The Last Embrace

Chapter 380 - Sky Is Not The Limit

The husband and daughter assisted the woman to her feet and they slowly approached the man in the chair for her last meal.

Before they reach the chair...Jessy freezes everyone in the room.

She looked at their faces.

Jessy went to the woman's side and plucked her away from her husband and daughter's grasp and put her back in the bed, then she made herself visible, and unfreeze the woman.

The woman's eyes landed on the stranger in front of her, she blinked twice. "W-who are you?"

"The Crossbred is real, Auntie. You are looking at her right now, I am the Crossbred that your daughter has been trying to find all this time..." she said into her eyes.

"A-are you for real?" the woman asked in disbelief.

"Yes!" Jessy offered her right arm to the woman. "Here you can have a drink of my blood, after seven days you are no longer a vampire but already transformed into a mortal being, your fangs will no longer exist and so is your hunger for human blood."

The woman was salivating at Jessy's arm, her fangs appeared instantly, she doesn't need any further coaxing because she immediately sank her pointed teeth in the skin and drunk the young woman's blood to her heart's content.

A minute later...the woman already had her fill, she withdraws her fangs from Jessy's skin. "Thank you so much, lady. Your blood is so sweet and intoxicating, I'm feeling so sleepy..." then she closed her eyes, the smile of satisfaction lingered on her face.

Jessy wiped the extra blood on the woman's lips with the towel nearby then covered her body with the blanket. "Sleep well, Auntie, I will take care of the guy," she said.

Jessy turned around and looked at the guy in the chair.

She needs to bring him back to his car so that he can finally go back to where he belongs, back to his family.


A minute later.

The guy was back in the driver's seat. He was blinking his eyes, wondering why he was back in his car when the last thing he remembered he was still drinking coffee inside the house of that drunk woman he brought home from the club.

He glanced at the house one last time.

Anyways, he needs to go back to town and go home, he took his car keys from the pocket of his jeans and insert the key into the ignition and the engine comes to life.

He speeds away from the area going back to where he belongs.

Jessy watched as the car already disappeared from her sight.

She went back to the basement and with just one wave of her hand, she unfreezes the husband and the daughter.

After a few seconds, both father and daughter were horrified to see the guy already gone!

"Father, where that guy has gone to? Why he disappeared!?" the daughter asked her father in panic.

"I dunno, daughter," the bewildered father answered.

Then they looked at the bed and saw her sleeping soundly.

"Mother!" the daughter rushed to her mother's side.

The woman's eyes opened. "Shhh...kept quiet now, child. Mother is sleeping, let me sleep for seven days and after that, I will finally turn into a mortal being."

"Huh? Wife, what are you talking about?" the husband asked, deeply puzzled.

The woman smiled. "The Crossbred appeared in this room and she let me drink some of her blood and she told me that I will turn into a human being after seven days. I believe her..." then she closed her eyes again to sleep.

"But, mother, where is the guy sitting on that chair, over there!" the daughter pointed her fingers at the empty chair.

"The Crossbred said, she will take care of the guy," the woman answered and resumed sleeping.

The father and daughter stared at each other, perplexed on what was happening inside the basement area. They have no idea what happened and what took place inside the basement 'coz they never saw the Crossbred that her mother was talking about.

Or maybe her mother was just hallucinating and making things up...

"Don't leave your mother! I will look for the guy outside," the father said.

The husband left the room in a hurry and went outside the house to look for the guy who was able to escape from the basement, but the guy's car was also gone!

Where could he be?

Could his wife possibly be telling the truth?

He went back to the basement area.

"I can't find the guy and his car, it seems he was already gone," he said.

"But what exactly happened here? Why can't we remember a single thing?" the daughter kept asking questions that only her mother can answer.

The mother's eyes opened again. "I told you, the Crossbred was here. I'm telling the truth. I'm not lying! Why don't you believe me guys?" she asked staring at her husband and daughter's eyes.

"Because we didn't see anything, Mom. We haven't seen anyone entered the door this room, that is why it's hard to believe everything you said to us!" the daughter insisted.

The woman smiled. "It's not because you can't see things they don't exist. There are things in this world that are hard to explain. And my being a longer a mystery to you?" she said. "Just stop thinking of the things that happened tonight, after this event, we will be facing a new chapter of our life. I'm just thankful to the Crossbred, she arrived just in time before I succumb to my death. She saved me from my death tonight, I'm forever grateful for her help," she said, then she looked around the room. " Crossbreed, if you are still here inside my room right now, can you place show something to my daughter and husband so that they will believe me..." she begged.

Jessy smiled and give in to the woman's request. She stared at the ceiling of the room and turned it into a deep blue sky adorned with clouds, then to complete the landscape, she painted the walls with murals of coconut trees facing a spectacular blue ocean.

The room turns into a giant landscape of a beautiful pristine beach. Everywhere they look inside the room there were coconut trees, white sand, and sparkling water and even the floor resembled the blue sky above.

"Beautiful!" the daughter gushes in awe.

"Unbelievable!" the father exclaimed, his face lighted up, he was blown away by the incredible transformation happening inside the room.

"Now you believe me..." the woman in the bed closed her eyes and resumed her sleep.


Jessy smiled, she was truly delighted with her power. Maybe she will paint her room with an ocean theme, then next week it will be the snow-covered room...and next she will turn her room into a beautiful garden full of can turn her room into anything she wants it to be. 

Sky is not the limit.

Smiling, she teleported back into her room in the Facility.

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