The Last Embrace

Chapter 385 - Back To Reality

Seven days later.

Jessy arrived in the queen's study room. "Good evening, Mother. I hope I'm not late," she said and plopped down on the sofa.

"You just come in time, daughter. Let's start discussing Hazel's baby, do you have any suggestion?" Queen Margaret asked.

Jessy's eyes landed at the face of a beautiful model which was the cover of the women's magazine, then she shifted her attention back to the queen. "Since Perry is single and Hazel got a partner, I think we should keep the baby here and raised him."

"I guess you are that's it...problem solved...we already settled our problem with the baby," the queen said. "You can go back now to the clinic then bring Hazel and the baby here at 11:00 tonight," the queen said.

"Yes Mother, I'm leaving now," replied Jessy, she rose to her feet and left the room quietly.

Jessy sauntered towards the clinic. While walking in the hallway she was thinking of Jagger. She was not able to visit the treehouse for several days. How was he doing right now? She will go to the treehouse later to inform him that they will be going to his brother's place this weekend.

She finally reached the clinic and went inside.

A few hours later.

Jessy was finished with the blood transfusion, time for a two hours break.

She went to her room and from there teleported into the forest, she didn't bother to conceal herself in her invisible form because Jagger can always detect her.

When she landed in the treehouse, he was not inside, she went to the window and looked down, still, she can't find him in the ground!

She hovered outside the treehouse and rose above to check the surrounding areas.

She still can't spot him!

How about in the stream nearby?

She zoomed towards the stream but found only the trees and rock formation there serenaded by the sound of the water lazily trickling down the stream. The sight of the stream looks nice and refreshing as always.

Where are you, Jagger?

Then all of a sudden she heard a whistle in the distance.

Could it be him?

She zoomed into the direction of the whistling and spotted Jagger sitting down on a huge branch of the tree in the ground. He was holding two wild chickens on his right hand and the machete on his left hand.

Jagger sensed her presence 'coz he turned around immediately and looked straight into her eyes. "'d finally had time to visit me today...I thought you have already forgotten about me," he said, both his eyes and voice harboring sadness.

Jessy cleared her throat. "Sorry...I have not visited you recently because I got busy in real life. I just want to inform you that I will bring you to your brother's place this weekend as promised," she said.

Jagger's mega-watt smile flashed on his face, delighted with her good news. "That's good! I'm looking forward to seeing you again this weekend. Is it Saturday or Sunday?" he wanted to make sure so that he can prepare the things he wants to bring with him to the journey.

"This coming Sunday, wait for me in the treehouse, we will start traveling after lunch. Is that okay with you?" she asked.

"Yes! I'm okay with the schedule. I'm looking forward to our journey this Sunday," he said. He was studying her pretty face, the intense longing was leaping from his eyes. He coughed a little. "I'm going to roast this chicken later in the treehouse, hope you stay for a while and share this delicious meat with me," he said.

Jessy looked at the chicken. "Sounds good! Sure!"

They walked in comfortable silence back to the treehouse.

"I will go to the stream to clean this chicken, you can wait for me here," Jagger said.

"I will go with you to the stream. I will get the basin and seasoning first in the treehouse so that I can marinate the dressed chicken for a few minutes so that they will taste more delicious while roasting," Jessy said.

"Very as you please...Jess," he murmured.

Jessy hovered back into the treehouse and picked up the basin and put the seasonings inside, then she hovered back to the ground.

They started walking together towards the stream.

"How's your day here?" Jessy initiated the small talk.

"Just bearable, I'm feeling so bored and restless while waiting for your visit that never comes. I can never become your top priority, right?" he asked.

Jessy released a deep sigh, she was not supposed to answer his question and just wanted to remain quiet but he was waiting for her answer. "I'm sorry Jagger, you know already the reason why," that's all she can say to him.

Jagger breathed deeply. "I know what is your priority. I'm just stupid to ask you in the first place even if I already know your answer. I have no right to shove my presence in your life, I'm just one of your friends," he said sadly.

Jessy rolled her eyes. "Exactly, you are one of my friends and I seldom have male friends for real. You are special!" she smiled at him.

Jagger's heart was turning mushy as he was the sole beneficiary of her sweet and charming smile. "I love your smile, Jess, simply beautiful and breathtaking. It made me happy every time you smile at me like that," he commented.

"Really—?" Jessy continues smiling broadly for his benefits. "I'm glad to know my smile can make you happy my friend," she said.

They finally arrived in the stream. Jagger starts to work, he cleaned the chicken and took away it's innards and it's feathers from its body. Then he handed the cleaned product to Jessy to be marinated with seasoning. Jagger did the same to the second chicken while Jessy was busy rubbing salt and seasoning to the chicken's body.

Jessy looked at Jagger's smiling profile, wanting to help him find a woman to become his soulmate, she nearly forgotten that he was the king's enemy and the reason why she will accompany him to his brother's place is to spy on how big is the population of the remaining savage vampires hiding in the faraway land under his brother's leadership.

Fifteen minutes later.

Jagger finished cleaning the chicken, he handed it to his companion.

Jessy accepted the dressed chicken and began rubbing salt and seasoning all over the chickens' body. The meat is ready for roasting in an open fire.

"Let's go back now to the treehouse," Jagger said.

"Okay, after you..." Jessy answered.

Jagger picked up the basin and carries it over his shoulder and walked ahead of Jessy.

They ambled back to the treehouse, their stomach already anticipating a mouthwatering feast.

Once they reached their destination, Jagger and Jessy began making fire using dry wood and roast the two chickens side by side suspended by a makeshift wooden spit over the fire.

After a while, the delicious aroma of roasted chicken filled the air. One hour later, they were now munching on the finished product of their hard work and effort.

"This roasted chicken tastes so yummy!" Jessy gushes appreciatively.

A few minutes later, they finished eating the roasted chicken with some leftovers left. In between chewing the roasted meat, they would glance and smile to each other like children having fun camping in the forest.

For Jessy, if Jagger is not an enemy he can be a good friend or a brother to her.

For Jagger, Jessy will always be his ideal woman. He would forever cherish the sweet moments she spent with him. He was hoping they can be like this every day, eating together, cooking together and just enjoying each other's company.

But all good things have come to end.

Back to reality!

Done with their feast, Jagger offered to clean up the mess...alone...while Jessy teleported back to the Facility.

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