The Last Embrace

Chapter 435 - I'm Here!

She went back downstairs and checked the kitchen, the wife was there, in the process of cleaning the table and the kitchen, hmm...looks like they just finished dinner.

She roamed inside and outside the house, it's confirmed the captain wasn't around.

She decided to visit the military camp located on the outskirt of the city, maybe she can find him there.

She left the house and teleported into the military camp.

Jessy landed in Capt. Mercado's office in her invisible form.

Capt. Mercado was sitting on his chair while talking to another military official.

"The Crossbreed has not visited you yet?" asked the official.

"Not yet, Sir, it's been more than a year already I'm hoping for her to appear anytime soon," Capt. Mercado said.

"She'd better be...or else it will be too late to negotiate," the official said.

Jessy was curious, why are they talking about her? And she heard them talking about negotiation.

"I'm here...!" she announced her presence.

The two officers looked around the room trying to find the owner of the voice that suddenly interjected in their conversation.

Dang! She forgot to make herself visible.

"I'm sorry, I'm still in my invisible self," she said and finally made herself visible. "What's up, Uncle?" she looked at the captain.

Capt. Mercado smiled. "Here you are at last, young lady. What took you so long to visit me again?"

Jessy shrugged her shoulders. "I'm busy transforming the vampires into humans so that they won't suck human blood anymore," she answered casually.

"Do you think that turning your clan into a human can stop the military to strike the Facility and the Habitat?" the other officer asked.

Jessy shifted her attention to the officer. "And who are you, Sir?" she asked politely.

" Colonel senior," Capt. Mercado introduces them to each other.

Jessy scrutinized the officer from head to toe. "Are you a foe or friend, Sir?" she asked.

"I'm a peace can call me that," Colonel Brown said.

"Really-? Are you going to negotiate for peace between vampires and humans?"

"Yes. If you cooperate with me," the colonel answered directly.

Jessy was doubting him. "I don't want to offend you, Sir. But you are just a mere Colonel, your rank is very low. Your superior won't listen to you. What can you do for me and my clan and how can I trust you?" she asked out of curiosity.

Colonel smiled. "Don't underestimate me, young lady. I may have no supernatural power like you, but with my plan, I can open up the door so that the government officials will see your true worth and potential, that could lead to the safety and protection of your entire clan," he said.

"By all means, tell me about your plan, Sir? I'm willing to listen to it," she eagerly said. Instead of doubting his intention, she might as well listen to him first. She had her ways of confirming if he was just lying and bluffing. But she had to listen to him first and then decide later.

"Our General Smith has plans to eradicate all the vampire residing in the Facility and the Habitat after you transformed all vampires into humans," Colonel Brown said.

"Huh? Even if some of them are humans already?" Jessy's eyes darkened in anger.

"Yes. For him, they are still vampires. His hatred to all vampire run deep because his brother's family was killed brutally by the savage vampires which lead to his brother committing suicide in the end. He made an oath on his brother's coffin that he will wipe out all the vampires in this country."

Jessy brows furrowed. "So...what can make his anger go away?" she asked. She can understand the feeling of revenge on the general's side because she is human too, but it's already too much, so many vampires died already, the bloodbath has to end somewhere. She thinks the sin was already paid with the vampires countless death through the years.

"I'm thinking that if you can show your true worth to our government, they might consider giving you and your clan some clemency," Colonel Brown said.

"You want me to ask apology to the General on behalf of my clan?" she asked. "I will do it in a heartbeat," she said willingly.

Colonel brown shook his head. "No. If only things will be as easy as that. As for your info, the current President of our country and the General are cousins. They hold the highest power over the land. Their orders and commands are followed by anyone down to the lowest rank. That is how it works in the world of humans. Those who hold the highest position in the office are powerful and mighty and the rest of us are just followers," he explained.

Jessy was still confused about what Colonel Brown was trying to imply. "So...where do I fit in all this? I mean, what can I do?" she looked at their faces in bewilderment.

"That is a nice question, dear!" the colonel said. "As you can see, Capt. Mercado told me that at some point in the past you willingly help him and his men in making their mission a complete success without a single casualty..."


The colonel looked Jessy in the eyes.

"You are gifted with supernatural powers. You are simply indestructible and you have the willingness to help anyone, as well you have empathy. In these turbulent times when many bad people roamed the street creating havoc in innocents people's live. And not only that, war outside the country is taking place, by providing safety and support to our allies in return our soldiers are killed on the battlefield. Life has been lost, too many funds were allocated to warplanes, war equipment, and etcetera. The truth is we need more than a human shoulder to face the enemy from left to right. Humans are simply weak, we may die with a single bullet but you aren't. You have too many superb skills that are beneficial to mankind if used in the right way... "

Jessy raised her brows. Slowly, she was getting a good grasp of where the Colonel is going in his speech.

"You want me to become a mercenary, a spy, a soldier for the government? You want me to work for them? You want to utilize my power for the benefit of the government?" she asked.

"Exactly! You nailed it!" Colonel Brown answered. "We can use your talent and skill in so many ways. In return, I will ask the government to grant the remaining vampires clemency so that they can live in peace among humans. I will secure the negotiation process...but you have to do something for us showing to my superiors what you got and what are your capabilities," he said, his eyes gleaming.

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