The Last Gentleman

Chapter 136: Test difficulty

   Chapter 136 Test Difficulty

   It is extremely rare for an annual test to be conducted by the principal himself.

   The content of the test also made the faces of the rookies and gentlemen look embarrassed one by one, and even shattered all the confidence they had built up in the early stage of the test.

  The content to be tested is actually the weakest,

   Since gentleman training often focuses on one of the basic attributes, a wrestler such as Dagbert basically spends 70~80% of his energy on strength training, and does not spend any time on [Intelligence], which has the lowest value.

   Another example is a gentleman with a staff who is naturally frail. If he is asked to perform a strength-related test, he has no idea how to complete it.

   However, after carefully analyzing the principal's words, a small number of gentlemen found the key points and breakthroughs.

  Yi Chen also understood the essence of the test at the first time,

  『Thinking space is the direct manifestation of spirit.

Although    is the weakest test, if the individual has enough perseverance and firm will to take the test.

  May be able to achieve a spiritual breakthrough in the so-called thinking space and reach a state that is unattainable in the real world... It is equivalent to an alternative [inner potential] test method.

   No wonder Professor Chamberson suggested that I take it. This purely spiritual test can indeed be regarded as a special experience.

  Speaking of which, I only have [3] for coordination and induction in my basic attributes. I don't know which one to choose for testing...I hope it is induction. The main attribute of the firearm that Edmund gave me is induction.

   And the "black umbilical cord", as a relic, is also related to induction. 』

   Just as Yi Chen was thinking, three students were called forward.

  The principal raised her hand slowly, stretched out her white, soft-boned palm, and touched the students' eyebrows with her index finger.

   At the moment of touch, his eyes were absent and slowly closed.

   Their bodies were immediately wrapped in a kind of star screen, gradually floating in the air.

  [Floating height] is related to the depth of consciousness they enter. Some are only half a meter above the ground, while others can float above everyone's heads.

   However, this depth of awareness, under the coordination of the principal, will not affect the test too much. As long as you can find the 'exit' set by the principal in the mind space, you can wake up normally.

  Three minutes is fast.

   However, there was only one gentleman who woke up normally.

   As soon as the opening scene, two gentlemen were declared to have failed the test, and the atmosphere immediately became solemn.

   Generally speaking, the pass rate of the school year assessment is above 80%, and its core purpose is to screen out those gentlemen who are malicious and unwilling to make progress.

  After all, most of the newcomers who came to Zion, at least in the first two years, were still very hardworking and would try to break through the limit.

   The two students who have failed at the moment are also working very hard. They have been improving themselves as much as possible this year. The tasks accepted in the Gentleman's Hall are also medium in difficulty and meet the standard, and they have also experienced moments of life and death.

   But they failed the principal's test.

   At this moment, a very gentle voice came from under the crying mask, and this voice alone could soothe the hearts of the two of them.

   "It's a pity that you haven't been able to face your weakest side at the mental level, and I can't see where your potential lies.

   At present, the academy’s funds are tight and resources are limited, so the training for you will be ended early.

  You can choose to stay at the school at your own expense, or you can go through the formalities for leaving the school directly after the test... Of course, I personally recommend the latter. "

   As soon as these words came out, the scene was silent,

   When two gentlemen who failed the test wanted to refute something,

The    crying mask released an indescribable fear. When they looked at the mask, their souls began to tremble... The rebuttal words were strangled in their throats, and they couldn't even breathe.

   In a state of purple complexion, he quickly retreated to the seats on both sides, and this slowly eased.

   Yi Chen, who was sitting in the last row, also didn't understand the situation in front of him, thinking to himself: "This that strict? It seems that there is a reason for the little grape to hide. 』

   At this moment, there was a sense of poking in the waist and abdomen

   Yi Chen looked down and saw that a broken finger was poking him lightly and creeping up along the clothing.

  The source of the severed finger is Zed,

   Zed himself stared straight ahead, pretending that nothing had happened.

   The severed fingers crawled to Yi Chen's ear holes like earthworms until they stuck to the eardrum, and communicated privately with Yi Chen:

  『Don't be fooled by this old woman's appearance! She is quite dangerous, and because of her position, there is basically no non-gentleman behavior in the academy.

   Even if the senior officials of Zion want to interfere with the authority of the hospital, they must obtain her consent.

  When she brought a group of chief surgeons to hunt me down, she almost poured my brains out to clean her mask.

   When it's your turn later, you must pay attention to etiquette. Since you came in while sleeping, the principal will definitely keep this in mind, and she will most likely target you.

   And due to my personal reasons, she may also transfer her hatred of me to you. 』

   Hearing Zed's words, Yi Chen's face huddled together, but he finally swallowed the spit words back into his body.

   It doesn't matter to Yi Chen, as long as he tries his best to test. If you are really targeted and cannot pass, it is a big deal to go to school at your own expense.

   Stop thinking about it and continue watching other students' tests.

   As a group of students came forward, the pass rate still did not exceed 50%.

   And Yi Chen's name has not been called for a long time, it seems that he will be left at the end.

   "Edmund, Julianna, Dagbert."

   The familiar three-person team was called up by the principal at the same time, and Yi Chen was also sweating.

   The principal seemed to see something different from the three of them, and commented softly:

   "Well~ there is not much impurities in your eyes, and your profile information is also good, you are very hardworking and relatively talented... Let me see your performance."

   touched his forehead, and the three of them floated up.

   Edmund's and Dagbert's weaknesses are both 【Intelligence】, while Yuliana's weakness is 【Sensing】.

   Time passes by minute by minute,

  Yi Chen silently clocked in his heart, hoping that some of them would wake up early.

   "57, 58, 59!"

   When counting to this second,

   Yuliana, who was floating several meters in the air, woke up with her eyes open and fell suddenly.

   Since she is still in the recovery period, she can only do simple walking, such a fall may cause secondary damage... Yi Chen instinctively stepped out of the desk, wanting to vacate and hug her.

   Such an act was grabbed by Zed's wrist and forcibly stopped.


   Yuliana did not fall, but hovered in the air a second before landing, and floated towards the principal's position.

   "You're the first student to wake up in a minute!

   It seems that you took advantage of the physical damage to carry out a very effective 'mental training', which is very good! This is your reward. "

   The black wings behind the principal fluttered slightly, and a feather fell alone.

   slowly floated on Yuliana's thigh, and then turned into a starry night spot and immersed in it.

   "Your recovery requires perseverance and opportunity, and I have given you the "opportunity"... The rest of the recovery work depends on your own perseverance. "

   The principal also patted her head with great relief.

   After a while, Edmund and Dagbert also passed the test and fell normally.

   When the three returned to their respective seats, they also glanced at Yi Chen, and Edmund secretly made an OK gesture.

   The test continues.

   The number of people to be tested is 40. According to the test mode of a group of three, there is just one left.

   "William Behrens."

When    read Yi Chen's name, the crying mask also looked over at the same time, and the principal watched Yi Chen from the last row to the podium.

   Without any questions, his fingers suddenly poked at Yi Chen's eyebrows!


   This feeling of detachment from consciousness was all too familiar to Yi Chen, and he pinpointed the feeling and fell steadily.

   When you open your eyes again,

  What comes into view is the corridor of a certain art gallery. The walls are equidistantly hung with various dark paintings of different styles, and white candles of different heights are placed in the corners.

   It was pouring rain outside the window,

   crackling~ The raindrops hit the window heavily, and the sound sounded strange, and even hit a few superficial cracks.

Snapped! The lightning that suddenly swept through the window brought an instant highlight.

   Directly illuminated the many ghosts outside the window. They were using their fingers to regularly tap the glass windows with the impact of the raindrops.

   (end of this chapter)

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