The Last Embrace

Chapter 81 Cage And Traps!

Jessy was sitting comfortably on one of the benches in the flower dome, the bloody red color of the roses that were in line with her vision was taunting her, every minute that passes by without a clear solution to her impending dilemma, she was getting frustrated.

Rather than getting holed up in her room wracking her head on how and where to find Adam, she'd rather stay here so that the beautiful flowers can cheer her up.

Every night she was waiting for the invisible man to appear in her room, yet she falls asleep each and every time waiting in vain.

Is Adam alive? Where is he?

Dammit, where is he?

Why he kept her waiting in the dark?

Jessy was drowning in frustration every day that passes by. She desperately wanted to see Adam before the wedding!

A myriad of emotions was displayed across her face.

"Wow, so nice to see my wife promptly waiting for me here!" a cheerful male voice broke into her reverie.

Prince Zain sat beside Jessy on the bench. He had brought with him a paper with architectural house sketches on it. He spreads it wide in front of them for Jessy to see.

"Jess, look at this! It will be our house design, I design it myself," he said smiling. "We will have our own house in the relocation site."

Jessy looked at the design, it was good and spacious enough.

"It will have five bedrooms with five bathrooms each. Then we also have a children's room. I'm thinking that you don't want to sleep by my side after the wedding, am not gonna force you. You can have your own room to maintain your privacy," he said.

Jessy looked at him totally surprised by his suggestion.

"You will allow me to have my own room after the wedding?" she asked again.

"Yes. Until such time you can learn to love me then that's the time we will stay in the same room, then we shall start making dozen of babies for the next vampires' generation," he winked at her.

She looked at him amused. She was starting to like this new Zain, if he continues to act like this being considerate to her needs and feelings then the whole two years will fly fast like movie stills. She can manipulate him to dance around her fingers. She can get out of his grasp after two years successfully. She was thinking of how to exploit the Prince's new persona to suit her advantage.

She smiled sweetly at him.

"Let me examined it further," she said taking the architecture house design from his hands, she was showing sudden interest on his masterpiece.

The Prince was amazed by her sudden interest in the house design. He was not expecting this! Suddenly a warm feeling of joy enveloped his senses.

"I want to have a mini swimming pool, a flower garden, a balcony, a spacious kitchen because I love cooking. Then I want a wide and elegant looking living room," she said with a merry smile.

Prince Zain got misty eyed. It was the first time Jessy took interest in something he was working at.

"You like it? Y-you like our house design?" he was trying to gauge her thinking. When it comes to Jessy he was always second guessing her true intention.

She looked at him seriously in the face.

"I'm serious. I actually like the way you design our house," she said, looking at him in the eye. Prince Zain has a natural talent for creative designing based on the house design he showed her, she was just voicing the truth.

Prince Zain grinned from ear to ear. A tiny seed of hope was sprouting in his heart, he will try to nurture it with the best of his ability. He really wants Jessy to love him for real.

"I shall incorporate all your ideas into my design, my lovely wife," he said affectionately.

"Okay, nice to hear that," she said amused. A smirk appeared on her lips.

Zain looked at Jessy seriously. "Jess, our wedding will be in two weeks time. I just hope that you won't do anything to sabotage it," said Zain in an anxious voice. He knows Jessy's power was increasing. She can do anything to create a mess on their wedding day. And nobody can stop her, that is what he is afraid of.

Jessy looked at his face. She sighed. Two weeks from now and the wedding will take place and Adam was still nowhere in sight. But no matter what happened she will travel the whole world just to find him!

As she continues to stare at his future husband's face, she realized that Zain maybe is the main reason why Adam doesn't want to see her again.

She couldn't accept it!

With a blink of an eye, she was considering killing Zain to get rid of her problem once and for all. But suddenly her conscience reacted with a big, No! Zain's only mistake is loving her, the Prince is not really a bad person, she acknowledges that to herself at least. Besides she knows that if she kills Zain, Adam won't forgive her.

She sighed inwardly. She really has no option and it's crushing her deep inside. It's like being caged in an open space, you have all the freedom to run and hide yet you can't stay away from the cage, insanely forever bound to it.

"Don't worry I will attend our wedding," she said resigning to her fate. Inside she was furious!

"Promise?" he just wants assurance from her no matter how small it is.

She smiled sweetly at him. "Yes, in fact, am looking forward to it." She continues her facade.

"If you really are serious then prove it to me," he said, challenging her.

Jessy's forehead frowned. "How?"

"Kiss me..."




"Anywhere you like," he said looking intently at her face like a hawk.

Jessy sighed. "Fine," she can play his game a little bit just to humor him.

She edged closer to him. Then she moves her lips closer to his face to give him a peck on the cheek, that's all she can tolerate him.

But Zain being the sly he is, he quickly positioned his mouth right into her incoming lips, swak! he immediately locked her lips into his lips and entered her mouth in full force, his tongue was able to plunge deeper into her mouth taking her by surprise. To prolong the kiss, Zain had to hold her head tight in place but he didn't dare use his power to immobilized Jessy. He kept kissing her, to his surprise and joy she didn't object nor push him away.

He suddenly felt aggressive, inspired by her silence, he pulled her compliant body into his lap.

Right in the middle of the blooming flowers, Zain first tasted Jessy's sweet lips without interruption.

Jessy was staring directly into his eyes, her eyes were like that of in a trance. She can feel his tongue sucking at her own tongue, felt the hunger and lust within his kisses. She allowed him to continue kissing her as long as he wants. They have been kissing for like an eternity, she never responded to his kisses instead she just allowed him to sucked on her tongue giving the impression that she was a willing participant and in a way encouraging his kisses more.

At this point in time, Zain was already lost to the heady feeling of finally able to kiss his future wife as much as he wants. He suddenly got a stiff erection between his legs, he groaned.

Jessy felt his erection bulging down there, bumping into her bottom, she smiled a little.

Time to party! she said to herself. She smirks!

Then she uses her power and teleported their bodies right into his room.

Noticing that they were already inside his room and Jessy was the one who initiated it blew his mind away, Zain immediately shifted on top of her, pressing her soft body down to the bed. He was so loving it! The lust and desire were flashing in his eyes, he just can't believe that Jessy allowed him to kiss her this far and he can now freely embrace her body, it's so fucking unbelievable, too good to be true!

Then his hand moves to remove her blouse, she didn't object.

His eyes started to color with a dark pool of desire. He becomes more aggressive and went further down removing her pants as well in just one go.

After removing her blouse and pants, the only garments left was her bra and underwear. Drooling with the sight of her nakedness, tons of sultry erotic fantasies that was hidden away in his brain came out swimming in his mind, Zain removed all his clothes in a hurry, his hard erection bumping into the surface of her panties.

This time, Jessy's smile was wilder, crazier!

Her mouth reached for his lips and initiated the kiss, the Prince complied by ravaging her mouth to the point of not allowing any air to come between their locked lips.

Then Zain started grinding onto the surface of her core with a feverish desire to enter her. His arousal became so rigid he thinks he was going crazy!

Just when he was about to reach for her panties to remove it...Jessy's shield began activating in full force instantly hurling him away from her body, he has to use his power to block it before it can cause great damage to his body.

"Ooopsiee!" Jessy purred seductively at him. "What happened, Zain? Why are you there? Come back here...," she said, taunting him, beckoning him sexily with her fingers. Her crazy laughter resonated around Zain's room.

F*ck! It's a trap! Jessy planned everything at his expense!

His arousal is killing him!

"Turn off your shield, Jess, pleasseee," he begged at her.

"Fine, I will count up to 100...penetrate my shield then you can have me for tonight," she grinned. Then she starts counting...


Prince Zain did all he can to enter her shield but he failed miserably. He was panting hard with so much energy being spent and released from his body yet Jessy's shield won't budge, all he needs is a tiny opening, yet he can't even do that. He was so livid with's tearing him up inside.

He continues to stare at her with disappointment and shame.


"Time is up Zain, you lose! Bye bye!" she blew him a kiss playfully and vanished from his sight in an instant.

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