The Last Embrace

Chapter 408 - United As One

That night, Jessy and Adam were both called by the royal couple into the study room for a celebration.

King Antone stood up.

"We gathered here today because of this momentous occasion. Finally, after a long decade of war and conflict, the two clans were united as one. It will be a new era, kind of ironic that it only happens at present times when the vampire race was nearing extinction. But as the saying goes—it's better late than never. Worse come to worst we all die together here, and I think it's a much better condition than dying scattered everywhere—am I right?" King Antone attempted a joke.

They laughed with the joke.

"Thanks to Jessy here...for insisting that the decade long war must be put to end and the fitting ending would be the unity of all surviving vampires and to make sure that humans are no longer afraid of us we need to adapt to their ways and become mortals like them, of course, transformed by Jessy's blood," the king said.

Everyone inside the room was clapping their hands lauding Jessy's initiative.

Jessy smiled broadly.

Roden and Jessy locked eyes briefly.

"As everyone already knows...Roden here is the leader of our brother and sisters in the cave. He and the rest in the cave will be joining us in the Facility in the coming days and eventually in the Habitat. Everyone, welcome our brother Roden!" King Antone introduces him to the rest of the group.

Hector, Sarah, Princess Abigail, Adam, Jessy, and Queen Margaret smiled at Roden.

"Welcome to the Facility, your new home, Roden!" they cheered in unison.

Roden smiled at everyone feeling overwhelmed by the warm welcome.

"Thank you guys for welcoming me. It's our clan's pŀėȧsurė and honor to be accepted by the royal family into the Facility. On behalf of my people, I promise that we will obey the laws and rules and live peacefully with everyone here. Again, thank you so much for the warm welcome. It deeply touches my heart," Roden said.

The king stood up. "My wife and Jessy will be in charge of the humans when it comes to returning them to their homes," he said. He looked at Roden. "Come with me, Roden. Hector and I will bring you to the Core. We will show you something..."

Hector, Roden and King Antone exited the study room.

Jessy was full smile. Her smile lingers from morning 'till night, she was very pleased with the recent turn of events after learning that Roden's life was spared by the king. She was happy for Mahlia and the children and the vampires in the cave. She was even more happy for the captive humans 'coz they will be able to return home to their family, finally!

When it seems hope was lost, it resurfaces once again.

She remembered that woman in the kitchen who stabbed her in the back. That woman can finally go home! She's happy for her. Among the group, she will make sure that she will be the first to return home.

Sarah realizing that Jessy still has to discuss something important with the queen she stood up and hugged her daughter. "I'm going now...see you tomorrow, daughter," she said and bowed to the queen and exited the room.

Adam also rose to his feet to bid goodbye to everyone in the room. "I'm leaving now and go back to my place in the city. I will drop by tomorrow guys if I have free time."

"Bye son," the queen said.

"Bye bro!" Princess Abigail mumbled.

Adam looked at Jessy and they shared a secret smile only meant for lovers.

Queen Margaret looked at her daughter. "Go to Hannah's room and check your cousin," she ordered.

"Yes Mom, bye Jess!" Princess Abigail waved at Jessy and left the room.

When Jessy and Queen Margaret are the only two people left in the study room. They can finally talk.

Jessy smiled at the queen feeling grateful for her help. "Thank you so much, Mother, for helping in convincing father to pardon Roden and his clan," she said.

"Don't mention it. It's also my long time wish to see the two clans reunited once again. I never thought it will happen in this lifetime, but because of you, the impossible becomes possible!" the queen smiled at Jessy feeling grateful to her.

"I'm just glad I did the right thing, Mother," Jessy replied. "Anyways, we still have several humans left on the first batch, how are we going to proceed now?" she asked feeling a bit confused.

"Let's just take things slow. As long we released one human per week back into the society then everyone can go home down to the last one," the queen said.

"Okay, I think you are right, Mother. We should not rush these kinds of things and take them slowly one at a time," Jessy agreed since there is no other effective way to deal with the abducted humans' than to stick to their original set up.

"Let's adjourn this meeting, child. I want to rest now," the queen said.

"Okay, I will leave now, Mother. Goodnight," Jessy said and left the study room.

Jessy walked in the hallway back into the clinic 'coz she still has one blood transfusion left for the night.


Two hours later.

Jessy exited the clinic. She sauntered back to her room to have a pleasant rest. Her whole day went smoothly and she was feeling good inside unlike yesterday, her day was filled with tension.

Now that Roden and his clan are safe, she and the Queen can continue sending the rest of the rescued humans back to their families.

A wide smile appeared on her lips the moment she laid eyes on the person's face lying on her bed. "Huh? I thought you already gone back to your condo in the city?" she asked.

Adam grinned broadly. "Well, I lied," he answered. "So, hows the meeting goes with my mother?" he asked.

"Regarding the humans, we will follow the old procedure since I still can't find a way how to return them to their family without jeopardizing our safety here in the Facility," she explained.

Adam fell silent for a minute or two. "Don't worry, Jess. I can help erase their memories and help you with everything," he said.

Jessy's eyes brightened up. "Really—? When and how? You still have work and commitment in the city, right?"

"Yeah. Within three weeks, I will be done with everything. I already honored all my existing contracts, so after that, I can finally help you and mother in dealing with the rescued humans. And the best thing is...I will be staying here for a long while," Adam said.

Jessy shrieked in delight. "That's fantastic! I'm so excited!" she leaped in joy into his waiting arms.

After discussing several things about things in general the couple finally falls into a deep sleep one hour later.

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