The Last Gentleman

Chapter 12: Green Lake Town

Chapter 12 Green Lake Town

For more than six hours of drive, the time has arrived at dusk.

When Yi Chen stepped off the carriage with excitement,

I did not see any organization's logo, or a relatively magnificent building complex,

Another small town in the eyes,

Before the road of about two hundred meters behind, there is a huge billboard

[Welcome to Green-LAKE]

This small town retaining the medieval style itself carry a vibrant feeling,

The buildings here are mostly slightly yellowed white bricks, paired with brown and red roofs.

Maybe there is no factory between the town,

The air is refreshing and the overall light transmission is better,

Skin skin can feel the last hint of the sunset.

With the spacious streets between the town, the neatly arranged trees, the large -scale lawn coverage, and the large lake close to the town, it gives a quiet and comfortable natural comfort.

It belongs to a tourist location far away from industrial cities and returns to nature.

Seeing such a vibrant town,

There was a slight aggressive plant in Yi Chen's body, and the physiological needs quickly poured out.

"Wait a mininute…"

Quickly drill into the small woods by the road,

The moment the pants belt, the feeling of flooding sweeps the lower body.

After treatment of the wastewater in the body,

Since I did not eat for a long time,

Eyes were immediately attracted by the lush vegetation around, and saliva was secreted.

In the end, I couldn't help it. When I was confirmed that there was no disease infection, I bite it directly on the bark, and the leaves and grass were mixed together.

The plants falling into the abdomen are quickly transformed into nutrients, and the efficiency is extremely high.

The whole process only costs less than five minutes,

Yi Chen has fully returned to the mental state before riding,

Just when he walked out of the forest and returned to the carriage,

In the field of vision, there are different types of carriages in this small town.

The characters who come down from these carriers are under 30 years old.

Dress -up,

Elegant behavior,

Each has an independent style,

Yi Chen tried to ask the driver next to him, "Do these people come to join the organization?"

"Many people come every month from various places to participate in the organization's assessment.

Some of the well -known big families, some people on the ancestors are a member of the organization.

Some come from some special training groups to deliver talents for organizations.

There are very few, like you, civilians, because of occasional opportunities to be seen by the members of the organization of external activities, and temporarily sent it here for assessment. "


"This town is just a temporary transfer point,

[Three Days] After that, members of the organization will come to Green Lake Town and attract you the group of appraisers to [headquarters]. Before that, you need to live here temporarily.

I have other jobs, so I won't say much. "

After completing the transmission of relevant information, the driver drove the carriage to the field of vision quickly.

"Need to wait three days here?

Could it be said that the number of people who want to wait until the assessment is enough, and then go to the organization uniformly? "

Yi Chen touched the silver coins between the clothes pocket and strode towards the green lake town in front of him.

Just as he was about to approach the first building in the town, Yu Guang glanced at the three young people in his direction.

The blonde -headed young man took off his hat and buckled on his chest.

"Hi, friend! My name is Edmond, from the Mariano family.

Are you interested in joining our team?

We can take care of the subsequent organization assessment, and I also have some hidden information about the assessment here, and I am willing to take the initiative to share it. "

Behind the blonde Edmond, she also followed a Nordic man wearing a feather -decorative hat, cold and tall woman, and a Nordic man with a big sword and was close to two meters tall.

Yi Chen noticed,

The main eyes of these people are not in him, but the 'little grape' on his shoulders.

For Yi Chen who has just worn here, if you can join a small team, you can also get a lot of useful information, but some of the problems and potential risks will follow.

Just when Yi Chen was hesitant,

The sound of ‘little grape’ comes from the brain:

"I'm not used to teaming with strangers, we are enough ... there is no need to mix with them. 』

This suggests let Yi Chen make a decision immediately,

After a slight bow, he turned directly and left, and even his name was not reported.

Seeing Yi Chen's back gradually disappeared between the town,

The blonde Edmond showed an embarrassing expression, "Ah? Is it not enough for me to be a gentleman, or for any other reason ... Did you go away without the head?

Still saying that this guy is quite powerful and disdains us at all. "

The woman behind Edmond gently wiped the nose and mouth with black nails, and said softly:

"He has the smell of‘ deceased ’that is difficult to eliminate, and the gentleman's dress with a dark style ... The young man should come from the [Cemetery] under the organization.

The things on his shoulders must also belong to the product of the cemetery.

Perhaps it is a rare necrotic, and such a strong person will naturally not accept invitations.

And when we stay with him, we are likely to be treated as a corpse. "

Edmond spread his hands, "Hey, it's a pity ~

However, since we are in the same batch of assessments, we should also meet in the future.

I really want to see the level of the cemetery. "


In Luhu Town,

Yi Chen walks on the spacious main road,

Although the people living here also wear masks, they have no sense of death at all.

There are relatively many town people who are activities outside, and they will actively say hello to each other.

When you see a foreign passenger like Yi Chen, he will slightly tilted his head to show friendship.


Such a comfortable and pleasant town does not bring a real comfort,

With the increase of walking time, as the town grows into this small town, the heart is getting more and more irritable.

When this irritability reaches a certain limit,

Yi Chen suddenly tilted his head.

In the eyes, a double -story building with a sense of age, retaining the medieval style,

The wooden plaque hanging through the metal bracket has been severely eroded by the rain, and it can barely see the words above.

【Lvyin Hotel】

Intuition tells him that this hotel is important.

Maybe there is something,

Perhaps it is related to the secrets of the town,

"Green Lake Town feels like it looks so comfortable at all ... The longer the streets are walking on the street, the more uncomfortable it is. I even want to patrol the cemetery.

This town is not right, and the hotel in front of you is even more prominent.

Is it possible ... the assessment has begun?

Can you hide first? 』

With Yi Chen's request,

The small grape collar rolled into the inside, buried the meat **** of more than half into the skin, completely hidden under the clothes.

Resolutely set foot on the hotel.

Bell! Push the door ringing.

Flowing a strong smoked fragrance on the face,

Black leather shoes stepped on the hotel floor made of wooden strips, crunching ~

The windows between the aisle are closed by wooden strips, and the words "maintenance" are written.

The uneven white candles are placed in the aisle, and the weakness is burned to replace the sun.

A man of nearly thirty -year -old stood behind the counter and looked at a dead fish specimen.

The bloated and bulging eyes were squeezing his godless and small eyes, glanced at the young man who entered the door, and quickly recovered his sight.

There is also a bottle of brown wine bottle with a small balance in hand,

It wasn't until Yi Chen came to the counter that he turned slowly.

From the mouth full of yellow teeth, squeeze out the vague local language:

"Do you want to stay in the shop?"

With a unique tone of smell,

It smelled like a mouse crawling into the stomach sac, and then the mouse drowned directly after drunk.

"Is there a room?"

"There are rooms everywhere, but many have not been cleaned ... One silver coins a day, if you want to live, choose a key yourself."

The boss put down the bottle,

Throw a string of rusty keys on the counter.


Yi Chen's next silver coin was deliberately selected for the key to the second -floor room.

It can take this to the second floor of the hotel and find out.

You can also obtain a pretty good view, and you can observe the situation in the town on weekdays.

Step on the loose stairs to the second floor,

There is also a moldy mattress on the corner of the stairs, which need to be sideways to squeeze.

The printed wallpaper between the corridors also falls off in large blocks, humid and moldy.

Such a hotel is naturally unattended,

Yi Chen is probably the only guest since this month.

Squeaky ~

When the floor that is moaning and moaning to the door of the room,

A moment of uneasiness pulled Yi Chen’s vision to the end of the two -story corridor,

"what is that…"

At the end of the right, there are seven different hanging locks on the wooden door of the [0213] room number.

And there are several pieces of black mildew -sized black mildew splashing in wooden doors, as if they are sick.

During Yi Chen's eyes intently staring,

A faint fire fluctuations flashed on the face,

When turning your head,

A pale face suddenly stuck to his eyes.

I was scared to touch her waist subconsciously, ready to take out the silver ax between the cemetery.


The comer is just the hotel owner just now,

The illustration of the candlelight made him weak.

"By the way ... forget to tell you.

I have a seriously sick sister who lives in the end of the room. Do not approach, she is more afraid of strangers. "

After speaking,

The boss turned and walked downstairs with his body.

The weak body fluttering did not make any sound on the floor.

   (end of this chapter)

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