The Last Embrace

Chapter 443 - What Is Your Plan?

Forty-five minutes later.

They arrived at an apartment complex within the city.

Oliver park his car in the parking area of the three-building apartment complex.

"My place is on the second floor, let's just take the stairs, it's a good exercise," Oliver suggested.

"No problem," Jessy quipped and followed him to the staircase, which leads to the second floor.

The first door near the top of the stairs was Oliver's.

They went to the door and Oliver inserted the key to his room, opening the door wide they entered inside.

The room was spacious and homey, with two bedrooms, one kitchenette and a dining table surrounded with four chairs.

"Nice place you had here!" Jessy commented, she roamed her eyes around her surroundings taking in the modern furniture and the wall that was painted with a neutral color.

Oliver motioned her the comfy sofa in the living room. "Thanks, feel at home, partner,"

Jessy sank into the sofa and picked up a cushion placing it on her ŀȧp.

"You want something to drink?" Oliver asked.

"Any fruit juice is fine, if nothing, then soda will do," she replied.

"Okay, wait a minute I will get you something," he said and went to the fridge located near the kitchen.

Back in the living room.

Jessy picked up the remote control and power on the flat screen 25 inches television in the TV stand, she scanned the channels looking for something interesting to watch. She settled watching the documentary featuring the daily lives of the native people living in the Amazon jungle.

A moment later.

Oliver handed her a chilled can of orange soda. "Sorry, that's the only thing I can find in my fridge, but if you're hungry we can always have take out foods delivered here, don't worry about the bills we're funded," he winked at her.

"Cool," Jessy replied.

"Let's come to the other room, I have a projector there and we can play video footage's of the crime scenes, those were the sinister creations of those criminals. Before we meet, I was instructed by my superior to gather all the data, pieces of evidence such as photos, videos of every crime committed by those criminals. I have prepared an extensive file for each crime committed," Oliver explained.

"That's awesome! Let's get into the room then," Jessy stood up and followed Oliver into the room.

Inside the room, there was a projector, table, and two chairs, a cabinet with folders and a window.

Jessy settled in the chair and waited as Oliver handed her the full list of the twenty notorious criminals that were ȧssigned to them.

Jessy looked at the criminals' faces, in her mind she was asking what drove them to live a chaotic life? Was it due to the circumstances in life? Illegal substance or were they naturally born a psychopath and murderers? Since they were able to elude the law, the law enforcers were having a hard time finding their whereabouts. These criminals are dangerous and cunning and don't want to be found. "Give me the local list first, we focus on them. After we finished the local Top 10 Wanted, then we will start the national one."

"Okie Dokie," Oliver mumbled and handed her the list of the Top 10 Wanted criminals in their city.

The list was composed of serial killers, hostage-takers, bank robbers, mass murderers, gang-related murders, and so on. One particular single massacre case was listed at the bottom, it has a 'special case' tag on it no photos of the murderer attached. The case aroused her curiosity. "What's special about this massacre case?" she asked.

Oliver looked at the case listed at the bottom.

"Ah, this case...let me show you the footage of the gruesome killing that happened in that house a year ago. All five members of the family were brutally killed, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, including an eight years old child, but one of the family members is missing and can't be found until now and that is the teenage daughter. No CCTV cameras in the house, the nearest neighbor was one kilometer away, dogs were poisoned, the corpses were in the state of decomposition when the police arrived at the crime scene. The perpetrator left no evidence. It's a perfect murder that shocked the entire nation. And the killer might still be out there lying low or preparing for another murder spree," Oliver sighed.

"Where is the teenage daughter? No sighting so far?" she asked.

Oliver shook his head. "I dunno. She disappeared without a trace. No one has any idea why the daughter was missing. Could she be abducted by the killer or could she be the murderer of her own family herself?"

Jessy released a deep sigh and shifted her attention to the wall projector screen.

The gruesome video footage was shown on the projector as well as the still photos, all victims were stabbed in different parts of their bodies, in their bedrooms.

Jessy released a deep sigh. This is heartbreaking, the whole family was murdered and the murderer got away with it.

Humans have so many problems of their own, while the vampires' main problem and necessity is human blood. And here she is, trying to solve murder cases, locate fugitives and notorious criminals that evaded the law. This is all for the survival of the vampire clan and maybe she could lend a little bit of ȧssistance to humans as well.

She really won't mind solving murders, if it's her calling then she'd better do a good job out of it.

"I can choose any case to work with, right?" Jessy asked Oliver.

"Yes. We are not giving you any specific case to work on first, because we knew that it's not easy finding these criminals. We want you to feel relax and work on your terms and not feel pressured. This way you will have the freedom to follow your instinct and pursue these criminals to the best of your ability. Take your time, Jess, and I will be here to answer all your question, grant all your request and give you advice if you needed one," Oliver smiled at her.

Jessy smiled back at Oliver.

"Okay, let's start today. I want to see the house, if we travel to that murder scene, how many hours it will take us there?" she asked.

"About two hours," he answered.

"Good, we still have enough time. Don't bring your car, we will travel by taxi or by bus so that we can teleport anytime back here to your place," she said.

"Okay, give me a minute to prepare my things," Oliver said.

Fifteen minutes later.

"I want you and Jessy to go downtown, right now. The Pearl Hotel, a 5-story building was taken over by the terrorist and all the hotel staff was taken hostage, including the room occupants. Right now, five people were already confirmed dead. The hostage-taker will kill one person every fifteen minutes if their conditions are not meet," Capt. Mercado said urgently.

"Yes, Sir!" Oliver answered.

The captain ended the call at his end.

"Fuck!" Oliver swore profanities under his breath. "When will this ever end!?" he grumbled.

Jessy heard the entire conversation because Oliver turns the phone's volume high. She looked at her partner. "I will take you inside with me to the Hotel. When we are inside, keep your mouth shut and don't panic. Ready your silent camera, okay?" she informed her.

"What is your plan, Jess?" Oliver asked.

"We will enter the hotel through teleportation and I will freeze everyone in there, then you can take pictures, then I'll let the law enforcers come inside to immobilize the hostage-takers. Okay?"

"OK, will I become invincible too?" asked Oliver.

"Yes, when I hold you, you will become one. I can turn you invincible anytime if I want, so don't stray away from me, got it?" Jessy told him.

"Yes, I won't!" Oliver nodded his head excitedly.

"Let's go!" Jessy said.

Within a few minute's they were already boarding the car.

Oliver drove the car in the busy streets, they meet heavy traffic along the way to the hotel where the hostage-taking was taking place.

Jessy got dismayed with the heavy traffic going on. "Oliver, park this car in that mall we see a few meters ahead. We will just teleport from there to arrive at the hotel faster, this heavy traffic won't be going anywhere," she instructed him.

"Copy," said Oliver and drove directly to the parking lot of the mall.

Once the car was parked securely in the parking lot, Jessy looked at Oliver. "I have a change of mind. I will just come back for you here, after I freeze everyone, okay? This is for your good, there might be a stray bullet or something and I couldn't risk that, besides I need to save the people there ASAP!" she said.

Before Oliver can utter his reply, Jessy already disappeared from the car.

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