The Last Embrace

Chapter 39 Pain and Pleasure

Adam's deteriorating health continues...

At one point, Jessy found him sprawled in the floor of his bedroom, writhing in pain. He was about to get his blood ration from his icebox, halfway to his destination...the searing pain inside his chest attacked again leaving him in that pathetic estate.

So, Jessy decided to take care of Adam full time. She will sleep in his room during night time and stay by his side during day time. She will only go to her room if she takes a bath or changes her clothes. Adam was confined to his room all the time, mostly lying on his bed.

"Jess, you don't have to do this," said Adam.

"Nonsense, let me take care of you, okay?" says Jessy.She combed his messy hair with her fingers and kissed his forehead.

"T-thank you...Jess," he said teary-eyed.

"So, what it feels like if the pain attacks you?" she asks.

Adam grimaced. "It feels like my heart is being squeezed so tight...I can no longer breath. It's hard for me to breath. Am getting weaker with each passing day," he said sadly.

Jessy chokes back her sobs. She tried hard not to cry in front of him. She had to be strong for both of them.

Adam holds her hands and kissed each one of them. "I'm so sorry, I can no longer take you to the beach, to the park, to the woods or even take a swim with you in the lake or even visits your rose garden. I reduced to this useless state. So this is what it feels like to be dying slowly..."

"Shhh, don't say that we still have one month left. We can still do so many things together like watching movies online, play your favorite video game. Play card games," she tried to cheer him up.

"I'm so sorry I can no longer give you a baby," he added in a painful tone.

Jessy hugged Adam tight. "It's okay. Please don't think about it. Maybe it's not meant to be. We just have to accept that..." Deep inside, she was also dying slowly mentally and psychologically. It's painful to watch your beloved always in constant pain. If she can only share his physical pain, she would willingly take half of it or even all of it.

"Adam, I will go downstairs to take my dinner. I'll be back right away," she needs to go out of the room fast. She needs to cry somewhere that he can't see her.

"You go ahead, Jess. Take your time," he said.

She covered Adam's body with a blanket and kissed his forehead. She got out of the room quickly and in the hallway, she let her tears fall freely. Downstairs she found Nana Aida in the kitchen preparing their dinner.

The older woman looked at the younger woman with deep sympathy in her eyes.

They looked at each other, with tears both streaming down on their faces. Nana Aida went to Jess' side and hugged her.

"Nana, Adam is d-dying..." her sobbing is heart-wrenching. Her young body is wracking with heavy sobs.

"I know child, I know." Nana Aida had seen Adam's worsening condition. He is her son after all, even though he wasn't born out of her womb. She genuinely cared for Adam since he was young until he grows up into a fine young man. It broke her heart that she can't do anything to save him from the clutches of death. The prophecy is about to come true. It chilled her to the bone. Watching it unfold in front of her eyes, she can't help but curse destiny, for Adam to die so young it's totally unfair!

"I-is there anything we can do to help save Adam, Nana?" she asks.

Nana Aida shook her head slowly. "Nothing that I can think of..." she said sadly. The hopelessness of her voice only added to the heartbreaking pain that Jessy felt inside.

They spent dinner with each other in silence, they missed Adam's presence in the dining room, terribly. They used to laugh at his lame and wacky jokes and the goofy faces he made each time. They both realized, they were so lucky to witness and become an important part of the life of a young man who got a pure and extraordinary heart.

Sadly that young man is about to die soon...and the worst thing...they can not do anything to prevent his death.

They felt so utterly lost and hopeless, they resumed their crying even after finishing their dinner.


The night is getting late, Jessy stood beside the window of Adam's room, staring at the full moon above.

"Jess, come here, let's sleep now," Adam called her.

She closed the window and lay down beside Adam on the bed. She covered their body with his blanket. She hugged him from behind. His warm body stirred something deep inside her, is it lust? It's been a long time since the last time they perform physical intimacy together. She misses him deep inside her. She pressed her body closer to his while running her hands freely up and down his chest.

"Lol, w-what are you doing, Jess?" he groaned, loving the way how her hand's gentle caresses brought delicious warmth throughout his body.

"I miss you!" Jessy whispers softly on Adam's ears. Then her hands travel down to the waistband of his shorts, then her fingers entered inside the garment...and finally she touched and squeezed his groin, instantly, Adam's body lighted with fire, her electrifying touch sent his arousal to a frenzy.

Adam groaned in pleasure...

Jessy straddled Adam's body, positioning her nether region to his groin.

" afraid..." he suddenly blurted out.

"Shhh, I just want to pleasure you, Adam," she said in a thick voice.

Jessy was so aroused that she barely pay any attention to what he was saying. As she keeps grinding slowly with eyes closed, the sensation is building up wracking their bodies with delicious pleasure.

Adam is also holding his chest while Jessy was grinding on top of him. The pain on his chest is growing along with the pleasure of Jess' grinding, the intense pleasure and the intense pain combined makes him breathless, it was pure torture, he gritted his teeth hard. He's trying hard not to stop what she's currently doing. She seems to be enjoying it, he enjoyed it too, just that if Jessy will continue what she is doing, he thinks he will not last in the next hours, he will eventually die, not sure...but he would rather die in pleasure rather than in pain, but since he has no choice he has to endure both. As Jess' frantic grinding continues, he tried so hard to numb the growing pain on his chest. Instead, he concentrated on her grinding and the pleasure it brought to their bodies.

With one final grind, Jessy gives her all...they reached nirvana together.

Jessy crumbled on Adam's side, tired, but with a sweet smile on her lips.

"You like it?" she whispered into his ear.

"Yes! It was mind-blowing as always. I love it Jess, thank you very much!" he kissed her lips.

She was alarmed to see his right hand still clutched to his chest. Damn! Was he in pain all along while she kept grinding on top of him?

"W-why you did not stop me!?" she's starting to feel bad inside.

She hated herself for initiating a romp on him while he was in a bad situation. Was it about the baby? Does she want to have this last chance to conceive, that is why she disregarded his condition? She covered her face with her hands in shame and guilt. She just wanted to pleasure him, that was what his mind and heart told her.

"Jess...please don't feel guilty about it. The pain is gone now, you made me happy tonight," he said with a sweet and satisfied smile on his lips. He caresses her cheeks full of love and adoration.

"R-really?" she took a glanced at his face and saw a different glow on his face, satiated happiness due to her grinding. Her guilt vanished right away. It's worth it! She smiled and snuggled closer to his awaiting embrace.

"I love you so much, Adam!" she murmured in a sleepy voice.

"I love you more than my words can say," Adam replied softly. He kissed her forehead.

They sleep well through the night, entangled in a deep embrace.


*Author's Note to her beloved readers*


First, let me say this...

Am so sorry for breaking your hearts dear readers...

It's all about Adam's impending death...isn't it?

Many of you become so attached to his character that you will feel sad if he will die.

I have been very honest to you since the very beginning that Adam was cursed...I made a mention of his death several times in the previous chapters...just to make sure that my readers will feel not so affected badly by his death...

Unfortunately, some of you can't still let go of Adam...


It's painful I know, am a reader too, I read a lot of sad stories in my whole life and I cried along with every sad dying scene with my favorite characters. But I moved on...we have to move on.

Let me tell you this...

I recently lost my 95 years old father, last November 14, 2018. It was so painful, when he dies in front of me, his last breath and his last glance at my face, I was there in front of him when death finally struck him with the final painful that I keep pumping on his chest to revive to resurrect him. I can't accept the pain of losing him, I wished so desperately to bring him back to life...but when you stared at the face of death, you will know instantly that nothing can be done.

My father passed away that day, surrounded by me and my brothers and sisters.

I was the one who served my father since he suffers Alzheimer's disease throughout his old age. He was reduced to a mere child, unable to feed himself or cleaned himself. He has to depend on me for all his needs.

The sad and painful memories so vivid, the painful images still hunted my mind unto this day. You can never get over with the pain, you always remember. When he died, part of me also died with him. I will never be the same. But I have to move on and continue living...

I served my father through his dying days. I love my father so much! Our bonding hurt me the most. Every time I bathed him, feed him and change his clothes & diapers, cut his beard, cut his growing hair. The times I told him I love him very much that I will never abandon him, that I always take care of him. Everything I did for him, I remembered all and am even crying now while writing's so damn painful. I even wanted to die along with him.

Just a piece of advice from your parents, siblings unconditionally, show them your love, because when death strikes, it might be too late for you to do anything.

Now let's go back to the topic...

I love Adam! Because I had a fun time building up his character...

I even love him more than Jessy can love him, lol. ( Rolls eyes, Jess' please don't kill me!) hahaha

I love him even he is super ugly...hehehe

He stole my heart away...even though he is only a character I made myself.

He completely blows my mind away, it seemed he is real!

I know am weird...

But when I started to write this story, the plot has been written, the ending was already woven in my mind. Along with Adams death, I will introduce different help the story continue where I wanted it to be.

Please stay with me...please don't take Adam's death so hard...please don't hate me!

I promised you all, how much pain you experienced during Adam's death, I will definitely wipe them with happiness tenfold, in the end, you will say to yourself, it's worth sticking with Jessy on her journey forward even though Adam is no longer by her side.

Your's truly...


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