The Last Embrace

Chapter 468 - Time For Plan B!

Jessy breathed deeply. "Time for Plan B!" she answered and looked at Adam. "Transform to your invisible self first so that I can execute my Plan B, but don't leave the room, I still need your ȧssistance," she told him.

"Okay Boss," Adam smiled and disappeared from her sight.

Smirking, Jessy faced General Smith. She waved her hand... the general become her and she becomes the general.

Done switching image.

Jessy began reading the general's mind and learned as much as she can with his life. She was impressed with his outstanding record as a public servant. He was a dedicated public official and a decorated hero, the only bad thing about him was his scorching hatred and vengeance towards the vampires, but overall he was living a good and exemplary life as a military officer based on human being's standard. It would be a waste of talent if she will kill him. General Smith might be harboring hatred in his heart for all vampires, but she has nothing against him as human.

One hour later, she finally learned everything about General Smith based on his memory, and by reading his mind.

"Adam, go back now to the Facility and unfreeze the soldiers. I will call them on the radio and command them to abandon the mission and go home. After unfreezing the soldiers, come back here in this room to bring the general's frozen body into the mansion, put him in your room. If you come back here and I'm already gone, just proceed with my instruction and we will see each other in the mansion. You may go now, inform me through the radio that you are done unfreezing the soldier so that I can give out my order," she instructed him.

"Okay Boss," Adam's voice responded.

He had frozen about 100 soldiers in the forest a few meters away from the perimeters of the Facility... they were about to attack the Facility.

He approached one frozen soldier, read his mind for a few minutes, and take over his handheld radio and contacted Jessy in the hideout.

"Bravo 1...we are approaching the Facility...waiting for the final command," Adam said to the radio.

Adam floated in the air and waved his hand unfreezing everyone and everything within a 50-meter radius.

The radio crackled.

"Men, this is Bravo Alpha...abort the mission... I repeat! Abort the mission and go back to your barracks now!" General Smith's authoritative voice echoed in the radio receiver.

"Copy!" the battalion leader responded. "Men, abort the mission! Back to barracks!" he barked his command to his subordinates through the radio.

Adam watched as the men wearing full military gear retreated swiftly and went back to the area where they camped their vehicles.

Fifteen minutes later.

Satisfied, Adam teleported back to the place where he left Jessy.

Back in the hideout.

After inspecting the clemency documents, Jessy began affixing her signature on the six pages documents. Two of the important conditions require that all the remaining vampires should be transformed into humans and the second condition says that the two vampire volunteers and their offsprings will forever serve the government in the future generations to come.

Jessy unfreeze the frozen six military officers and motioned them to leave the room and follow him.

Outside the room, Jessy who was now bearing the image and voice of General Smith addressed the men guarding outside the room. "Men, go downstairs and wait for me there. We'll leave in a moment," she said.

"Yes Sir!" the six men said in unison. They turned around and proceed to go downstairs.

Jessy together with the six men in uniform went to the next door where Oliver and the others are being held captive against their will.

"Men, just remained here. I will go inside alone," she gave her command.

"Yes, Sir!" the six men replied in chorus.

Everyone in the room stared at General Smith holding a brown envelope in his hand.

"Gentlemen, I'm already done discussing with the Crossbred in the other room. Agent X already signed the clemency program. Here's the copy of the clemency order," he said and handed the brown envelope to Colonel Brown. "I already instructed Agent X to go home before I come here. You can go home now and leave this place," he dismissed them.

"Thank you, Sir!" the colonel and his group uttered in huge relief.

General Smith left the room.

Oliver, Capt. Mercado, Police Chief Jackson, and Colonel Brown quickly examined the Clemency Order that was signed by the President and General Smith as the witness.

The group smiled at each other in jubilation, rejoicing for Agent X, because of the favorable result acknowledging her hard work and effort.

A few minutes later.

General Smith and his entourage can be seen boarding their vehicles and leaving the building's premises. The general will be airlifted in a military helicopter back to the capital city.

A few minutes later.

Adam watched as everyone was leaving the hideout. He went back to the room and holds the general's arm then teleported the two of them into his room in the mansion to wait for Jessy.


Three hours later.

The military helicopter landed in the military camp and the general was transported back to his home situated twenty miles away from the military camp.

Jessy was still using General Smith's image, she entered the general's house passing through the main door which the housemaid has readily opened for him, she walked towards the stairs and went straight to the general's bedroom upstairs. He's been a widow for five years already. He got three daughters and two sons. All his children were already married and he had more than ten grandchildren which he doesn't even have time to bond with due to his public duties and obsession for killing all the vampires.

She walked to the drawer where the general kept his beloved brother's letter.

She opened the drawer and read the letter.

After reading the letter which calls for revenge, she shook her head and sighed heavily, she returned the letter in the drawer.

It's now time to teleport to the mansion.

Jessy disappeared from the general's bedroom.

A minute later.

She landed in Adam's room in the mansion.

She heard the splashing of water inside the bathroom.

Adam was inside the bathroom taking a shower. She looked at the general bearing her image and smiled.

Time to switch image.

She waved her hand at the general putting him back to his original image.

She also turned herself back into her image.

"General, I will take you back now to your room in your house so that you can rest. It was such a long day today, we both need a long rest," Jessy murmured.

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