The Last Embrace

Chapter 392 - Don't Touch That Bottle!

*Please read tomorrow, I'm currently editing it~ Thanks!

Roden, the leader of the remaining savage vampire clan was playing with his ten years old son and eleven years old daughter inside his bed chamber inside the cave, it was situated under the mountain surrounded by dense vegetation. The opening of the cave is hard to spot by a naked eyes. It was also protected by a magical spell that Roden created himself. More than five hundred savage vampires are hiding inside taking refuge by it's safety walls.

The shield can only be access by someone who is knowledgeable when it comes to the magic incantation, and it runs in the family.

Only two person is capable of breaking the barrier exposing the cave inside and all of it's vulnerable inhabitants...

He and his brother, Jagu or he fondly called himself Jagger.

Inside the cave, the savage vampires were living peacefully, they are well fed and safe under Roden's leadership.

No ones wants to venture outside, because the outside world was already deemed dangerous by the entire vampire race.

Roden, has made an oath to his father to protect the remaining savage vampires, and he also made an oath to his mother to not seek revenge and live his life peacefully. Unfortunately, his younger brother did not share with him the same views in life, if he wanted peace, Jagger craves revenge.

It's been a while, he had no news about his brother, if he was still alive...only time can tell.

There are many times that he wanted to go and look for his brother. One day, Jagger vanished with a handful of his men who also share the same vision of revenge...he knew where they were going...they are planning to attack the Facility where the King and Queen of vampires resides and went to hiding.

But ever since his brother and his loyal follower vanished on that day, he no longer have any news about what happened to them, he was already expecting the worst that his brother was already killed during the attack to the Facility.

He had blamed himself for not doing his best to prevent his brother from seeking revenge, but he know deep inside, nothing he can do can stop his brother from leaving their hideout.

While his children were playing in the ground, his absentminded eyes stared at the wall of the cave...looking past beyond mountains trying to find the image of his brother.

While he was in that estate of thinking...

A black smoke suddenly materialize inside the chamber and was now forming into a human shape.


The children was shrieking in fright and shocked running to their father.

Roden's hands moved and black smoke was coming out of his hands...ready to kill the enemy who barged into their private domain.

Jagger appeared in front of them, holding a bottle in right hand and the bundle in left hand.

"Uncleeeeee!" the children screamed in glee and run towards their uncle.

Jagger put down the bundle in the ground and placed the bottle containing Jessy in the table made of wood. "Hello kids, uncle, greatly misses you kiddo's!" he scooped the squealing children in his arms.

After a while he put them down.

Roden was stupefied, he stared at his younger brother in shocked for a long time, the brother that he thought has already died has now comeback to him...alive!

"J-Jagu!" Roden finally found the words and called out his brother.

The two brother's stared at each other for a few seconds.

Jagger was feeling glad of seeing his brother again. He walked towards his brother and they embraced each other tightly. "I miss you bro! I'm sorry I'm being hard headed before. I should have not left at all. I regretted seeking revenge..." he broke down and sobbed in his brother's shoulders.

Roden rubbed his younger brother's back. Based on his brother's narration, he can only guessed that he lose all his men in the battle. "T-they died?"

Jagger nodded his head. "Yes, all of them, because of me!" his voice was shaking in guilt and remorse. "I'm so sorry brother...I'm so sorry that I failed to protect them and I hated myself that I leave our hideout and I brainwashed my men to follow me and promising them of a successful revenge but in the end I brought them all to slaughter..."

Roden choked back the lump on his throat. "Calm down, brother, I already forgiven you. Let's start all over again...this time you will listen to me, okay?"

Jagger nods his head. "I promised you brother, I will never leave your side again. I will not venture into the outside world ever again," he said and wiped the tears from his eyes and face.

Then their attention was drawn to the laughter of the children staring at the bottle.

Jagger stared at horror at his niece and nephew. "Noooooo! Don't touch that bottle!"

The children didn't listen thinking that the bottle is a toy.

The girl tried to open the bottle but failed and soon the boy attempted to open the lid of the bottle failed...they were about to smash the bottle into the ground... Jagger quickly snatched the bottle from the children's grasp.

"Kids, this bottle is not a toy!" he explained to them.

"We saw a genie inside the bottle, uncle! We want to play with her!" they said in unison, their faces looks disappointed.

Jumping up and down, the kids were trying to reach the bottle again, Jagger had to put the bottle up higher than his head.

"Kids. Go outside find your mother. Your uncle and I will have a serious discussion. Go!" Roden shooed his children out of the chamber, they obeyed his command right away.

Roden stared at the bottle and spotted a human form lying inside the bottle, he snatched the bottle from his brother and look at the unconscious form of a woman..."Jagger, who is this woman you imprisoned inside the bottle!?" he glared at his brother.

Jagger grinned. "That is the woman I'm going to marry, brother! She is going to become my wife soon! But first, I need your help....she doesn't like me...she love someone else..." he explained sadly.

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