The Last Embrace

Chapter 446 - I Know Your Secrets!


Jessy only made two blood transfusions in the morning and afternoon.

At 3:00 in the afternoon, she's ready to teleport into the city. At 3:10 in the afternoon, she landed in the living room of Oliver's apartment.

She saw Oliver arranging photos in the center table while the television was on. "What's that photos?" she asked and picked up one. It was a photo of the rescue operations happening yesterday in the Pearl Hotel.

"Just the photo's of yesterday, kind of odd that I can't capture how you freeze those bastards, I only capture the photos of the frozen hostage-takers and the hostages," he said casually.

Jessy smiled.

"It's okay, you can't capture in a photo the exact moment I freeze people, however, you can capture it through using video but the problem is I can't bring you with me during dangerous live missions, or I might get destructed and made mistakes. I need to be alert all the time and focused on what I'm doing. Hope you understand, partner," she said with a smile.

Oliver chuckled. "Ah...okay. Not a big problem. Don't worry my feelings aren't hurt, not a big deal really," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "Just wait a minute, I'm nearly finished with what I'm doing. We will leave in a while..."

Jessy smiled. "Just take your time, partner."

She grabbed the remote control and change the channel into a documentary about human trafficking, smuggling, and kidnapping. By going in-depth with the documentary, she finally understood how human traffickers benefited from their victims by forcing them to provide commercial sėx acts or prostitution, forced labor or subject them to other degrading services against their will. She felt profound pity tugging in her heart towards the victims.

A few minutes later, Oliver was done with his reports and put them in a folder with all the labels included.

"I'm done. Let me take a quick shower first," he said.

"Sure, take your time!" said Jessy without taking her eyes off the documentary rolling on TV.

Oliver walked towards his bedroom.

Fifteen minutes later, he exited his bedroom, he wore a sling bag around his shoulder with pen and notes inside. His face was already covered with a face mask, he was carrying the camera in his right hand. "Let's keep moving!" he said.

Jessy turns off the television, put on her face mask and followed Oliver outside. They went to the parking lot, got in the car and drove away from the apartment complex heading to the Police Station.

The partners were being ushered to the office of the Chief of Police.

"Good afternoon, Sir!" Jessy and Oliver greeted the officer in unison.

Chief Jackson's face brightened up. "Ah, Agent X and her partner, my nephew Oliver. Have a seat, guys," he said.

Jessy and Oliver sat on the chair facing the desk.

Chief Jackson addressed Jessy. "My good friend, Colonel Brown informed me that you can read minds as well. That's one of your skills. Honestly, I'm blown away how powerful you are. And I'm more than amazed that you can read minds. It would be very useful on your mission because most of the time bad people would rather bring their dark secrets to their graves and they won't reveal their accomplices no matter how we torture them. If you can read the minds of these hostage-takers...who knows...we might uncover another bombing plan, another hostage-taking that they were planning to do in the future. We might be able to discover their supporters and organization's that funded these criminals to commit an atrocity against society."

Chief Jackson stood up. "By all means, I won't delay you from your task, Agent X," he said. He looked at his nephew and gave his order. "Oliver, you may now take your partner to the investigation room, so that she can start reading the minds of the criminals."

"Yes, Sir!" Oliver replied.

Chief Jackson and Jessy nodded their heads at each other in silent understanding.

Jessy and Oliver exited the chief's office.

There was a table and four chairs inside. They sat on the chairs. Oliver took out his notes and pen and placed them on the table.

The first hostage-taker come inside accompanied by a police officer. The criminal sat on the chair, his hands were on handcuffs, refusing to look at the stranger that was looking at him.

After the police officer left the room, Jessy instantly freezes the criminal using her eyes. "Are you ready?" she looked at her partner.

"Yes, what I'm going to do, take photos or take notes first?" Oliver asked.

"You may take photos first and then I will start mentioning the important information I'll be seeing in his memory," answered Jessy.

"Okie Dokie, let's start now!" Oliver declared.

Jessy placed her hands on the prisoner's head and began the process of reading his memory while Oliver was taking pictures.

A few minutes later, Jessy began talking...

"This guy lives and grows up in a slum area, he is single, involves in shoplifting numerous times, his biggest crime is agreeing to become a hostage-taker in Pearl Hotel with the contact money of 500 thousand dollar. He gives the money to his mother and sister, his existing family. That's all."

Oliver pressed the buŧŧon behind the table.

Jessy unfreezes the criminal.

The police officer entered the room and took the first criminal outside.

A minute later, another police officer arrived with the second criminal.

Jessy repeated the same process, freeze the guy and placed her hands on his head.

"This second guy is a college dropout, addicted to an illegal substance, can't hold a job, abusive to his live-in partner. He was recruited along with the first guy. He dabbled on online gambling and lose money, addicted to gambling. That's all! Next!" Jessy narrated.

Oliver finished scribbling on his notes even though he knows that their voices were being recorded. He pressed the buŧŧon behind the table.

The police came in and took the guy out and another guy was brought to the room.

Jessy freezes the guy the moment the police officer steps out from the room. She placed her hands on the guy's head and began reading his memory.

"This 3rd guy is single...OMG!...Damn!...this guy is a serial killer and a rapist! In just one year, he murdered five women!" Jessy's eyes widened in anger. "His first victim was a prȯstɨtutė and he dumped the body in the river five kilometers from his home, he tied heavy objects on her corpse so that she won't float in the surface. The second victim, he met the woman through an online dating site, they meet up and strangle the woman and dumped her dead body in an unused freezer at the back of his house and put cement on it. The 3rd victim is a high school girl, he lured her to his house, strangle her and buried her body in the woods two kilometers away from his house. The 4th victim was a teacher that he had a long crush on, he was turned down by the woman politely but he drugged and kidnap her then strangle the poor woman, he buried her body in his backyard. The 5th victim, she was a pretty woman, a bartender, they met in a bar got in a few drinks together, they go on a date and one night he brought her to his house, they engaged in sėx and strangle the woman after. He put the woman's body in a traveling bag. He traveled on his car the next day went to the sea, rented a speed boat and dumped her body on the sea in the middle of the night. That's all!"

Jessy shut off her eyes for a few seconds. The horrifying scenes she uncovered in his memory will forever hunt her mind for a long time. Grinding her teeth in anger, she unfreezes the guy wanting to strangle him, but decided to go against it, she closed her eyes and calmed her nerves.

A moment later, a police officer entered the room and took the guy away.

Then another police officer comes inside, she was carrying a ŀȧptop with her and placed it on the table facing Jessy. "Agent X, can you recall what the women were wearing on the time they met with the suspect? Can you still remember their faces vividly?"

Jessy nodded her head. "Yes, I can!"

The officer showed her photos of missing women and women who were brutally murdered but no suspect can be held accountable.

Fifteen minutes later.

After scanning the faces of the missing women, Jessy has positively identified the five missing women who were reported by their relatives at the time they disappeared.

"Thank you, Agent X, as for the body of that woman that was dumped in the ocean, it was washed ashore and already buried by her relatives. As for the other victims we still need to locate them one by one. If the suspect still won't admit to all the killings, we need you to go with us tomorrow to the guy's house so that you can identify the exact location of the buried bodies," the police officer said.

"No problem, I can help you locate all the dead bodies providing that they weren't relocated onto another location," answered Jessy.

"Thank you, Agent X," the police officer picked up the ŀȧptop and exited the room.

Time for the 4th guy.

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