a condom."

"B-but...Jess! We need it to protect you," he said softly. "I just wanted to protect you from an unplanned pregnancy."

Jessy only looked at him, pouting.

"I don't want you to use it. We will do fine without it," she insisted.

Adam sighed. They have been making love several times already and the risk of Jessy getting pregnant because of unprotected sex is very high.

"Come on. It won't do you any good in the future if you got a baby out of wedlock and especially if I fathered the child. You know that my family doesn't know about our relationship. They will be furious if they know that I impregnated you with a child. It's not that I don't want to make a baby with you, it's just that a few months from now I will be gone from this world and I don't want to saddle you with the heavy baggage of raising a baby on your own. I don't want you to go through that difficult times," he remarked in an exasperated tone.

"Jessy, please understand my reasons," he added.

She covered back her body with the towel and turned away from him, her back facing him. Tears were streaming down her face, she sobbed in silence. She wants to get pregnant with his child! Why he's not cooperating? If she delivered their baby into this world, she won't be alone anymore, she still has a part of him to hold on to.

Adam inhaled and exhaled air deeply.

"Jess, please stop crying," he lay down beside her. He slipped his arms into her waist.

"I want your baby. I want to get pregnant with our baby. That's all I ever wanted!" she said between sobs.

That is a big problem! Adam said to himself. There's got to be a way how to solve their dilemma. He tried to console Jessy, he's glad she finally stop crying.

"Okay you won, I will not use a condom," he finally said.

Jessy smiled at him and hugged him tightly. That night they didn't make love, instead, they just hugged each other all night long.

The succeeding days, Adam was searching online on methods of how to prevent a woman from getting pregnant without using a condom during sexual intercourse. He came out with a Withdrawal Method, it's not 100% safe but still doable, this specific method has a 14 to 24% failure rate. He has to gamble though...

There's one best and perfect method though...not to engage in sexual intercourse, abstinence! It's the best option for Adam. But he highly doubted if he can keep his hands away from Jess' body. She now became the intoxicating drugs he always craved for~day in and day out, he loves being inside her, cocooned deeply inside her pleasurable and heavenly softness. It always makes him crazy and delirious just thinking about it. He now believes in the saying: 'Once Tasted Always Wanted'

He will try not to engage in lovemaking with Jess' for one week. If he can survive it, then he will resort to celibacy for as long as he can endure the pressure.

Their Sexedule was now thrice a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Here comes Monday...

The night was fast 9:00 PM...he should already be inside Jess' room. They were already hugging and kissing at this moment on forward.

The wall clock strikes at 11:00 PM, one hour before midnight. He was sweating at this time...imagining himself luxuriating inside Jess' core at this very moment. God, it was torture, to begin with! Just thinking about their physical intimacy replaying in his mind over and over again, makes him feel feverish! he's having a hard-on, just thinking of her. Her moaning, her red inviting lips, her shapely legs, her soft core...everything about her body sets him on fire.

He forced his brain to shut off those mind-blowing intimate scenes that keep replaying in his mind. He tried to sleep, unfortunately, he was wide awake the whole night.

The dawn is breaking and he saw the first rays of the sun rising in the morning through the window of his room.

"Thank God, I made it!" he beamed proudly at himself.

He was still laying on his bed, admiring the success of his strong self-control.

Suddenly, the door of his room was plunged open.

There she is...his beautiful Goddess! She climbs into his bed wearing a bright smile and lay her head down on his belly.

"Y-you did not come to my room last night. Whats' wrong?" she pouted.

He caresses her checks. 'Am doing it for your own good,' he was about to say that to her, but he prevented himself from doing so.

"I fell asleep early, am sorry-Jess," he said softly.

"It's okay. We can do it this Wednesday," she winked at him seductively.

His heart skips a beat. Damn! I'm F*cked!


Tuesday came and go...nothing intimate happens between them.

Here's come Wednesday!

Adam pulled the same stunt again. He didn't go into Jess' room the whole night.

Early in the morning, Jess came into his room with a confused look.

"A-are you avoiding me?" she asked him softly while looking deeply into his eyes, trying to understand his actions lately.

Adam meets her gaze. "No! I'm not avoiding you, Jess. Am sorry- I fell asleep early again last night," he replied quickly, at the same time he pulled her body close to him.

"Okay, as you say so," she smiled at him sweetly, a mischievous look dancing across her eyes.

Adam did not expect what she does next...

With her right hand, she suddenly grabbed a handful of his groin and massage it vigorously, she accompanied it with her throaty moaning...her antics lasted for a few seconds, then she stood swiftly heading for the door as if nothing happens. "Friday then-?" she said, throwing him a wink and a smirk, laughing all the way out.

Fuck! Adam cried out loud, holding his own arousal, he reached for his pillow and stuffed it below his trembling legs.

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