The Last Gentleman

Chapter 131: catch

   Chapter 131 Capture

The    plan is just that.

  Yichen left the exhibition area with the most firearms at the end,

   It is because this patient who has awakened consciousness, has a certain understanding of the world, and has the ability to think [Gunman - Amis Thieler] will never sit still and will definitely take countermeasures.

   This kind of coping behavior of bringing all the firearms together is the best of the plan.

   In this way, Jin's explosion can directly deal maximum damage, and may even directly kill the target.

   This time, unlike the village church, Jin brought enough meat products.


   The explosion of the two pieces of meat was just right, and the exhibit area was not completely destroyed, so as to prevent the remaining firearms from flying out of the factory and increasing the range of each other's activities.

  The target is still controlled within the exhibit area.

   With the protective effect of "gentlemen's clothing", Yi Chen and others rushed into the explosion area at the first time, preparing to finalize the remaining firearms.

   Field of view scan.


   And four guns remain intact,

   Just when everyone was about to finally destroy the remaining firearms,

   Yi Chen's field of vision quickly captured a 'moving' pistol, and the corresponding name appeared on the top of the gun body.

   It's just that the gun didn't aim at anyone on the scene, but turned to the muzzle and aimed at the hole in the wall created by the explosion.

   "Want to escape! Little Grape!"

   Although he couldn't look at each other, he still allowed his mental power to work. Although the effect cannot make the target stunned, it will definitely have a certain impact.

   The pistol that took the psychic shock was slightly deflected.

  Bang! A shot went off.

   The bullet that was supposed to shoot out of the hole in the wall changed its path due to the deflection of the gun body, and shot towards the solid wall on the side.

   However, the power of this bullet is amazing, and it shoots straight through the wall and penetrates out!


  Due to the obstruction formed by the wall, the bullet speed and range are greatly reduced.

   Just as the gunshots sounded, Yi Chen raised his arm!

   Eyes, arms and fingers are connected in a straight line, pointing out the direction where the bullet was fired, and shouting:


   Next second.

   A figure with a dark red sheen all over his body followed the direction given by Yi Chen and flashed out of the hole in the wall... No one present could capture such a speed with the naked eye.

  Gold directly took out 200% of the "body explosion",

   With a gravy syringe inserted into his neck, he did not care about the loss of his body at all, and chased after his target at the fastest speed.


  In the woodland three hundred meters away from [Wendel Town],

   A bullet whose kinetic energy is about to run out will fall here,

Before    landed, a snake happened to pass by... The bullet changed its path in the air and hit the snake's body.

   In less than a second,

  The surface of the snake body is covered with a layer of metal scales, and the mouth spits out a structure similar to a gun barrel.

   It’s just that there are not enough iron atoms in the body, and the barrel can’t shoot bullets, so he can only quickly creep and escape from this area.

   Diseases born of self-consciousness also have survival instincts,

   As long as it can escape to a town with a metal structure, it will quickly recover from the kill and reach a higher level.

   It was just that the snake didn't swim for long, and a terrifying aura came from behind.

   It instinctively turned its head and wanted to shoot, but found that it couldn't shoot a bullet at all... The next second! A huge flesh-colored cloth bag obscured its vision and was instantly loaded into it.

  【Successful capture】

  Jin didn't care about his calf, which was blown to pieces by the high-speed running, and hung the swollen bag over his shoulder with a face full of joy.

   "The village chief's derivative organ is really useful~"

   After being happy for a while, the pain swept through his body, forcing Jin to sit beside a tree and rest for a while.

   200% of the rated index of "Body Explosion" is still quite reluctant to use. If the chasing distance is stretched a little further, Jin's calf may be directly broken while running and blow up.

   When Yi Chen, Edmund and others arrived, they were quite frightened by Jin's appearance.

  Blood was bubbling all over his body, dyeing his entire body red. Almost only a layer of skin and a few broken bones were attached to the calf area.

   She herself didn't seem to care, and raised the sac bag in her hand to show off to Yi Chen: "Good luck, the target was captured alive in a weak state, the value of such a rare [severely ill] is inestimable."

   Everyone present was amazed at the terrifying speed Jin showed,

   No one has any idea about the disease that was captured alive, and it should belong to Jin.

   After a simple arrangement, the teams returned to Zion in their respective carriages.

  Yi Chen, Jin, Edmund and Dagbert got into a carriage from the Mariano family and briefly talked about what happened.

   "I was going to ask you to pay back the money, but I found out from the butler that you and Dagbert were out on a mission.

  Jin is more interested in firearm-related incidents, and the incident is not too far away, so we borrowed the identity of [Gethsemane] to help. "

   "What a shame... I need your help from William to escape."

   "It's normal for attributes to be restrained. By the way, how is Miss Yuliana recovering?"

   "It's better than expected. Anna is suffering from severe pain and insists on rehabilitation training every day. Her body is returning to its previous state... The doctor estimates that she will recover completely in a few months."


Edmund brushed away the blond hair in front of him with his fingers, stared at Yi Chen in front of him, and asked in a low voice, "You have changed a lot, you can actually treat Dagbert's physical injury, what special experience has you experienced during this time? incident?"

   "Well... Jin and I worked hard to complete a five-star difficulty mission, and got a lot of benefits from it."

   "Five stars, full difficulty!"

   Edmund felt that there was a certain gap between himself and Yi Chen,

   After this firearm incident, when I heard that the other party had completed a five-star full difficulty event, I discovered that the gap between the two had been completely opened up unconsciously.

   "I can't keep up with you... It's too exaggerated."

   "It's nothing, I just got some benefits from the event, and I also had the help of Little Grape.

  The real exaggeration is this guy [Jin]. She has reached the limit of human beings at the level of [Coordination] a few months ago, and she can use the diseased characteristics to make herself burst into a speed that surpasses that of humans. "

   In fact, Yi Chen doesn't need to say more, through the performance of the previous battle, he has estimated the value of the ability to withdraw gold, and deeply feels the fear of the opponent.

   At this moment, Kim was looking up and down at Dagbert's strong body, even poking his biceps with his fingers.

  Jin asked curiously: "How much is your "physique"? "


   Dagbert has always been reticent, and he simply gave a number in the face of Kim's inquiry.

   "Your occupation should also be closely related to your physique, let me guess... Does it increase your muscle limit, or even your physique limit?"

   Dagbert just nodded, but did not respond verbally.

   "A gentleman of pure strength..."

  Jin suddenly became interested, pressing a hand on the top of her chest slightly, getting closer to her colorful mask, and making a gesture of self-introduction.

   "My name is Kim Almeida, I hope to have a power show with you~ Let's do it in the car, just to pass the boring time."

   Dagbert wanted to refuse,

   But Edmund and Yi Chen both nodded, they both wanted to see this interesting duel.

  In the spacious family carriage, a sturdy wooden table is placed in the center.

  Two arms that are not in the same size at all are in a holding position,

   Dagbert's arm was almost twice as thick as Kim's,

   However, although Kim's arm looks very thin, the internal muscle distribution is quite silky, perfectly structured, and can't find any flaws.

   "Get ready...go!"

   When Yi Chen, the temporary referee, gave an order, the outcome was instantly decided.

  Jin looked at his overwhelmed arm with a dazed expression! It was like a boulder pressing down on his arm, unable to move at all.

   The strength of the two is not just a numerical difference [1]. Dagbert's physique represents pure strength.

"and many more…"

  Jin was reluctant to accept this quick defeat solution, so she grabbed the swollen sack next to her.

   "Let's compete again! If you can still win me, this thing will be given to you. I'm not involved in [dividing the spoils]. I'm not interested in such non-flesh things anyway."

   Seeing Jin's serious face, Dagbert could only agree.

   When the two hands were held together, strange red silk threads wound up, and red lotus patterns were drawn on the surface of Jin's arms, and the implosion sound between the muscles could even be heard.

   Dagbert also clearly felt that Jin's arm strength had undergone a qualitative change.

   "Get ready...3, 2, 1! Start!"

   The moment the match started, Jin took out 200% of his body to explode again, and strands of blood seeped out from the pores, instantly pressing over Dagbert.

   Seeing that the giant arm was about to overwhelm the opponent,

  Om! A pure force suddenly stabilized the situation.

   Dagbert's arm became more swollen and lumpy than usual! His whole body burst into blue veins, and an invisible force aura surrounded his body.

   Abruptly snapped Jin's arm back to the midline.

   "You bastard!"

  Jin refused to fail, she further increased the rated index of internal explosion... 220%, 230%, 250%!


   A loud explosion sounded from the carriage,

  The carriage stopped beside the road, and the startled driver quickly opened the front window to check the situation between the carriages.

  The wooden table used for arm wrestling was completely blown up, the broken wood was scattered, and a completely blown forearm fell to the ground.

  Kin's arm was completely blown out due to overuse of strength.

   "Hey~ my current physical body really can't withstand a higher implosion... I'm really unhappy, I can't even win like this. I really can't compare to a pure strength gentleman, so I have to go back and hone my physical body.

  I am willing to admit defeat, take this thing away~”

  Jin threw the swollen sac bag over, picked up the broken arm and connected it by himself.

   squatted in the corner with a look of frustration, stroking Xiaopei lightly from time to time, the latter's eyes were wide and his whole body was fried, feeling that he might be torn apart by the emotionally unstable Jin at any time.

   (end of this chapter)

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