The Last Embrace

Chapter 97 Die By His Side

Both the King and Queen stared at their son Prince Zain, disbelief in their eyes.

Seven days had passed and to their dismay, Prince Zain didn't display any superior powers, instead, he completely turned into a human being, he was stripped with all his power since birth. His fangs already gone and he starts craving human foods.

Overall he turned into a healthy human being, no longer a vampire.

But the King expected his son to be if not more powerful than Jessy at least to have the same power as her. This is a big disappointment at the same time a big accomplishment since Jessy's blood has now been proven that can turn any vampire into a human being according to what the prophecy had been predicted all along.

The Queen bit her lip a bit agitated, she was worried that the King might find out what she had done. She still has to find the right time to reveal to the King that their other son Adam was still alive. She was planning to confess to him after all of the vampires already become human beings.

"My Queen, what happened to our son, Zain?" The King continues lamenting.

Margaret caresses her husband's arms. "Maybe the prophecy about Jessy's first blood is not true at all. As you can say, Zain was now a human being. Nothing happens," she said.

The King still bothered by what happened to Zain and the future of their vampire lineage hung in uncertainty. What will happen now? How can Zain and Jessy produce powerful vampires for the future generation?

"My King, don't worry too much. Maybe if Jessy finally got pregnant with their child, they will still become powerful crossbreed. Maybe Zain wasn't meant to be the powerful one. Let's just wait for the first child to be born, okay?"

Although the King was still feeling a bit despondent yet he was consoled with the fact that maybe there still a tiny possibility that Jessy's blood can produce powerful vampire heirs in the long run.

"Okay, you are right. It's no use wasting our time and emotion of something that may never really come true. Let's just focus on preparing the first 10 vampires for transfusion of Jessy's blood. Hope there won't be any complications and that the transfusion would push through successfully just like Zain," said the King.

The Queen smiled broadly feeling relieved.

They exited the clinic and went to talk to the doctor and the chemist, they were waiting outside the door to prepare the next batch of vampires to undergo the blood transfusion.

"The ideal time would be after three days, we will give enough time for Jessy to rest and recover her blood loss. We have to start administering her blood to other vampires batch by batch and make a record of each to have back up data just in case something goes wrong in the middle of transfusion," said the doctor.

"Maybe we can try to test at least 15 vampires for a trial run with varied blood quantity just to make sure we can achieve the perfect blood dosage to administer each one. We have adults, children and women, they have a different mass index. The accurateness of blood dosage transfusion is needed to ensure perfect transformation," said the chemist.

"Okay you do that, I'm looking forward to the next successful blood transfusion. Update me with the progress daily," said the King.

Both the doctor and the chemist nodded their head. "Yes, your royal highness," they replied in unison, they bowed their head to the royal couple, turned around and entered the clinic to make further check up on Prince Zain's body.


One hour later...

Jessy stared at Zain in front of the glass wall of the clinic. After the doctor and the chemist finally done with their check up and exited the room, Jessy went inside to check on her husband.

"Zain," she calls his name in an audible voice.

The Prince opens his eyes. His hand reached for her face. "I'm no longer a vampire and not as powerful as you. Will, you still love me?" he asked in a dejected voice, misty-eyed.

Zain's pathetic and broken look tug at Jessy's heartstring.

Jessy kissed his lips. "Of course, I always love you. My love for you does not change a bit. I will always stay by your side, served you and cherish you," she said. She embraces him tight.

A tear fell from Prince Zain's eyes.

They hold each other, consoling each other while Hannah was looking at them from the outside with a blank expression on her face. She shook her head and started walking away from the loved-up couple.

She meets Princess Abigail near the entrance of the clinic.

"Hannah, you're here? Huh? Spying at the couple?" she said her eyes looking at the glass wall of the clinic and saw the couple inside holding each other.

Hannah didn't reply, she bowed her head.

"Would you still willing to live with them under the same house? Arent you killing yourself slowly in the process seeing your beloved man getting close and intimate with her wife on a daily basis? Honestly, that would be a painful torture every day, that's it if you can really stomach their sweetness..."

"It's okay, my Princess. I'm already used to the pain. I have been serving the Prince ever since I'm young, the only place I'm willing to stay and die is by his side."

Princess Abigail shook her head, feeling pity for the hopeless romantic girl in front of her.

"You know, you really don't have to be a martyr for your love for my brother. Once we all become a human being, you can pursue your own personal goal in life. Live on your own, find a job or hobby that would enrich your life and knowledge. Later on, maybe down the road, you will meet the love of your life and then you will live happily ever after with him. Stop loving my brother, the only woman my brother ever love is Jessy and no one else and you know that better than anybody else," she said in a sympathetic voice and patted Hannah's shoulder.

"Thank you for your advice, my Princess. I will keep them in my mind."

"You keep them in your mind but not in your heart---? Jeez...Anyways, I may be young and have not fallen in love with any guy yet but as an observer, I know you are just hurting yourself really bad. It's stupid to stay with them under one roof, that is total foolishness!" she sighed.

Hannah has been keeping her head down and she desperately wanted to go back to her room.

"Okay, you can go now Hannah," Princess Abigail dismissed her.

"Thank you, my Princess," she bowed her head and turned around.

Hannah walked slowly along the hallway with the same blank stare on her face.

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