The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 785: Battle of Konotup 16

In the battle of this day, although Prince Alexei had dropped hundreds of corpses, he did not even get a foothold in Konotop. However, the prince did not have any dissatisfaction. He even invited all the generals and Ivan Shirko to drink in his big tent after nightfall.

Because the stone cannon has revealed its destructive power to the horror of castles and fortresses, Prince Alexei believed that if such shooting hits a few more times, the triangular fort will fall apart.

By night, both sides died down.

The bright moonlight was shrouded in dark clouds, as if he didn't want to see this tragedy in the world. In this dark night with invisible hands, the defenders of Fort Konotop sent more than a dozen teams. They attacked from the city gate and quietly came to the side of the trench.

Each team carried hoes, grappling hooks, slings and other tools. Their task is to clean out the stuff in the trench and restore it to its original depth as much as possible.

"Be careful, don't be discovered by the Russians." Someone reminded quietly.

Many shadows jumped down the trench. Immediately afterwards, a sling was lowered.

"Damn it, it's a corpse!"

"Don't worry about the corpse, first clean up the sandbags and rocks. These things are just good for repairing the triangular fort."

The soldiers who descended into the trench put stones and sandbags into the net pocket on the sling according to the order of the person above, and then shook the rope. The people above pulled the sling up with force.

In the beginning, such actions were smooth. But soon, the Russian sniper on the opposite side noticed the movement.

These Russian snipers held extremely high-pound compound bows in the trenches parallel to the trenches, watching for any disturbance. They are carefully selected fighters. Not only are they amazingly patient, they can stay in ambush until dawn without moving, and they keep aiming at the enemy's direction. They can also see things in the dark like an owl, and their arrow skills are also extremely good. good.

The bowstring rang again and again, and from time to time the soldiers who cleared the trenches shot arrows.

Some defenders tried to fight back, but they couldn't find the enemy's position.

The small teams that could only be beaten passively saw that the situation was not good, and they withdrew into the city one after another.

In Fort Konotop, Cheerchen is visiting the wounded who were wounded in today's battle.

In the battle on this day, the defenders lost 123 soldiers, most of whom were defenders of the Triangle Fort.

The fixed source of troops on the original triangle fort was three hundred. In addition to yesterday's battle losses, almost half of the people were reimbursed. Cheerchen replaced all the living people, and let Fedot lead a mixed detachment to go up.

"If we continue to fight with such a loss, I am afraid Konotop will fall in less than ten days." Cheer Chen said to the returning Uncle Pidro after comforting a wounded soldier with an arm injury.

Pidro was silent, but the thoughts in his heart were exactly the same as Cheor Chen's.

The two uncles and nephews came to Konotop to fight and underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Russian army, thinking that they could be as easy as guarding Smolensk.

"Can't fight like this anymore." Piedro gritted his teeth.

But he couldn't go on playing like this, Pidro couldn't tell why he should do it.

The two nephews and uncles stood facing each other in silence.

And this silence seems to be contagious. The soldiers and medical staff on the square saw their team leader and deputy team leader not speaking, and they all stared at them blankly. Everyone seemed to be surrounded by a shadow.

Cheerchen first woke up from the silence. He noticed that the soldiers around him were looking at him, and he immediately realized the mistake.

Will be the guts of soldiers. If he is so discouraged, then the soldiers have the courage to fight.

"Uncle Pidro," Cheerchen deliberately raised his voice, and he said, "I'll show you something good."

With that said, Cheerchen walked to the wall and brought an iron ring.

Pidro took it and took a closer look. It turned out that this was an iron ring for hoop buckets, with a loop of hemp rope wrapped around it.

"What is this?" Piedro asked. He smelled a strong smell of tar on the iron ring.

"This is called the ring of fire. It was invented by a Cossack in the city. The hemp rope outside the iron ring was soaked in a cauldron of hot tar. After it dries, it is covered with a layer of coarse hemp crumbs and soaked in the tar again. Repeat this many times. After the second time, you can make weapons. When fighting, just throw them over the breast wall and throw them at the group of enemies that charge in a dense formation." Chechen said.

Although listening to Chechen's description, Pidro vaguely knew that this was a weapon similar to a rolling stone, but Pidro still couldn't understand how useful this thing was in battle.

Chechen was preparing to explain further. At this time, the city gate was wide open, and the teams sent out to clean the trenches helped the wounded into the square one after another.

They were attacked by Russian snipers.

Looking at the wounded with feather arrows in their bodies, the soldiers in the square and on the city wall almost wrote low morale on their faces.

This kind of frustrating atmosphere, even Bashit can clearly feel.

But he didn't understand that it was his own side today, but why the morale of the soldiers was getting lower and lower?

Just when Bashit was confused, the company commander Jamid Popovich who was guarding the south suddenly ran over and said: "Team leader, please come here."

Jamie Popovich’s character has always been carefree. Let him ask Cheerchen to speak aside, obviously the problem he encountered is extremely serious, and once let others know it will greatly shake the military's mind.

Chechen, Pidro and Jamie Popovich were on the wall together. There was no one around, only torches were burning.

"Team leader," said Jamid Popovich, "my people found that the enemy was digging tunnels."

"Are they really digging into the tunnel?!" Piedro asked anxiously.

In response, Jamie Popovich nodded and said, "Yes, there should be nothing wrong. Your Excellency Pedro, Wan Lai is silent now. I'll bring a bowl of water. You might as well take a closer look."

Jamie Popovich quickly brought a bowl of water, and Cheerchen and Pidro stared carefully at the surface of the The time really came soon. After only a while, their eyes clearly saw the ripples of the water.

"Yes, I saw it! They are digging tunnels, and there must be more than one." Piedro said.

"They are digging tunnels." Cheerchen also repeated. Then, both of them were silent.

At this time, Dimochev also came over. He saw Chechen and Pidro were silent, Dimochev's face showed extreme anxiety, he raised his hands and rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands.

Obviously, he also knew that the enemy was digging tunnels.

"Team leader?" Dimochev stammered.

Then, he didn't know what to say.

Seeing this situation, Pidro pretended to say lightly: "Two, it's no big deal. It's very common during every siege. Back then, your team leader and I were guarding Smolensk. At that time, they were digging and chiseling under our feet day and night."

Dimochev lifted his head, and there was hope in his eyes.

He asked: "Then the team leader and your Excellency, what coup do you have when defending Smolensk?"

"Let's blow up the tunnel," Piedro said.

"Then now we are going to blow up the enemy's tunnel," Jamid Popovich shouted.

In his opinion, this is the only feasible way. Otherwise, once the tunnel reaches under the walls of Konotop and buries explosives, everything is over.

At this time Chechen objected: "No, Prince Alexei must be prepared this time. He will send heavy troops to guard the tunnel entrance to prevent our night attacks."

There was a moment of silence, and Dimochev lowered his helpless head again.

"so what should I do now?"

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