The Last Embrace

Chapter 389 - Welcome To The World!

Adam and Jessy entered Hannah's room, the queen and her daughter were absent in the room only Hannah and the newborn baby was there.

"Hi, Hannah!" Adam grinned while conveying his greetings to the mother of his nephew.

"Hello Prince Adam..." replied Hannah.

"May I take a look at my nephew?" Adam went to the baby's side and scooped the tiny infant with his big hands. "Aww...his face looks very much like my brother Zain!" he muses.

Hannah and Jessy looked at each other.

"Why did you say that...the baby is barely two days old and right now, he looks like a cherub and doesn't reflect like anyone else's image..." Jessy interjected.

Adam chuckled and grinned at his girlfriend, then shifted his attention back to the baby in his arms. "Hello...nephew...uncle Adam here!" he nuzzled the baby's soft skin." Then he looked again at Jessy. "Since, Hannah and my brother Zain already had a baby...How about we also start conceiving our baby?" he winked at her.

Hannah clapped her hands in amusement. "Go...Go...Go!"

Jessy smiled and giggled. "No problem, let's wait after I transformed all vampires into humans, then I can give you a baby," she said to him.

"Very well, I can wait then..." he said without an ounce of disappointment in his eyes.

Hannah looked at her friend...Jessy honored the prophecy and didn't make a fuss about it, it must be very hard for Jessy to get her blood taken from her body several times day and spends most of her time inside the clinic and in her room. "I'm sorry that you are imprisoned here because of your responsibility, Jess. You are not able to spend your life freely just like ordinary mortals of your age. It must be very hard for you to be constantly holed up here inside the Facility all day long," she said sadly.

Jessy looked at Hannah. "Hey, don't be sad for me. I am already getting used to my life's daily grind here, besides I can always go to the city anytime I like and explore the world outside the Facility anytime I wanted to. You might think that blood transfusion is what I'd been doing here all this time? Nah, the truth is...I'm free as a bird!" she informed her friend.

Hannah looked at Jessy's face, her face was not displaying any hint of sadness, she must be telling the truth. " mean to can go out of the Facility anytime you want?"

Jessy nodded her head. "Yes! Anytime!"

"Wow, nice! I'm glad that your movement was not restricted here. It's a consolation to know that beside blood transfusion you can still do other things and it did not hinder you from doing the things you love," said Hannah.

Jessy smiled. "If my life has been all about blood transfusion and then back to my room to rest and then back to the clinic to do blood transfusion again...and repeat the same thing every day I would certainly get bored to death already...good thing I have my powers at my disposal and they are very convenient to use every time I needed them." She no longer wants Hannah to know that she's been learning the ways of the mortal people...the good and the bad included through her interaction with them in the outside world.

While the women's conversation branch out to other topics such as parenting and babies, Adam was smitten by the little bundle of joy he was carrying in his arms.

A few moments later.

"Guys, I will leave the two of you here 'coz I need to head back to the clinic. See you later..." Jessy said and nods at Adam.

"I will see you at the clinic," Adam mouthed at her girlfriend before she exited the door.

Jessy smiled, she went to her boyfriend's side and planted a kiss on his forehead then she also kissed the baby's feet. She looked at Hannah and waves her hand.

"See you, Jess..." Hannah said.

Jessy closed the door quietly behind her.


Ten minutes later.

Queen Margaret, King Antone and Princess Abigail entered the room.

Adam smiled broadly at his family and placed the baby in his father's arms.

King Antone smiled at his grandson, he was a proud grandfather. " first grandson! Our family is expanding," he said, his eyes welled, holding back his emotion. "Although this baby born at this era of uncertainty but his coming to our lives is symbolic, it's like the coming of new age and hope. One day, we will regain our freedom back, and roam the world again and live free as a bird just like everyone else!"

Queen Margaret looked at Hannah. "We are going to bring the baby to Zain's prison room so that the father and son can finally meet each other."

Hannah nodded her head in agreement.

The royal family left the room.

They appeared on Zain's room at the same time.

Zain at that time was sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at the floor, bored to death. His eyes widened in surprise when his entire family appeared inside the room. Then his gaze was drawn to the little bundle his father was carrying in his arms.

King Antone smiled at his eldest son and walked towards him. He handed the baby to his reluctant father. "We gathered here to celebrate this milestone...your son with Hannah was born in this world as a symbol of hope for our clan..."

Zain looked at the sleeping infant in his arms. As he was staring at his son's features...he can't explain what he exactly feels at that if there was an invisible hand caressing his him solace and comfort the moment he laid eyes on his son's face.

"Leave us alone!" Zain ordered to his family. "I want to spend time alone with my son..." he demanded.

The royal family looked at each other with uncertainty showing in their eyes, no one wanted to get out of the room. They were all fearing that Zain will do something to the infant.

Zain looked at the faces of his family. "Why are you not leaving yet?"

No one dared to answer him.

"Do you think I will do something bad to my son?" Zain was disappointed with them for their lack of trust. But then he can never blame them, the way he acted before is not worth their trust anymore. But right now, while he was holding his son for the first time, he wants to be alone with him to sort out his confusing feelings as well.

Queen Margaret glanced at her companion. "We shall give Zain a private moment with his son..." she finally said.

Finally, everyone agreed, and they all disappeared from the room.

Zain continues holding his son in his arms. While looking at the baby's angelic features...his tears suddenly streamed down from his face. There's something ethereal about the sight of his son that squeezes his heart... and it's so painful at the same time utterly beautiful. He lowered his head down and planted a gentle kiss on the baby's forehead.

Finally, Zain understood the feeling of being a father for the first time in his adult life... to become a parent to this fragile and pure being that was sleeping peacefully in his arms was truly terrifying...he believes for a second that he doesn't deserve his son. Mixed emotions bombarded his mind and heart...there was fear...excitement...happiness and above all... a feeling of anxiety if in the long run, he can be a good father to his offspring.

But despite the turmoil raging inside his heart and mind, one thing is clear...his son has finally arrived into this world and he needs his father's unconditional love and care.

A bittersweet smiled curled on Zain's lips. "Welcome to the world, son!" he finally said.

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