The Last Embrace

Chapter 42 Prince Zain

Thirty vampires wearing a black face mask on their faces hovered on the rooftop of the mansion, they positioned themselves at the top, on guard for any surprise attack. They were scanning the entire area of the mansion looking for any threat of any form from the outside forces.

Another twenty-five vampires were scattered on the ground, on the front and at the back of the mansion, on stand by mode.

The rest of the thirty-five vampires were patrolling the inside wall perimeter of the 7 hectare mansion. While the human guards stationed at the gate were already on high alert.

Another ten vampires were pulling along with them a big black coffin. Their leader Prince Zain, stood outside the main door. With just a wave of his hand, the main door opened wide for them to enter...

Nana Aida gasped...for her vision landed on the first person who entered the door, he is not wearing a face mask. He must be the one called Prince Zain!

She laid her eyes at Prince Zain for the first time, he was undeniably handsome in person! A big contrast to Adam's not so good looking feature.

The Prince walk towards the older woman.

The rest of the vampires entered the living room carrying a big black coffin. They put down the coffin gently in the floor.

"You must be Nanny Aida?" he looked into her eyes.

Nana Aida nodded, her head down, intimidated by his look.

"Am here to fetch my wife and my brothers body," he said in an authoritative voice.

Nana Aida's eyes remain rooted to the floor, out of nervousness her hands were trembling. She gathered her courage to talk. "Go upstairs, on the second floor, turn left, the last room on the left side is Adam's room..." her voice shaking.

"Thank you, Nana," he said.

Prince Zain commanded his people to carry the coffin along with them as they ascended on the stairs in hovering mode.

After they were gone, Nana Aida was finally able to breathe freely in relief. She has not yet recovered on what happened earlier with Adam and Jessy and now she was surrounded by complete strangers, the worst thing is they are vampires! She massaged her chest because her breathing becomes erratic. This is all too much for her to take! What she wanted to do now is curled up in her bed and sleep and rest. But she can't do it yet, she has to wait that all vampires will leave the mansion, hopefully as soon as possible. That is the only time she can rest in peace.


Prince Zain pushed open Adam's door and closed it behind him. His people remain standing outside the door.

He walks into the center of the room.

His vision landed on the two people who are lying on the bed.

One is dead and the other is alive.

He immediately walks to the side of the girl and stared at her delicate futures. His heart skips a beat. She is indeed beautiful~precisely as what his brother Adam describes her.

Then he glanced at his brother's lifeless body...his heart ached because of sadness and loss. He is his brother after all. He walks to Adam's side and kissed his forehead. "Thank you for taking good care of my wife and sacrificing yourself for us, for the entire clan brother," he murmured.

The last time Adam visited the facility, all he can talk about is Jessy. He listened to his brother's endless chatter about her good qualities and not so good qualities. The way his brother smiled and grinned every time he mentioned her future wife's name hint of something...Way back there's already a nagging feeling growing inside him that...maybe...his brother is infatuated with his future wife! During those times he did not entertain those kinds of thoughts and pushed them at the back of his mind.

He distances himself away from the two out of reflex...

He looked at them closely from afar.

Jessy can't possibly fall for his brother's horrible look. He was aware of the cursed that his brother is suffering with, of course!

His brother might have fallen in love with Jessy, but he was sure that her future wife won't fall in love with his ugly brother...

There is only one way to find out.

He quickly approached Jess' sleeping form. He pressed his lips on hers, he smelled the scent of his brother's blood on her lips. When he hugged her body tight...his eyes widened in alarm!

Everything about her screamed of Adam!


He can smell his brother's scent imprinted in her heart and body, from her head to toe, every inch of her...there is no doubt that she is his brother's woman! Adam already branded this lady as his property when he was still alive. It's clear as ice that his brother had already licked Jess' body from head to toe! He grimaced just thinking about it.


She's tainted with Adam's body fluid to the very core! It's hard to accept that...It was like being kicked hard on his belly.

His eyes suddenly watered because of anger and betrayal. He can't accept the fact that his brother betrayed him on his back. His palms contorted into a fist on his sides.

Furious, he does not want to see his brother's face anymore! He's starting to hate him. He cannot accept that Adam become so stupid to fall in love with his future wife. He does not take betrayal kindly.

What will his Father and Mother think about it?

He opened the door and let his people in, he instructed them to put Adam's dead body in the coffin, immediately!

After they were done with the task, he told them to wait for him downstairs and bring along his brother's coffin with them.

When the last of his people were already out of the room. He closed the door behind them.

He began pacing inside the room, back and forth...

His excitement of seeing his future wife was partly dampened already. In fact, it was already destroyed by his brother's betrayal!

He walks towards Jess' sleeping form and gazed at her beautiful face. Her long black hair as black as the night, cascading around her face. She looks like sleeping beauty.

Yeah, he was in love with her future wife. Part of him always loves her since he was young because they were destined to be a couple in the future. Even though they never saw each other on a constant basis he harbored gentle feelings for her while growing up.

And imagined to his chagrined, he discovered that his future wife was entirely devoured and owned by other man and that man is his own damn brother whom he trusted so much! How can he live with that painful truth?

Out of anger, all of a sudden he kicked the chair nearby and sent it slamming into the wall of the room. The thud came out loud, he was surprised Jessy still not awaken by the sound of it.

He stared at her face, she was still sleeping soundly.

So pretty yet so tainted!

He growled!

"Why did you betray me, Jess? Why?" he yelled at her face. If his brother is still alive today, he already reduced him to a bloody pulp right now.

He wants to explode in hurt her physically! But he knows he can't do that, she is their savior, his clan's savior. And whether he likes it or not he has to marry and impregnate her sooner or later to continue the vampire's royal lineage.

With one last look at her pretty face, he exited the room and headed downstairs, his face was carved like a hard granite, he needs to punish someone for this unforgivable mess!

While downstairs...

Nana Aida was fidgeting on the sofa. The nervousness she was feeling earlier was multiplying in hundredfold as of this moment. Why the Prince has not come down yet? What was he doing in Adam's room with Jessy alone in there? As lots of questions were swirling in her mind, she pushed them aside when she saw the Prince descended from the stairs.

As he was getting closer...the murderous look she saw in his eyes frightened her. With downcast eyes, she waited for her doom.

When the Prince stood in front of her, she trembled in fear.

"Nanny Aida, since when Jessy and Adam started their relationship!?" he asks in an angry tone.

Nana Aida was startled. H-how did he know?

"I d-didn't know the exact date," she did not bother to lie since he already knows.

"Why did you allow them to engage in a relationship? Why you did not prevent them? Why did you tolerate them? Isn't it your job to guide them? You just wasted the salary my family was giving you through the years! You did not do your job properly!" he barked at her.

Nana Aida cowered like a wounded animal in his presence.

"Am so sorry," she said in a low voice.

"Too late for your sorry, the damaged has been done! You will die tonight!" he said in an ice-cold voice. He needs someone to vent on with his indignation and wrath.

Nana Aida's body shivered because of so much fear. She is so close to passing out, she has difficulty breathing.

There is only coldness in the Prince eyes, no sympathy, and no pity.

Prince Zain ordered his men. "Men, tie up this woman! Let's bring her to the facility!"

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