The Last Embrace

Chapter 376 - Good Times

Three hours later.

They passed by on the abandoned rice mill building, Caden drives the car at the back of the abandoned building. At that point, not a single car was passing on the deserted highway.

"Let's teleport now guys..." Adam said.

They all closed their eyes.

Adam initiated the teleportation process in his mind.

A moment later, they found themselves inside the car surrounded by tall bushes and trees a few meters from the highway.

Caden navigated the vehicle away from the area and eased the car back into the highway.

They were now traveling to the town where the mansion was located. Within one hour they will be arriving into the mansion.

Sarah and Hector's thoughts were filled with nostalgia, they were usually quiet during the rest of the journey.

Jessy understood very well what's going on in her parent's minds.

One hour later.

The vehicle was now approaching the tall gate of the Spring Meadow Mansion.

"OMG! We're finally back, Hector!" Sarah exclaimed and hugged her husband.

Hector wrapped his arms around his wife lovingly. "Yes, we're finally back home after a long time," he murmured in her ears.

Jessy lowered down the window and waved at the guards who recognized her right away.

The guards opened the tall gate and Caden drove the car inside.

A moment later they parked outside the entrance of the mansion, Nana Aida and Grandpa Waldo was already on standby mode outside the mansion waiting for their arrival.

Sarah and Hector immediately exited the car.

"Nana Aida!" Sarah smiled at the old woman.

"It's nice to see you again Ma'am Sarah and Sir Hector!" Aida exclaimed in happiness.

Aida and Sarah hugged each other tightly, smiling at each other fondly, they went inside the house, followed by Hector, Princess Abigail, then Adam and Jessy.

Grandpa Waldo and Caden were the last ones to enter the mansion.

"How are you doing here, Grandpa?" Caden smiled at the old man.

Grandpa Waldo smiled brightly. "Very good, son, this place is a paradise to me! And Aida is a good woman and a good cook, we got along fine with each other, everything is splendid here! I sometimes feel like I won a lottery!" he responded.

"I'm happy for you, Grandpa," Caden commented.

Everyone was already comfortably seated in the living room.

"Guys, I want to introduce you all to Grandpa Waldo," Adam said.

Grandpa Waldo smiled shyly at the visitors.

"Nice to meet you, Grandpa Waldo," Sarah and Hector greeted the old man in unison.

"Grandpa Waldo, this is Sarah and Hector the owner of this place and Jessy's parents," Adam continued.

"Nice meeting you too, Ma'am Sarah and Sir Hector!" Grandpa Waldo greeted the owner of the place.

Adam wrapped his arms around his sister. "And this young lady here is my sister, Abigail," he said.

"Hi, Grandpa Waldo!" Abigail waved her hand at the old man.

"Nice meeting you too, young lady," Grandpa Waldo replied.

"Guys, we will rest upstairs for a while," Sarah and Hector climb the stairs going to their bedroom.

Jessy looked at Abigail. "You want to rest too, Abi?" she asked.

Abigail looked at her bag. "Where shall I put my things?" she asked.

Jessy smiled. "In my room. Follow me upstairs," she said.

Adam and Caden went back to the car to bring their things and the groceries inside.

After depositing the meat in the kitchen. Adam and Caden went upstairs to Adam's room to placed their bags. Then they went down again to help the folks to prepare the meat for grilling later and install the portable picnic grill near the lake, then prepare lunch.

Inside Jessy's room.

The girls were done putting Abigail's things in the vacant closet.

"You want to stay and rest here for a while or come back with me to the living room?" Jessy asked the girl.

Abigail lies down in the bed. "I think I wanna rest here in your room for a while, I will come down later when the sun is already out," she replied.

"Okay," Jessy said.

She exited the room and went down to the kitchen to help Nana Aida prepare lunch, then marinate the meat.


The ingredients that were being used for the dishes for lunch consisted mostly of fresh vegetables harvested from Grandpa Waldo's vegetable garden.


After a few hours.

The sun already sets in the horizon and the darkness of the night starts enveloping the whole town.

Princess Abigail, Sarah and Hector come out of their room already wearing their swimming attire, they went downstairs and joined the others in the living room.

"Where are the kids?" Sarah asked Aida.

"They are already in the lake, they already started grilling the meat," Nana Aida replied.

"Sounds nice!" Sarah smiled.

"What are we waiting for?" Hector grinned.

"I'm going now to the lake!" Abigail went out of the door in a flash.

"Slow down, Child!" Nana Aida shouted. "Gosh, kids these days!" she commented.

They laughed while shaking their heads.

The trio walked in a relax manner towards the lake, all the lamp posts surrounding the lake are lighted.

It was such a beautiful night, there was a full moon above and a lot of brights stars illuminated the entire sky.

Caden and Abigail jumped into the lake, followed by Adam and Jessy, next Sarah and Hector dived into the water holding hands, displaying overload sweetness for everyone to see.

Grandpa waldo and Nana Aida didn't swim in the lake, they just felt contented sitting and grilling the meat while enjoying watching the heavens above, then from time to time, they would glance at the couples frolicking in the lake.

Soon enough, the entire lake was filled with the group's laughter and chattering.

It was a beautiful night!

Perfect for family bonding.

Jessy and Adam watched Caden and Abigail having a swimming competition in the water.

"I said no cheating! No using your power!" Caden shouted at Abigail in chagrin.

She was just laughing and ignoring Caden while zooming into the other end of the lake.

Adam watched Caden and his sister with amusement in his eyes then he looked at his girlfriend beside him. "Happy?" he asked.

"Very happy!" Jessy looked at her mother and father's overflowing sweetness towards each other, "It's worth it!" she added.

Jessy looked at Nana Aida and Grandpa Waldo handling the grilling of meat under the shade of the tree, they were having an animated conversation of their own, she smiled, it's a joyous occasion indeed. Everyone looks happy!

One hour later, the meat was all cooked, the humans gathered around the mouthwatering feast and started devouring the appetizing grilled pork, chicken, fish, hot dog, marshmallows and rice. Hector and Abigail pretended to take some of the foods in their plate just a little bite here and there but not totally eating the meat, they were just toying the bits and pieces with their spoon and fork in amusement for the benefit of Grandpa Waldo.

After eating, the group spent another two hours of fun and swimming in the lake.

Then they finally decided to have a rest and retire for the night in the mansion and just depart early the next morning.

Adam and Caden sleep together, while Jessy and Abigail shared the same room, then Hector and Sarah went to the master's bedroom. Grandpa Waldo and Nana Aida sleep in their respective room on the ground floor.

Everyone went to sleep that night wearing a smile on their face. They have a good time spending memorable moments with each other at the picnic by the lake.

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