The Last Embrace

Chapter 363 - Bastards! Get Off Her!

Kevin feeling ashamed looked at Jessy.

"I dunno...I mean...maybe because I was desperate back then and I resigned to my doomed fate already, expecting that I might no longer be able to go home alive so Ruth and I kind of formed a strong bond and we got closer to each other...then we fall in love and had a baby...things happened naturally...but now that I'm going home I finally realized how wrong I am and what a big mess I had created myself. But I will support Ruth and the baby financially because I love them and I know I'm the one in the wrong here," he finally admitted his mistake.

Jessy took a deep breath, she can feel his dilemma raging inside his heart but she's also wanting to smack his head in the process for knowingly putting himself in this difficult situation.

A moment later, they finally arrived in the study room.

Jessy and Kevin entered the room and Queen Margaret placed the magazine that she was holding back in the center table.

The queen smiled at Kevin. "Have a seat, Kevin," she said and pointed to the sofa across her.

"Thank you, my Queen," Kevin eagerly sank into the sofa.

Jessy stared at Kevin and freezes him instantly the moment he was already settled comfortably on the sofa.

"I will start erasing his memory now." Queen Margaret went to Kevin's side and placed both hands on his head to start erasing the memory of his abduction in the hands of the savage vampire.

Jessy went out of the study room quietly so as not to disturb the queen's concentration.

While walking towards her room she plans to drop a quick visit to Jagger in the forest.

A moment later, she arrived at her room and made herself invisible, she teleported into the treehouse...

A few seconds passed.

Jessy landed in the treehouse, she saw Jagger lying on the floor, her jacket was wrapped around his upper body while a piece of mellow music was currently playing in the air. His eyes were wide open, surprisingly, he turns his head around and stared at her direction.

"Why just stand there, Jess? Come on, show yourself, don't hide in your invisible form," Jagger spoke, smirking.

Jessy's eyes widen.


How did he know she was in the room? It could only mean one thing his power did not disappear when he transformed into a mortal being, that's the only possible explanation...unless...

She continues staring at him...analyzing his profile. But she can't stay any longer' coz she has an important task to do in a few minutes.

"Go to sleep!" she finally said aloud and teleported back into the Facility, inside her room.


Back in the treehouse.

Jagger was smirking. 'Oh my love...please come back!' he said loudly in the air, grinning.


Back in the queen's study room.

Jessy entered the room, Queen Margaret just finished erasing Kevin's memory of the abduction. "I'm done with Kevin, she's yours!" she said.

Jessy smiled at the queen. "Thank you, Mother."

Queen Margaret left the place going to her bedchamber for a much-needed rest.

Jessy went to Kevin's side and touched his arm and transformed the two of them into their invisible form. "Let's go home now to your wife and children," she said.

Jessy initiated the teleportation process, a minute later the two of them landed outside Kevin's house.

The light was still shining in the living room.

Jessy went inside the house and saw the wife folding clothes in the living room.

Perfect timing, the wife still wide awake!

Jessy looked at Kevin and made him visible, then she knocked three times on the door.

The wife peeked over at the window and saw a guy standing on the doorway that looks like her missing husband!

Jessy unfreezes Kevin just in time when the door opened and the wife cried in jubilation to see her missing husband finally home, at last!

"My husband is finally home!" she can't contain her overflowing happiness. She catapulted into her husband's waiting arms. "I'm so happy you finally return to us! Where have you been? Let's get inside, the children were already sleeping," she said while tears of happiness and relief streamed down her face, nonstop.

Kevin was frowning while looking at his wife, confused with her weird reaction upon seeing him... and the way she was if he was gone for a long time.

The couple went inside the house.

Jessy watched the door shut in front of her.

She's done with her mission in bringing Kevin home.

She rose in the air and hovered higher...her eyes scan the entire neighborhood.

She was about to teleport back into the Facility when out of the corner of her eyes on the left corner, she caught something!...she saw two figures wearing a black mask on their faces...they were stealthily entering a single-detached house through the window.

The way those figures moved and acted they are planning something bad in that house! She just can't leave right away without knowing what they are planning inside the house.

Jessy immediately zoomed into the house passing through the roof like a ghost and landed in the dark living one is inside...where are they?

She got to find them...ASAP!

Then she heard noises on the second floor, the noises sounded like things were being purposefully thrown in the floor and walls.

She zoomed into the second floor and noticed three bedrooms. She entered the first room and spotted the men in mask ripping things from the closet, from the drawer in the bedside table...throwing things everywhere, a horrified woman in her early 70's was watching in fright while the ongoing chaos was taking place around her, her mouth was covered with a duct tape preventing her from shouting for help, both her hands were bound tightly by a rope...then she saw the guys took off their masked and faced the trembling granny.

"Where's your jewelry and your money!?" one of the men shouted menacingly at the visibly shaken old woman.

"You got to reveal to us where it's hidden grandma or else we will kill you!" the other guy threatened the poor old woman brandishing his knife evilly at her terrified face.

Tears of horror streams down the granny's face, she kept shaking her head violently.

Then to Jessy's horror, the men discarded their lower garments including their underwear exposing their member and grabs the old woman's lower garments exposing her undies in the process...then one of the men tore granny's panties...the men grinned from ear to ear looking at the woman with malicious intent leaping from their eyes.

Oh no! They're going to sexually molest granny! These scumbags! They have no respect towards elders at all! They deserved to die!

The first guy lunged at the old woman and spreads wide her thighs positioning his penis into the entrance of granny's center...

"Me first!" the other guy shouted in anger while he pulls his companion away from the naked grandma.

Jessy who witnessed everything...nearly puked! Her body was trembling in rage!

She clenched her teeth and fists in anger. "Bastards! Get off her!" she shouted indignantly at the top of her lungs.

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