The Last Embrace

Chapter 91 Pre-Wedding Jitters

Hannah has been busy testing different shades of mascara and foundation on Jessy's face. They have to do a makeup test to choose the best look for her wedding tomorrow.

She was applying makeup on Jessy's face. First, she applied vitamin C booster on Jessy's face and it showed a glowing effect, then she applied a matte finish primer over it. Then she applied foundation all over her face, next gold eye shadow for the eyes, a gel for eyeliner.She applied a pink blush on her cheeks. Then light rosy peach lipstick on her lips for finishing touches.

"I guess this will be the right cosmetics we will apply to your face tomorrow," said Hannah liking her handiwork.

The stunning finish look she saw in the mirror make Jessy's eyes watered.

"You've done a terrific job with my face Hannah, you got a great talent with make-up!" exclaimed Jessy.

"Actually, the shape of your face is perfect already. I don't even need to apply much on your face because you already had a beautiful face. It's just some brushing here and there, not much work on my part," said Hannah.

Jessy looked at Hannah's face, looking for the pain and envy that she must have been suffering right now, but she saw nothing.

"Are you ready for your big day tomorrow?"asked Hannah.

Jessy didn't answer. Instead, she held both Hannah's hands in hers and squeezed them gently.

The door to her room suddenly opened bringing the Queen inside.

Margaret smiled while admiring her daughter in law's made up face.

"Hannah, I need to talk with Jessy alone."

The girl exited the room quickly.

Margaret brought with her a jewelry box. She took out the gold heirloom necklace and wrapped it around Jessy's neck. "This will complete your look for tomorrow's wedding," she said. The heirloom was given to her by her mother, a thousand years ago.

"You like it?"

"Thank you, Mother, for your gift. It's beautiful," said Jessy.

"Mother, can I ask you a question?"


"Are you the one who erased my memories with Adam?"

Margaret's eyes widened in surprise.

Jessy stared at her mother in law's face and she knew she was the one.

"W-who tell you this? Did you and Adam see each other?"

Margaret has already done everything she can do just to make this wedding work. She won't be able to handle another stress if another surprise will come her way. She just wants the wedding to be over as soon as possible so that they can continue with their lives in peace.

Jessy shook her head and lie. "I have not seen him yet...And I don't remember him anymore. "

Margaret's face brightened instantly.

"That's good. Forget Adam, instead, focus on creating a wonderful family with your husband. Zain is perfect for you. You two were destined to be together since you were still young children. Tomorrow it's finally happening, you are going to marry each other!"

Jessy gave her mother in law a bright smile.

"How does it feel when all your plans finally come into completion, Mother?" she asked.

Margaret looked at Jessy frowning. "Happy of course. But...the way you asked me, it's kind of bothering me right now. Are you planning something, Jess?" suddenly worries appeared on her forehead.

Jessy saw fear in the Queen's eyes, she continues smiling. "Don't worry, Mother. Stop worrying, nothing will happen tomorrow. I will make sure nothing out of the ordinary will happen tomorrow. I will give you the best wedding ever. You can trust my word."

Margaret saw the sincerity on Jessy's face. She finally breathed in relief. She hugged her and exited the room with a calm and satisfied look on her face.

The Queen already left, but Jessy's eyes remained fixed in the mirror. She was appraising her look. So, tomorrow she will become a married woman, married to the person she doesn't love.

She picks up a cotton ball and started wiping the mascara off her face one by one, around her forehead, down to her nose and cheeks and then wipe the lipstick on her lips.

Tomorrow her life will change drastically. She just has to make the best out of it. Letting the prophecy unfold in front of her without doing anything to resist it will be the best option for her. She's damn tired of resisting her destiny, exhausted with the conflicting feelings and emotions that run through her head all the time.

Marrying Zain will finally solve all her problem and restore order and calm in her life.

As for Adam he will come around and realized that they were never meant for each other, to begin with...

The sooner Adam will start letting go of her, things will start running smoothly on everyone lives.

The best thing about her memories of Adam being wiped away is that it makes her head think clearly without the trappings of emotion and love. When there is no love involve you will be able to think and decide rationally.

Tomorrow she will fulfill the Royal family's obsession with the wedding.

Tomorrow she will make everyone happy, except for two people and that would be Hannah and Adam.

Sad to say, she can't make everyone happy though.

If there is a tiny chance she can make everyone happy with her wedding, she will grab it without hesitation.

Too size doesn't fit all.

She already decided her fate and the wedding tomorrow will seal that fate for her.

The door to the room opens. Princess Abigail came inside with a jewelry box on her palm.

"Sister in law! I have a gift for you," she immediately opened the small box and picks up the tiny gold exquisite bracelet and earrings.

Jessy smiled at the jewelry. "Wow, they're so cute!" she squealed in delight. She attached the earrings into her ears and the bracelet into her wrist.

"Perfect!" Princess Abigail exclaimed in a happy tone. She hugged Jessy with genuine fondness. "You will be the prettiest bride tomorrow! I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle!" her cheery giggling and chattering filled the entire room.

Jessy smiled animatedly at the girl in front of her, Abigail's enthusiasm rubs on her in a great way.

How great life would be if she was as free as Abigail, live a carefree life...

Once you're married you will never be free...children, family, wife duties and responsibilities will take up much of your time until you will entirely forget your own needs and your existence fades into nothingness because you will be forever busy pleasing and servicing your husband and your children. Their needs and wants come first than your own. It's a never ending cycle...

Jessy suddenly felt terrified with the heavy responsibilities she is going to face ahead! But she already made up her mind, it's too late to back out now. She closed her eyes and pretend everything will be alright tomorrow.

She will let tomorrow take care of the rest...

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