The Last Embrace

Chapter 68 Invisible Man

Jessy emerged from the shower in her bathrobe. Underneath she was only wearing her black bra and black underwear. Her wet hair hung loosely on her back. She sauntered towards her wardrobe to retrieve her black garments, she will visit the mansion tonight.

With the black garments in her grasp, she walked back to the bed and discarded the bathrobe. She was about to don the black garments...but she feels something isn't right!

As if there is someone watching her every move...

But there is no one inside except her!

She shook her head.

She proceeds towards the bedside table and retrieves her comb, she brushes her hair.

Still, she can't shake those uncanny feeling of being watched...she shuddered.

She can feel a presence of something...somewhere...

She decided to lay down on the bed, eyes closed. Her body straight with just her black bra and black underwear to cover her modesty. Both her hands pressed to her side. She concentrated, letting her brain work trying to locate the entity she detected awhile ago.

Ten frustrating minutes came and go, still, her brain can't find anything and solve the mystery.

She continues closing her eyes.

Then she detected something....a hot breath fanning her entire face...

Her heart skips a beat!

She holds her breath.

The hot breath still hovering in her face...then it went down to her neck...slowly it descended to her twin breast....Oh God!

It didn't linger much between her breast it eventually goes down and currently hovering above on her navel and tummy.

The hot breath was stalling above her tummy for a if hesitating to go down any further...

Her breathing became labored due to the gripping suspense and shocked!

There is somebody, there is an entity inside her room!

This one is invisible...she can't see it, but she can detect it!

OMG! What to do!

Her brain is getting frantic, how can you fight someone who is invisible?

Then the breathing that fanned her navel was gone...

She breathed in relief.

But her relief was short lived because what the entity does next, stunned her!

The hot breathing came back in full force hovering dangerously close on her bare tummy down to the 'V' of her legs.

The breathing becomes louder and labored as if the owner is undergoing a spasm...

Jessy started growing fire in both her palms...whoever this entity is she will fry it!

Then the invincible entity's breathing hovered down to the surface of her underwear.

And to her horror, the breathing touched down on her panties as if in the state of kissing her underwear encrusted crotch! The kissed was done in an instant!


Then another kissed...and another kissed!

Jessy instinctively moved her legs and feet forward to kick the entity, but her kick didn't hit anything solid only the empty air.

What the F*ck!

She was about to hurl the fire into the area near her feet, but to her chagrin, the fire in her palms went dead instantly! As if somebody was blowing it to die.

Then she panicked!

Certainly, she got an invincible visitor in her room! And this visitor is more powerful than her.

She leaped up from the bed and reach for her bathrobe...her eyes widen...because the bathrobe suddenly floats in the air! Out from her reach!



This is not good!

Then to add to her horror! Several strands of her hair were floating around her face as if magically blown by the wind!

She closed her eyes, she shouldn't panic. It's clear that this entity was playing around with her emotion and her fear.

The entity must be nearby...Her hands start reaching out around her, hoping she can touch something...

Then her hand came in contact with something's a chest...a man's hard flat chest!...then she runs her hands up to his neck up to his face and hair. The entity was not moving as if mesmerized by her touch.

So, the entity is a man! A perverted man!

Her hand came down to his abdomen, then she hesitated for a second if she will continue inspecting his lower body parts. Right now she already knows he is a guy.

While she was in the state of thinking and her hand suspended in the invincible man's abdomen. She was unprepared for his next move...

The man took hold of her hand and shoved it down into his groin between his legs.

Jessy yelp! Her hand came in contact with his hard arousal! All of it...!


Damn! She struggled hard to snatched back her hand. She was about to kick the man again, but to his surprise, she was suddenly being imprisoned in a hard embrace, solid muscled arms held her in a vice-like grip and her chest slammed into his hard chest, that took her breath away.

"F*ck you----!"

Before she finished her statement, a mouth descended on her open lips and it's too late to close it!

The man's mouth so hungry it completely devoured Jess' mouth, all of it. Her body became limp all of a sudden as if all her energy was being sucked out by his hungry vacuum like kiss!

Then her body was being lifted and deposited into the surface of her bed, the invincible man does all that without breaking his kiss on her mouth. The whole weight of his body was pressing her down on the bed, trapping both her hands and legs.

While the man was busy assaulting her mouth, engaging her tongue in a fierce battle. She slowly grows back the fire in her palms.

The man must have noticed it because he took both her hands and held it up above her head, the fire died away.

Jessy closed her eyes. Thinking of another alternative.

She immediately summoned the wind to create a tornado to hurled the invincible man away from her, but when she opened her eyes, she saw her baby tornado dissipated in an instant.


She tries again by summoning the water from her bathroom, the water only able to go past the door of the bathroom and it also dispersed away.

What the F*ck?!

This guy can subdue her power with just a blink of an eye! He truly is--more powerful than her!

For one last desperate move she tries to hurl the table and the chairs towards the invincible guy, but to her surprise, the table and chairs just hang in the air suspended unable to go any further, and within seconds they were back to their old position.

Grrrr! Everything she does the guy will just subdue it!

She can't give up! No, she can't!

"Show me your face, you bastard!" she shouted into the empty air in front of her face.

The guy's breathing still fanning her face...but he is not responding.

Instead, the guy's hand were now fondling at her bra, to unfastened it.

"No! Stop it!" she screamed. She struggled to free herself from the confinement of his firm hold.

But the invincible hands continue its cruel perverted intention...

When her bra was finally undone, both her breast now fully exposed...

"A-are you going to r-ape me?" her voice quivered out of helplessness.

Still, there is no response.

The guy seemed to pause a bit...hesitating...

In a split second, a moist mouth suddenly claimed one of her nipples, sucking on it hard...tormenting her.

Her whole body shuddered from his touch.

His free hand slowly traveled down to the waistband of her black panties caressing exposed skin all the way down...

The guy's fingers were slowly seeking entrance inside her underwear...

Shiit! He's not showing any sign of stopping...!

Jessy gritted her teeth in a furious manner...

Then suddenly a male voice whispered something in her left ear...

"Go to sleep..."

Jessy's body became limp, then total darkness claimed her consciousness.

She passed out.

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