The Last Gentleman

Chapter 104: escape the factory

   Chapter 104 Escape from the Factory

  『How did I get here? I only remember that Jin was carried away by the village chief's cyst cloth bag, and then I rushed to the rescue immediately, and then the memory is very vague.

   Did I lose? Why not die? 』

   Hanging upside down, Yi Chen scrutinized his body, and immediately found a huge hole in his chest, and the blood had already coagulated.

"my heart! 』

"Hey! Why are you panicking, isn't it because your heart has been poached by someone else? If you are lucky, as long as your brain is not damaged, this grape can be used as a temporary substitute. 』

  Xiao Grape's voice came at this time, and at the same time, I could feel a faint vibration from the right chest.

  Yi Chen immediately controlled the plant in his body and went to the right chest to check the situation,

  The small grape has turned into a heart structure covered with black hair, bordering the core blood vessels, perfectly replacing the function of the original heart.

   Even feels more energetic than the original heart, and the body is extremely light.

  Little Grape continued:

"Fortunately, the village chief is fast enough to send you here [within five minutes]. Otherwise, if the time delay is too long, your brain will be necrotic due to lack of oxygen... Then I can only eat your grapes with tears in my eyes." , turn you into a controllable living dead, and run to Easton Cemetery to bury yourself. 』

  Yi Chen manipulated the roots of the plant to gently slide on the surface of the black hair's heart, like stroking small grapes.

   Of course, this kind of action made Xiao Grape extremely disgusted, and directly gave Yi Chen a second cardiac arrest.

"Wow! Don't do it... In other words, if I really die, the burial will be up to you. 』

  『Stop talking nonsense, it will be your turn to cut your corpse into pieces soon, find a way to escape from here! With so many corpses hanging here, one less of you should never be found. 』

  Yi Chen didn't care if it would be his turn at all, "Why do you want to leave? Isn't it comfortable to hang here? 』

  Xiao Grape immediately realized Yi Chen's intentions, and still retorted angrily: "If you talk to Ben Grape again in this tone, I will stop my heart! 』

  Yi Chen didn't care, and at the same time changed to another important topic, while chatting and waiting in line to be slaughtered.

  『Little Grape, how did I get my heart out? 』

   『You really don't have that last memory, you bastard? At that time, in addition to the village chief and you, there was a third person... He was also the first guy to spy on you in the woods, probably related to the church.

   That guy is very stealthy, and he pulled out his heart directly from behind. 』

  『Is it suspected that the church is involved? If the intervener was the first to observe us... The other party seems to be very interested in [Jin], but the attitude towards me is completely opposite, otherwise I will not be hung here.

   Therefore, once Jin is captured alive, he will kill me directly.

   As for what they are going to do to capture Jin, I am afraid it has a close relationship with the internal affairs of the church.

   Maybe even from the moment we set foot in the forest, the church is assessing our physical quality, and will be trained as teachers or used as sacrifices or something.

  The specific situation needs to be contacted with the church personnel to find out. If the village chief can be killed, maybe the general situation can also be found out. 』

  While Yi Chen was thinking, the pig head butcher came to him.

  The huge palms easily hold the two calves, and they can be removed by the hooks when they are lifted up.

   turned around and threw it,

   directly from a few meters away, fell steadily to the processing table full of blood, slap!

   The butcher turned the butcher knife in his hand on the way, and the eyes between the pig's heads seemed to have drawn the best 'decomposition line' according to Yi Chen's body proportions.

   Butcher knife raised,

   is aimed at the waist and abdomen,

When    is about to be cut off,

  The corpse on the table slammed his left arm, pop! A palm hit the chin of the pig's head, and a layer of flesh-like ripples can be seen with the naked eye.

   The impact caused by hitting the chin is directly transmitted to the brain ventricle, and the pig brain constantly collides violently with the wall of the cranial cavity.

   A strong sense of dizziness made the butcher stagger and almost fell to the ground.

  「Root piercing」

  The slap is just an appetizer,

  The palm of the hand, which is close to the chin, instantly grows thorny roots, which penetrate the pig's mouth and are sutured.

   At the same time, the throat and nasal cavity are blocked with a plant mesh to limit vocalization and avoid causing trouble.

Not only that,

   Plants drilled down the pig's throat and quickly searched for the "pathogen core" in the body.

   However, as a high-quality catalyzed patient, a butcher who can work here is naturally not easy.

   Even if you feel dizzy and unable to breathe,

  , however, relied on the butcher's instinct, sensed the breath of the living creature, and instinctively swung a knife.

   This knife comes quite quickly and with anticipation~ Huh!

   slashed into his shoulders and cut a terrifying opening of more than ten centimeters... and was finally stopped by the plant mesh in Yi Chen's body.

"found it!"

   At this point, the roots have located the pathogenic tumor encased in the gastric pouch.

  Crossing through!


   Pig's eyes quickly dimmed, and his fat body fell directly to the ground.

   Yi Chen, who was naked and had a hole in his chest, sat on the edge of the workbench, covering the slit in his shoulder with his hand, and laughed at himself helplessly:

   "Without gentlemen's clothing and weapons, the strength is greatly reduced, and such a sneak attack will still be injured.

  If the butcher hadn't had his breathing blocked and his brain dizzy, the knife he just swung might have cut off the entire left half of his body. Do I really have a certain dependence on weapons and clothing?

   is just right, take this opportunity to exercise your skills. "

  Yi Chen did not have the emotional fluctuations of the rest of his life, but just accepted the situation in front of him calmly, thinking about how to continue the investigation alone.

   One hand is attached to the shoulder wound, and the needle-like bud penetrates into the wound for suture.

   The other hand touched the butcher's head, sucking the essence of the pig's brain.

   While getting nutrition, you also get relevant information about the "meat factory", which is very important for Yi Chen who is trapped in it.

   "A factory with separate controls and a perfect supervision mechanism... If you want to sneak out, there is a high chance that you will be discovered. That's the only way."

  Yi Chen put the butcher's body on the workbench, mainly against customers.

   Hollow out all the excess organs and tissues, retain enough muscle layer, and make a thickened and fleece leather coat.

   put on the skin,

   Sew on the pig's head,

   put on a black leather apron and a butcher’s knife,

   After everything was ready, he deliberately hummed twice,

   Follow the memory in the butcher's brain and try to escape the meat factory,

  The factory is very large and is located in the northern part of the village. Most of the [meat] here comes from the dead genitals.

  Those with schizophrenia grow rapidly and age rapidly.

   Generally, they will take the initiative to come to the factory after completing 3~5 patrol tasks to realize their final value.

The meat obtained from    is mainly used for two purposes,

   One is to make compressed food and distribute it to every household in the village to supply nutrition and improve fertility efficiency.

   One is boiled into a soup that is easily absorbed by plants, which is used to water the outermost high walls of trees, accelerate the expansion and provide vitality, and block the entry of outsiders.

   It can be said that the factory is the most important place in the whole village, and the village chief often takes time to come and inspect to ensure the normal operation of each link. It's just that I haven't been here very often recently, and it seems that I have other things to do.

   There are three ways to escape.

1. Hold the butcher's belly directly, and follow the "slaughtering workshop" → "rest area aisle" → "production workshop (No. 1 → "inspection gate", the whole process needs to walk more than 1,000 meters to get from the factory door to leave.

   If you are stopped by a higher-ranking workshop director, or even the factory manager, you can only find an excuse to sneak in. Once it is dismantled, you can only force the pass by shouting the worker's slogan.

  2. Stay here to continue the work of the butcher, complete the processing of all the corpses, and clock in and get off work normally.

   This is the safest method, but will delay at least four hours. Not to mention that the situation in the village and the church is constantly deteriorating, and Jin who is captured may be in danger at any time.

  3. Hold your belly up and go along "Slaughtering Workshop" → "Rest Area Aisle" → "Production Workshop (No. 2.

  The No. 2 production workshop is responsible for the production of 'liquid flesh'. According to memory, there is a sewer channel for discharging excess flesh fluid, and an underground area that can directly receive waste fluid.

   Since there is no relevant memory of the underground area, this escape plan has certain unknowns.

【ten minutes later】

   Yi Chen, with a big belly, was already standing at the foul-smelling sewage outlet, and every inch of the wriggling flesh-like wall was challenging his endurance limit.

   gritted his teeth,

   Taking advantage of the shift time of the assembly line employees, he jumped off.

   If you have to describe the process,

  Like an obese living alone who died at home on the spot after overeating one day. Because he lived alone, the body was left like this for three days.

   Who knows, a Xiaoqiang who entered by mistake climbed into the person's mouth, and performed an unforgettable intestinal speed skating among the corpses full of food remnants.


  Yi Chen fell into an indescribable mud pit.

   Swim at full speed to the shore area and immediately take off the dirty pigskin coat to curb physical nausea as much as possible.

   "Finally escaped, hehe~"

  Because the pig's hood is still sewn on the neck, the pig's sound is also made when speaking.

   After some consideration, Yi Chen did not remove the pig's head and continued to sew it on the head.

   First, it feels very fun. He himself likes such role-playing games.

  Second, if you encounter an individual such as a villager below, you can try to defend yourself, saying that you accidentally slipped from the factory while pouring the meat slurry.

   Recommend a Xueba black science and technology article "Into Unscientific", if you are interested, you can go and see it!



   (end of this chapter)

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