The Last Embrace

Chapter 395 - The Search Begin

Adam and Caden were enjoying coffee breaks in the terrace when out of the corner of his eyes Adam spotted his mother standing in the living room. He placed his mug of coffee in the center table and rose to his feet, "Mother is here!" he said to Caden.

Caden turned his head and glanced at the living room, he smiled and bowed his head. "Good evening, my Queen," he said when he saw the queen approaching the terrace.

Queen Margaret nods her head at Caden.

"Mother, something wrong?" Adam said upon seeing the worries etched on his mother's face.

"It's, Jessy, she's missing! We can't find here in the Facility!" the queen informed her son.

Adam's eyes narrowed. "Huh? Since when—Mother?"

"Since lunchtime. Sarah told me that she and Jessy were having lunch together in the canteen and that was the last time she saw her daughter. The doctor in the clinic said that Jessy was not able to report to the clinic the whole afternoon," Queen Margaret explained.

Adam fell silent for a few seconds.

He recalled once during their outing in the mansion Jessy told him that she will be sending her friend to his brother's place in a faraway land. Speaking of a faraway land, if Jessy uses teleportation as means of travel it would only take a few seconds or a few minutes the most to reach their destination unless they opted to travel by foot which may take a few days. But knowing Jessy, she won't miss the blood transfusion unless it's super important.

"I think I know where to find her, Mother. You may go back now to the Facility and please inform Aunt Sarah that I will look for Jessy myself. I will appear in the Facility right away once I know where she is," Adam said.

"How about I send some of your father's men to help locate Jessy?" Queen Margaret suggested.

"Just get the men ready, Mother, I will summon them when I needed their help," he replied.

"How many?"

"About 500 men..."

"Okay, I will take my leave now and return to the Facility and tell your father to organized his men," said Queen Margaret.

Like a ghost, the queen disappeared from their sight.

Caden grabbed Adam's arm. "Bro, is it true —Jessy is missing?"

Adam looked at Caden. "Probably yes. My mother won't come here unless the situation is not serious," he replied in a calm voice.

Caden looked at his friend's face. "Why are you not worrying, bro? Why you are so calm?" he asked.

Adam brows furrowed. "Jessy's body can not be easily harmed by any object or physical blows, besides if she got into an accident and got wounded anywhere her body it will heal quickly. It's too soon to worry..." he explained calmly but deep inside, the worry was already creeping up in his mind and heart.

"Ah okay..." Caden murmured. "Goodluck bro! I will pray for Jessy's safe return." He sank back in the chair and continue sipping his coffee.

Adam walked towards his room to change into his black ensemble and starts finding Jessy in the forest.


Adam teleported into the treehouse.

He landed inside the tiny house which was submerged in pitch darkness. He immediately grows flames in his hand and located the torch suspended near the window and lighted it.

The light-flooded the entire area.

Adam noticed that the house was already abandoned, not a single household stuff can be found inside except the coconut shell and the spoon carelessly dropped on the floor.

Adam can still smell Jessy's scent inside the treehouse.

Where did they go next?

Since he can no longer found any clues of their whereabouts inside the house, it's now time for him to leave.

He exited the treehouse through the window.

For a few minutes, Adam hovered up in the air, his eyes scanning the whole area. Nothing significant to see in this part of the forest.

He was faced with three directions to start looking for her, to the North, West, and Eastern area.

He will go North first.

Adam zoomed forward into the mountainous area, scanning the trees below, trying to locate Jessy's scent.

One hour later, he had already covered a thousand miles going back and forth, passing towering mountains and dense forest, still, he can't locate her scent.

Where exactly that guy's brother leave?

He remembered that Jessy mentioned of faraway mountains where the guy's brother was residing. Based on their last conversation, that guy isn't sure if his brother is still alive or not? Maybe they already reached that mountain and still trying to find his brother...the reason why Jessy can't leave her friend which is now a vulnerable mortal being. But if it's the case, she should just have brought her friend back into the Facility and continue finding the missing brother the next day. It's not Jessy's character to make her parents worry about her.

Unless...unless...something happened unexpectedly along their journey.

There's something fishy about her sudden disappearance without informing everyone where she is going.

If he still can't find her tonight he will continue looking for her the whole day tomorrow.

Then during nighttime, he will bring his father's men to help him find her quickly.

Adam hovered up in the air for a few minutes. He had already covered a wide area yet Jessy's scent completely disappeared.

Is it possible they meet an accident in the forest and probably fallen into a rabbit hole?


But with Jessy's power, they won't likely stay down in the rabbit's hole.

He will check that mountain over there in the distance. If he can't still find them there, he will go back to the facility just in case she already come home.

Adam zoomed into the towering mountains, lining up after another, about five of them.

He hovered at the peak of one of the mountain and looked down below.

The forest was pitch-dark.

He can't even see a tiny ray of light down the mountain. He lowered himself into the darkness, colliding into branches of trees nearly smacking him on the face. Then his feet landed in the solid ground, he grows flames in his hands and utilizes them as his torch while navigating the dense forest.

This kind of searching would be more effective during day time when he can see everything with the help of the sunlight.

Adam continues to search for Jessy, up in the trees and down in the bushes. He was not afraid of deadly snakes and insect bites because he already covered his entire body with a protective shield.

He will keep looking for her until 1:00 in the morning and then resume his search tomorrow morning after breakfast.

The search begin.

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