The Last Embrace

Chapter 404 - Volatile Situation

Adam sighed and nodded his head in affirmation. "Dad, can you please talk to the leader first before you make your verdict?"

King Hector snorted. "What's there to talk about? The fact that he was the son of that evil who made us suffer due to the anti-vampire vaccine then it's only right that he will die along with his surviving clan," he said vehemently. "What I don't get it is that Jessy wants me to forgive them? And just like that—? I will just forget everything?"

"That's the point. If Roden's father and his brother are keen on revenge but he is not. Will you still kill him because he had a blood relation with his father and brother? Just because of that reason?"

"You don't understand son. When it comes to war, there should be no survivor left especially on the evil side," King Antone said.

"Exactly Dad, but we are not in war anymore. We are hiding in the Facility for survival. The war was over a long time ago. Let go of the past, I'm begging you, listen to Jessy first. She won't insist on this peace and saving those vampires if she doesn't have a valid reason," Adam insisted.

"Jessy...that girl is softhearted. She shouldn't meddle in the affairs of the past." That's the only thing he can say to his daughter in law. He knows very well that the three people with him in the room are Pro-Jessy.

Adam walked towards his father's side. "Father, what is your decision regarding those vampires hiding in the cave?"

King Antone looked annoyed at his son's question. "What's the rush, son? You want me to order my men to massacre those savage vampire right away?"

Adam released a deep sigh. "I'm deeply saddened by this, Father. Please think carefully, there is no need for bloodshed tonight. Let's just forget about the past and move on," he said.

Queen Margaret looked at her son. "Adam, get out of the room. Can you see that your father is relaxing and resting—? Let's give him enough time to rest. Go now!" she shooed her son away.

"Alright," Adam replied and exited the bedchamber feeling uneasy.

While he was walking in the hallway, he was thinking of what's going to happen tonight? His father was still tied to the past and can't let go of his hatred for the savage vampire clan. While Jessy was adamant of saving those vampires. He was fearing that Jessy and his father will clash, knowing Jessy, she won't back out easily especially if she feels she is right.

If Jessy and his father will fight, which side he is going to side with?

His father or his girlfriend's side? They are both very important to him.

He will cross the bridge once he will get there.

He will try his best to make sure that no bloodshed and no conflict will happen tonight.

Not in the mood to go back to his condo in the city unless this problem dissolves, he knows exactly where to go. He initiated the teleportation process in his mind.


Jessy had briefed Roden about what to say if the king will finally arrive in the cave and begin asking questions. She already shared Roden about the fake story regarding why she arrived in the cave. She told him that his brother's trusted aide was the only survivor in the forest after the massacre in the cave, later on, he was the one who informed him that his brother had died, but that guy died right after he and Jessy arrived in the cave because he was poisoned by a venom in the forest due to a snake bite.

If she and Roden won't be careful with their words and Jagger's true identity will be revealed, she was sure the king and Adam would go ballistic and finished them all.

So, for the good of everyone, a white lie has to be made and a secret has to be kept secret forever until the grave.

Done briefing with Roden, Jessy waited for Adam and the king's arrival at any given moment. She needs to guard the entrance. She needs to make a stand, ironically, this time it's for the benefit of the enemy. She doesn't have to save them, but she knows that after they were killed by the king and his men she will forever be eaten by her guilt and conscience thinking back to this day, asking herself many times if she had done her best to prevent the bloodshed.

Previously, when the king and his men massacred Jagger's men in the cave, she didn't feel any remorse for them at all. But it's different today after she met the peace lover Roden, she feels the need to protect them because the essence of peace and forgiveness will be lost if she won't do something about it.

The peace has to be restored today, the decade long war and hatred between two vampire clan should end tonight, it's long overdue already.

While Jessy was staring at the sky above, Adam suddenly materializes in front of her, he comes alone. "Where is Father?" she asked.

"My mother and sister were attending to him so that he can relax a bit. I'm hoping they can influence his decision for the mutual benefit of all," Adam explained of his father's no show.

"I see...he still not willing to reconcile with the past and let bygones be bygone," she commented.

Adam breathed deeply. "Jess, you had to understand that it's not easy for my father to just forgive and forget the savage vampire's notoriety overnight. For several decades, both clans embroiled in the war. Let's just give my father more room to breathe. It won't be easy for him to concede right away and eat his own words," he said.

Jessy nodded her head. "I understand," she said softly. "I'm very sorry that I cause your family great distress. It's never my intention, just that I underestimate things. I never think that it would be hard for your father to let go of the past."

Adam enveloped his girlfriend in a loving embrace. "I know what your intention is. You just want peace and harmony. A chance for these two vampire clans to finally let go of their past grudges and exist as one under the banner of peace and cooperation with each other."

Jessy squealed. "You got it right! You know me inside and out."

"Because we've been together since we were young. I know you so well. We grow up together, remember?" he said.

Jessy smiled adoringly at Adam. "Thank you for believing in me. I hope the king will also see my effort and reason and view it in a different light."

"Let's hope and pray," Adam said.

They stayed in the entrance of the cave while the king's men surrounded the cave.


Back in the Facility, in the royal couple's bedchamber.

Queen Margaret and Princess Abigail were done pampering the king.

King Antone rose to his feet. "I'm going back to the cave," he informed them.

"Can I go with you, Father?" the princess asked.

King Antone shook his head. "No. You stay here with your mother," he responded and vanished from the room.

Princess Abigail looked worriedly at her mother. "What's gonna happen tonight, Mom?"

Queen Margaret shook her head. "I dunno, daughter. Let's hope for the best."

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