The Last Embrace

Chapter 452 - Our Guy!

Jessy continues searching every room...the 6th room was empty as well. In the 7th room, she saw two men with serious faces discussing something in foreign dialects and they look like citizens from the Middle East.

It's no use eavesdropping to their conversation because she can't understand a damn thing of what are they saying.

She moved on to the 8th room...

Inside the 8th room, there were three male teenagers in their 17 or 18 years having fun, drinking hard liquor.

She proceeds to the 9th room, it was empty as well.

In the 10th room, she saw two women talking to each other, ċȧrėssing each other, they aren't nȧkėd yet, but she saw the passion in their eyes, they look like lovers.

Jessy left the 10th room, sighing.

The guy she was looking for wasn't here in this building at this moment.

She was about to leave the 3rd floor, but that was also the moment the door of the 7th room opened and the two guys made an exit of the room.

Although there's nothing suspicious about the two men, she can't take her eyes off them as they went downstairs probably going out of the building.

Well, there's no harm following them.

She teleported downstairs and landed beside Oliver. "Go home, I'm going to follow someone, wait for me in your apartment," she whispered in his ear.

Jessy exited the main entrance of the bar and hovered at the top of the building to wait for the two guys to step outside.

She was looking down in front of the bar.

Then she heard the sound of a car leaving the parking lot of the bar.

She zoomed right into the car and saw the two guys inside, the guy sporting a beard as driving the car.

Ah...that is why she didn't see them at the front because they exited at the back of the building.

Where these guys are going?

She trailed the car from behind.

After thirty minutes of driving the car entered a gated community. Houses in that community belong to wealthy individuals.

Jessy saw the car parked in a modern two-story house.

The newcomers entered the house and the third guy closed the door.

Jessy passed through the closed door.

She landed inside the living room and saw the three guys climbing up the stairs towards the second floor.

Then they entered a door and closed it behind them.

Jessy was wondering what was inside that closed door?

She zoomed inside the closed door. She landed in a spacious room with sofas and beds.

And her eyes widened upon seeing the fourth guy inside the!

She hit Jackpot!

That guy sitting on the bed...he was the guy...she can't be mistaken...he was the one that she was looking for!

So...he's been hiding here all

And these three people here must be his accomplice.

The four guys were talking in their mother tongue, no matter how hard she tried she can't understand what they were saying. Then she heard something like..."Abdulahh and Abd Al Salam..."

Hmm, she isn't familiar with their language, she'd better get Oliver here, fast!

She waved her hand and freeze the four guys while they were still talking to each other.

She initiated the teleportation process in her mind.

Jessy landed in Oliver's house in the living room.

"Partner! You almost give me a heart attack!" he grumbled.

"I got our guy! Hurry up, you have to see them!"


"He was hiding in a house inside a gated community called The Solace Village. You should call for a backup interpreter because I can't understand what are they talking about," Jessy said.

"How many are they—?"

Oliver wasn't able to finish his statement because Jessy grabbed his arm. She can't stay longer outside, what if somebody come to the house?

"Closed your eyes, were going to that house," she commanded.

Oliver obeyed and closed his eyes.

A few seconds later, they landed inside the spacious room.

Oliver opened his eyes. "Oh, what we have here? Four people?" he spoke. Then he smiled upon seeing their target. "We got you!" he said aloud to the guy sitting on the bed frozen in time.


"We need a backup," Oliver said to Jessy after a moment.

He reached for his phone and called the police station. "We need people here in The Solace Village...we captured the hostage taker's friend. We also need an interpreter on standby in the station because they are talking about 'Abdulahh' and we have no idea what does it mean," Oliver explained.

"Copy. Back up is arriving any moment from now," the operator said.

Oliver put back his phone inside the pocket of his jacket.

They exited the room and waited in the living room for the backup to arrive.

A few minutes later, three patrol cars parked in front of the house, and the whole house was cordoned by the police officers.

Four law enforcers entered the house and Oliver accompanied them upstairs together with Jessy who was still in her invisible self.

They entered the door and saw the frozen guys.

"That's our man!" one of the police officers pointed at the wanted guy.

They looked at Oliver.

"You may unfreeze them now so that we can put handcuffs on their hands," one of the police said.

Oliver smiled. "I can't do that, but Agent X will do it for me," he smiled. "Ready? After I count 1 to 5...they will be unfrozen so I'd better stay outside," he said to avoid being caught in the action once the men will get unfrozen.

Then he began counting..."One...two....three...four...Five!"

Jessy unfreezes the four guys after Oliver dome counting.

The four guys were shocked and stunned to see the room swarmed with police officers.

Two officers were pointing guns at them while the other two officers fasten the handcuffs on their hands behind their back.

The arrest was made in just a matter of seconds without any hiccups.

The guys were taken to the police cars to be taken to the station for investigation and questioning.

Another police car arrives in the house to gather evidence.

Jessy finally made herself invisible inside the bathroom. She gets out of the door and approached Oliver in the living room.

"Are we done here?" she asked.

Oliver nodded his head. "Yeah, I think we are."

"Let's go home now," Jessy said.

"Okay, let me talk to the officer-in-charge first if our ȧssistance is no longer needed here," Oliver said and left the living room.

A few minutes later, Oliver returned to the living room. "We're clear!"

"Good," Jessy said and grabbed her partner's arms teleporting them back into his apartment.

They landed in the living room of Oliver's abode.

"Since we are done for the day, I'm going home now," she informed him.

"Okay, see you tomorrow at 9:00. We will visit the house of that family that was massacred a year ago," Oliver said.

"Alright, I'm leaving now. See you tomorrow, partner. Goodnight!" Jessy said and saluted on him before she disappeared from his sight.

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