The lady also saw Bao Hong. First, she opened her mouth wide in horror, and then took the two children to escape from the tavern.


Bao Hong yelled loudly. His eyes were red, and he stared at the lady.

Bao Hong's appearance is obviously going to disadvantage the lady. Natalie didn't care about her safety, she stood up to stop Bao Hong's atrocities.

"Baogon! Slow down..." Natalie called.

But her voice stopped abruptly. Bao Hong punched Natalie in the chest without warning. Natalie was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

Bao Hong's other subordinates also stood up after Bao Hong stopped drinking. Some of them grabbed the chairs and stools under them, broke the glass windows of the tavern, and then jumped out; some pulled out the muskets and sabers from their waists, and rushed towards the ladies and children.

The young man who accepted the bribe saw that something was wrong, and instinctively blocked the lady and the children, and shielded his master with his body.

And he became the first victim today. Blair's saber cut it in half with a single knife from bottom to top.

Blood splashed on the lady's face, her eyes were lost in fright. And the two innocent and lovely children burst into tears.

Outside, the lady's entourage suffered the same bad luck. Bao Hong's Cossacks surrounded them, and after a desperate fight, these servants and guards were knocked to the ground.

Pedestrians on the street have long since fled without a trace.

In the tavern, the owner, the waitress, and the guy hid under a table tremblingly.

The absent-minded lady was grabbed by Blair. Blair didn't know what Lianxiangxiyu was, not to mention that he knew what this **** lady did to Bao Hong, which made Blair's hatred of her even deeper. That hand strength is exceptionally strong.

The lady screamed in pain. She dragged Blair to the table where Bao Hong was, and her child was held in her arms by the two Cossacks, crying.

At this time, Natalie, who was knocked to the ground by Bao Hong, was also buckled by a Cossack and disarmed.

Natalie looked at Bao Hong and the lady.

Only now, Natalie could see the face of the lady. She was really a beauty. She looked less than thirty years old. She had golden hair on top of her head. Her face was a perfect melon seed face. Her eyes were dark blue like the sea, and her lips were full and rosy. Although she is already the mother of two children, the lady's figure is well maintained, like a girl.

If it weren't for such a scene, Natalie felt that she and Bao Hong were standing together like a golden girl.

Looking at the lady's face, Bao Hong's eyes were hatred first, then pity, and finally, I wonder if it was Natalie's illusion, and there was gentleness in it.

"Helena, we meet again." Bao Hong said softly. He even tried to reach out to touch the lady's face.

But the lady looked at Bao Hong in horror. She patted Bao Hong's stretched hand with the flushed hand that Blair had caught.

"You devil!" the lady named Helena cursed.

This shout of curse awakened Bao Hong, and he withdrew his hand.

Then Bao Hong turned his gaze to the two children behind Helena.

Bao Hong walked towards the two children.

"Don't touch them!" Helena struggled.

But Bao Hong was not moved by the sound at all. He grabbed a child and pulled it in front of him.

This child is a little boy, born white and cute, about six or seven years old.

Bao Hong drew the child's face closer to him, and he wanted to take a good look.

"Is this you and his child?" Bao Hong asked.

The lady did not answer. In fact, this answer does not need to be answered.

Bao Hong Zhuangruo laughed wildly. He clamped the child's arms desperately, and the painful child cried.

"You let him go!"

With Helena's strength, he actually broke free of Blair's restraint and threw himself in front of Bao Hong, grabbing Bao Hong's leg.

"Kill me if you want, but the child is innocent." Helena said.


Bao Hong seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world.

"None of you are innocent. I saved your father and mother and raised you, but how did you repay me? The so-called credit is worthless to you nobles! You desperately worked hard for the Republic on the front line, and faced your fellow brothers with swords, but you held a wedding in the back, using the house and money I gave you. You are really a family of honesty." Bao Hong gritted his teeth.

"I never said to marry you." Helena retorted.

Bao Hong smiled impatiently.

"Yes. You didn't say not to marry me when you lived in my house, and when you accepted the gift I gave you, you didn't say not to marry me, but as soon as that man appeared, you didn't marry me. Because he was more He is rich and a nobleman. The Cossacks are worth nothing in your eyes. They just use, use and then betray. Your parents even want to kill me. I know all of these. I kill them just to make the first move."

Helena was speechless.

After listening to the conversation between the two, Natalie somewhat understood the grievances between the two. This is actually a very simple story about love and hatred Bao Hong likes Helena, but Helena doesn't like Bao Hong. Helena's parents may be greedy for Bao Hong's wealth, and use the bait to marry Helena to Bao Hong to trick Bao Hong's money. But one day, a wealthier aristocratic youth appeared and fell in love with Helena. Helena's parents changed their hearts. They betrothed Helena to the aristocratic youth and might try to kill Bao Hong. It's a pity that the paper can't keep the fire, Bao Hong knows all this, and Helena's parents also paid the price of their lives.

"You can kill me, but please spare my children, they are innocent."

After a while, Helena begged for mercy. This further confirmed Natalie's guess that Helena was the one who was in the wrong.

But how could Bao Hong let off the enemy's children so easily? He was forcing Helena's husband's whereabouts. He had to find that man to settle accounts first, but Helena didn't say anything when he died.

Bao Hong was furious, he drew his saber and walked towards Helena's son. Obviously, if Helena doesn't say anything, he will take the child at the operation.

Although not ashamed of Helena's behavior, the child is innocent after all. Natalie is struggling to save the child regardless that she is also in jail, but how can she break free?

What really saved their lives temporarily was the arrival of the small town civic group. These militia groups are all small town residents who have paid to arm themselves to defend the town from robbers. Seeing a weapon fight in the tavern, they quickly picked up their weapons and rushed over.

There were dozens of people in the militia and the residents of the small town to help out. Bao Hong had only a dozen people here. They were lonely and had a major mission. Under Blair’s persuasion, Bao Hong had to take Helena and Nata. Li and her two children rushed into the carriage and hurriedly escaped from the town. And Helena's servants were all killed by Bao Hong's men.

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