The Last Embrace

Chapter 466 - The Day Has Come

That night at 10:00 in the evening after spending dinner with his family, Adam teleported to his condo in the city to check on Caden.

Caden was playing online games on his phone on the terrace, from time to time he would take a look at the swimming pool below. He was in that condition when Adam suddenly materializes in the living room.

Out of the corner of his eyes Caden saw a figure standing in the living room and his eyes went saucer-like to see the familiar visitor. "Adam bru, Gavin Sanders!"

He sprinted into the living room and hugged his friend tightly. "Long time no see! I'm so happy to see you again!"

Adam smiled broadly while checking out Caden's face. "How are you doing? And how're the businesses while I'm away?" he inquired.

"Everything went well. I followed all your instructions. Aunt Ruby and Aunt Ruth guided me all the way. So... all is well with me here while you're away," replied Caden enthusiastically.

"Excellent bro!" Adam praised Caden's performance.

"So — are you gonna come back here for good — this time?" Caden asked.

"Maybe yes and maybe not. I still have to find Jessy and talk with her regarding my plans now that I'm back in the outside world," Adam answered.

"How about you and your brother, bro? Have you succeeded in seeking his forgiveness?"

Adam smiled. "Yes, of course. My brother and I are now in good terms. Everything is good at my end, family-wise."

"Wow! I'm so happy for you, bro, your sacrifices have paid off!"

"Yeah. It's one of the most amazing things that ever happened to me. My brother and I — are in good terms now so I want to celebrate it with Jessy. I'll be leaving now to find her in the city. See you again one of these days, bro," Adam said farewell to his friend.

With just a blink of an eye Adam disappeared from the living room.

"Bye bro," Caden murmured and went back to the terrace to continue playing online games on his phone.


The house is dark which means the occupants were already sleeping.

He checked Jessy's room and also his room, empty!

Where is Jessy right now? It's already nearing 11:00... time for resting and sleeping. Why she's still not here?

He will try going to the city maybe he can find her there. He just wants to see her because it's already been three weeks since the last time she visited him in the prison room.

Adam teleported back to the city to find his lady love. As long she's somewhere in the city, he can easily locate her due to her unique scent. He won't go to sleep tonight unless he can find her. He's very excited to share the good news with her.


A few miles away in the heart of the city...

In a secluded location.

Jessy, Oliver, together with Colonel Brown, Capt. Mercado and Police Chief Jackson gathered inside the room in a private hideout owned by the city government. It's going to be a top-secret meeting tonight. They're waiting patiently for the arrival of General Smith for the presentation.

Oliver had prepared everything, all the files and data of the year-long results of Jessy's relentless and untiring hard work, solving hard and complex cases, and capturing fugitives were already sent to General Smith and the President.

Now is the time for General Smith to meet them and everyone was feeling restless but optimistic about the outcome of tonight's meeting.

They already sent the complete copy of the files to General Smith and the President's office last week and General Smith agreed to come to this secret meeting.

The torture drags on because the general is super duper late.

One hour later, when the clock was about to strike at midnight...

General Smith together with his entourage of twenty military bodyguards wearing a full armor bodysuit, arrived in the building.

He was ushered to the meeting room escorted by his bodyguards.

Everyone in the room saluted to General Smith the moment he entered the room.

He got a fierce expression on his face while his eyes scanned the room.

He sat on the chair in front of everyone. His eyes lingered on his subordinate, the three men in uniform.

"Men, I am very disappointed that you have been conniving with our enemy and trying to lure her with the clemency agreement for the surviving vampires. You guys, above everyone else knows that we have a policy not to collude or enter a deal with an enemy...yet you have been doing this for a year now behind my back!" General Smith reprimanded the officers that were conniving with the crossbred.

Jessy shut her eyes for a moment. She didn't expect that General Smith's reaction to this meeting would be negative. But before this final day arrived, the officers already told her that there's a 50/50 chance that this meeting might not end in a good way.

Jessy and Colonel Brown looked at each other.

Time for Plan B.

But before Jessy can do something...

More military men entered the room and circled Jessy's friends.

The atmosphere in the room becomes tense.

Colonel Brown shook his head slowly as if warning Jessy not to do anything stupid at this very moment.

General Smith spoke. "Men take these officers into the other room, watch over them and wait for my further instruction," he barked his command. "I'll just want to have a chitchat with the Crossbred," he said.

Colonel Brown, Capt. Mercado, Police Chief Jackson, and Oliver were taken out of the room.

Jessy stared hard at the General, she tried not to show any emotion on her face. The general after all is just a human being. She can easily freeze him with just her gaze or a slight move of her fingers and walk out of the room, free, and rescue her companions in the next room.

But — she wants to know what is the General's plan?

General Smith stared at the young woman in front of her. He had read the dossier containing her remarkable and extraordinary contribution when it comes to finding those hard to find fugitives and criminals, most of the time she could locate and save kidnap victims from their abductors before something bad will happen to them. He was deeply impressed by her fantastic records.

"Agent X, I know that you want the clemency for the surviving vampires hiding in the Facility, that's why you agreed to work for the government hoping that the President will give clemency to your clan. Am I right?" he began.

Jessy nodded her head. "Yes, Sir. That's all true," she replied.

"You are also aware that vampires had savagely killed many people in the past?" he said eyeing her warily.

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