The Last Gentleman

Chapter 107: Chicken

Chapter 107

Yi Chen had thought about the "pathogenic core" as a bargaining chip and hung her mother -in -law's head in her waist to control the entire chicken group.

However, considering that the chicken mother -in -law can establish a thinking connection with the chicken group privately, it is likely that at the critical time, there is a way to make a trick ... Although there are corresponding restraint methods, they cannot completely erase the risks.

Of course, the most important point.

The pheasant who likes to use the goodwill of others, Yi Chen wants to "get rid of disease".

Snapped! Chicken embryo tumors were crushed.

The chicken mother -in -law's eyes were dim, and the thin eyes on her forehead were all dull.

Yi Chen also turned around at the same time, set up a butcher knife, and faced the attack posture of the chicken group.


Time has passed a little bit, and it has not ushered in the expected chicken group siege, or group irritability.

Instead, the atmosphere of the chicken coil becomes relaxed and happy,

Those chicks that are not allowed to leave the nutritional area, just like breaking the restrictions, all ran out, groaned around Yi Chen's feet.

The chickens waiting in line to be absorbed by the roots are no longer waiting for death, one by one, as if getting freedom to get freedom.

The so -called mother -in -law just called them ‘children’ verbally, but she was actually like a slave owner. As a human, she just regarded the chicken group as a product when she started raising chickens from the earliest.

On the contrary, these chickens regarded the mother -in -law as the only owner who could rely on.

"You killed the chicken mother -in -law, giggle!"

A black chicken fell down from the eyes, and his eyes widened.

This is the most familiar black chicken little Pei, the fastest chicken in the chicken coil.

"Isn't it good? I can't control you anymore."

Yi Chen stepped forward, squatting down and gently stroking Xiao Pei's chicken head, the latter did not dodge, and let it be stroked.

at this time,

The trees on the top of their heads continue to pour a group of excellent sanctuary. They used to be the 'eyeliner' as the mother -in -law, observing the situation nearby and eliminating the accidental approaching villagers.

They also did not launch an attack on Yi Chen, but they all came to the chicken's mother -in -law, pecking the dead body.

It is enough to see the essence of the mother -in -law after they are infected and gain self -awareness.

"Xiao Pei, don't you go? Seeing them seemed to eat well."

"Gigmor ~ I don't need it! Mother -in -law of the chicken usually likes to tease them, but it's okay to me ..."

"This thing, do you want it? If you want it, you will give you."

Yi Chen touched the chicken crown with one hand, and the other hand handed the slightly crushed chicken embryo tumor to Xiao Pei.

Black Chicken Xiaopusheng was afraid that Yi Chen would suddenly regret and peck into his mouth!

In the next few minutes, Xiao Pei's body changed.

The black chicken hair on it raised like fried hair, and the eyes of chicken were produced between the skin covering the skin.

The chickens who were pecking the mother -in -law's flesh also turned their heads, and instinctively squatted down their bodies and bent the chicken neck, seemed to be acknowledging their new owners.

When I saw this,

Yi Chen under the mask of the pig's head showed a smile and knew he was gambling.

[Combination of Combination-OF-COGNATE-SYMPToms]

It is a concept mentioned in the pathological course. It means that those who have similar epidemic diseases can deepen their own infection by devouring the other party's disease and accelerate the combination of pathogens.

In some gray domains, some large -scale rooms can occasionally see the same types of patients with the same type, allowing them to kill each other, and the only survivor can leave.

However, the growth method of self -killing will seriously affect the self -awareness of the patient. Although it can quickly and effectively improve the depth of their own infection and accelerate the root cause of the pathogen, the patients are not particularly common.


As Xiao Pei eats the core of her mother -in -law, its consciousness is slowly connected with the chicken group and became the leader.

Yi Chen carried the butcher knife behind him, gently stroking the chicken crown with one hand.

"Xiao Pei, how do you feel?"

Once the black chicken was found to have any unprecedented reactions, or to derive the conscious component of the chicken mother -in -law between her chicken brain, Yi Chen would decisively kill.


Xiao Pei did not respond, but shouted loudly, and was extremely excited.

Then he showed his wings directly, flying to Yichen's shoulder, and seemed to want to stand on it to express [trust].

Just when it was about to fall,

A short black arm was suddenly born inside the shoulder, and there was a sense of peeping at the same time, which was scared that Xiao Pei could only turn to the shoulder on the other side.

When the chicken feet are stood firm, it deliberately clear the throat and look down at the chicken group:

"This is the benefactor who killed the chicken, let us get freedom! We must thank him well, giggle!"

Everyone immediately responded with a chicken, and the underground chicken nest seemed to sound the horn of the horn before the uprising.

【ten minutes later】

The village of Sheopor ushered in a large number of chickens, chickens are ovarian creatures, and they are not affected by spore dust.

The seemingly chaotic chicken group is very destined to invade,

Two groups of groups, quickly entered different residents' homes, destroyed the rotten meat groups that were breeding.

Don't look at these chickens to keep their animals. Global chicks selected by the chicken mother -in -law to investigate and ensure that the safety of hen nests can easily move huge stones and tear trees.

The flexible chicken, the attribute suppression of this kind of unable to move and the essence of long -term loss.

For a while, various weird screams sounded in different areas of the village.

Unlike a scream, it is more like a liberation.

Not only that, there are a lot of meat chickens with no combat effectiveness,

They broke into the [Meat Factory] in an orderly manner, and in a suicide attack method, the meat grinding machine hit the production workshop with them as the meat of oval creatures to pollute the meat products of the factory.

This directly led to the suspension of the factory. The pig head butcher responsible for physical treatment all participated in the 'catching chicken action' and made a mess.

When such a chaos is in the village in a short period of time,

A special youth quietly slipped into the village and found the map to find the village chief's house.

He had a blood hole in his left chest, wearing a pig's head mask, wearing tattered cropped pants and straw shoes, and a black chicken standing on his shoulders.

When the window was scratching the inside of the house, the pig's head couldn't help shaking.

The village chief who should have left the house and went to suppress the turmoil sat in the living room without moving.

The swollen bag on his shoulders was gone. From the incision point of view, it seemed to be actively cut off.

Moreover, the village chief at this time was still doing a weird behavior.

One hand holding Yi Chen's weapon to create a heavy money- "Moon of the Luck" and cut the abdomen.

The cord-like umbilical cord pointed out the head, and sucked the nutritional products prepared by the village chief-a large pot of the Buddha's elaborate buddha wall from the factory chef.

Through the sucking of nutritional products, a new energy of the newborn flowing into the whole body of the village chief, restoring the injuries suffered by the explosion, has basically recovered.

Very leisurely, there is no idea of ​​suppressing the turmoil in the village at all.

It seems that the village is not important for him now.

"The villagers are being massacred, and the operation of the factory also has problems, but the village chief is indifferent ... Is it? The number of [Holy Tire] provided by the village is enough?

The church no longer needs any needs for the village. As a gratitude, the village chief has given the village head to represent the "new life" umbilical cord.

Is the conspiracy behind the incident that has entered the later stage, or even the final stage? 』

When thinking of this, Yi Chen was even more worried about the situation of gold.

His eyes turned to the black chicken on his shoulders immediately.

"Xiao Pei, can you help me open the village chief for a minute ... No, it can be thirty seconds."


Just smelling the breath of the village chief as the severe disease, Xiao Pei was already shaking.

However, this danger is still slightly weaker than the gold that once squeezed its body.

Xiao Pei shook his chicken neck to promise Yi Chen's proposal, and called four nearby sophisticated chickens to help.

"I will help you fight for time, Mr. William!"



The two windows and gates of the village chief's family were kicked by the empty chicken feet at the same time, and Xiao Pei took his chicken group to the village chief.

For a while, the pieces of various furniture, flooring and walls were mixed with feathers.

   (end of this chapter)

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