The Last Gentleman

Chapter 143: Instructor Bailey's arrangement

Chapter 143 The Arrangement of Instructor Belly

   A week after meeting Ludwig Reagan.

  Yi Chen, who woke up in the student dormitory room at Offalostic College, was going to Zed's Paradise for today's special physical training.

   Bell Bell!

Rare bells in the dormitory.

  This call came from off-campus, and as soon as the call was answered, a murderous greeting came from the receiver.

   "Hello! Good morning, Mr. William, remember me?"

   "Jin, aren't you doing college tests recently, and there are still a lot of things to do. Teacher Zede also grabs me for special training every day, and doesn't have time to leave school at all."

   "The instructor has something to say to the two of us. I'll give you ten minutes."

"Okay, wait ..."

Before I finished, hang the phone directly.

  Yi Chen didn't panic at all, first went to the bathroom to take a quick cold shower, and touched the gentleman's clothes on the hanger with his wet fingers.

  The induction between the skin and the skin makes the garment wriggle on its own, fit the skin and wear it by itself, fasten every button, and smooth every wrinkle.

  Put your suitcase on and set off on the campus train.

   As soon as he stepped into the orchard of Gethsemane, a dangerous aura came over him.

   Yi Chen immediately supported the ground with one palm and made a streamlined and super-fast sideways roll... Unfortunately, when he got up, his shoulders were still caught.

   Just tilted his head and was directly pasted by a colorful mask.

   The familiar dangerous breath stimulated the shaking of plants in Yi Chen and the wriggling of clothes.

"Gold! I haven't seen you for a long time."

   "Yo~ Your reaction has become quicker. It seems that you are really busy every day, so please forgive me."

   Yi Chen also noticed the change in Jin, the speed seemed to be faster than before, and the little Pei standing on her shoulder became more stable.

   When he saw Yi Chen, Xiao Pei slightly opened his chicken wings like a gentleman, and bowed his neck bent at 45°.

   However, what Yi Chen cares about the most is the [Sword] with Jin behind him.

  The raw material of this sword has been spied on the scenes of the old world, and it is only one step away from the open source "Distorted Holy Womb-Marcos", with the appropriate materials selected from the organization's treasury,

The    was finally made by a blacksmith in Gethsemane who was in charge of forging weapons of executioners.

  The hilt looks ordinary, wrapped in leather bandages to increase friction,

  The scabbard is dark red and has a cloud-like flesh-colored pattern.

  The real appearance and effect of the blade are unknown.

   Across the scabbard, Yi Chen could smell the familiar new breath in the depths of the church.

   『This sword may inherit the super regenerative power of Marcos, and in Jin's hands, it will definitely exert its maximum potential... In this case, even if you go deep into the gray area, you can be confident enough. 』

"Gold, how is the new weapon used?"

   "What, do you want to try it? Why don't I apply for a gladiatorial arena, and let's learn from each other?"

   "Let's go and see if Instructor Bailey has anything to do with us..."

  Yi Chen is still very afraid of sparring with Jin. It doesn't matter if he wins or loses, the main reason is that Jin's attack is not serious, and it may even bring life danger.

   Speaking of the instructor, Jin was also excited, "If nothing else, it should be 'that thing'. I'm really looking forward to it, I don't know how the instructor will arrange it."

   "Let's go."

In the office where the fingers are collected.

   Instructor Bailey put on a white shirt and a leather vest, still wearing only black stockings.

This time I did not appreciate and sorted out her favorite fingers, but carefully examined a new document. The information recorded above is suitable for Yi Chen and Jin.

"Why do you find you this time?

Jin has reached the "human limit" a long time ago. As for William, are you almost the same? Since you come back from Jose Valley, I have been looking for the [relics event] that can match you.

Finally, I received an urgent file last night, from the content of the first trip suitable for you.

   Not long ago,

A squad that performed the investigation mission between the natural gray domain was accidentally discovered during the investigation that the gray domain had a tendency to transform and thickened, and a small part of the area had reached intermediate (Middling).

The [Freshman Channel] that has never been recorded and explored in it.

The organization has dispatched the "Tunnel-Watcher" to the location of the channel at a time. The connectivity, specifications and rating of the channel has been confirmed.

The organization will arrange three teams to meet the conditions together to find the relics of the old world through the new passage.

However, there are several hard conditions for the relic.

1. The scale of the team must be [three people], which is related to the rules between the ash domain.

2. The perception of the team members must not be lower than [3], and at least one person can pass the basic exam of the "Old Living Word".


The so -called [Newborn Channel] means that no one has been explored and unknown. You may get rare relics, or you may not be found in the end but are stained with a disease.

Of course, the freshman channel is very sought -after, and many teams may sign up at that time.

   Interested? "

   "Of course I'm interested, I can't wait to go to the gray area and try my weapon." Jin is open to anyone who comes, she is full of energy as long as she has a task, and she herself fully trusts the vision of the instructor.

  Yi Chen's attitude is different. This kind of incident that needs to touch the real gray area and connect to the old world channel is the first time for him and Jin. Some things must be asked clearly:

"I have a few questions."

"Just ask."

   "Unknown and full of disease risks, why does the organization deliberately arrange three teams to form a competitive relationship?"

   "Competitiveness is the nature engraved in the bones of human beings. Through the stimulation of "competition", the probability of your survival can be greatly improved. As long as you can get a gentleman who breaks the limit, the sacrifice is worth it.

   And enough people, there is a greater chance of finding the relic.

  After all, every time you enter the [Channel], the probability of being discovered will increase, and the probability of being discovered by a new channel is the smallest, and the organization will not waste such an opportunity.

Do you have any other questions? "

   "If Kim and I confirm the registration, three people are required as required... Is there an arrangement for Instructor Bailey?"

   "The gentlemen in Gethsemane are basically unwilling to team up with Jin, so you need to find this 'third person' by yourself.

  You still have 18 hours to confirm the candidates, and then I will submit your squad list in the name of [Gethsemane].

  If there are not many registered teams, you will be arranged to depart in the near future and more detailed event information will be given. "

   "Okay, we will confirm the third person as soon as possible."

   Although Yi Chen was expressionless, he was actually excited. After so long, he was able to decipher the old living text by himself.

   I have always wanted to get in touch with the [passage] that leads to the old world and explore the essence of the so-called old world.

   A few minutes later, Yi Chen and Jin had returned to the street area.

   For the third candidate, Kim first put forward her idea.

   "William, you beat me in power last time, so the guy called Da should be fine, right? With that level of power, the physical strength must be very high."

   "Duckberg? His physique has reached [6] and is heading towards [7]. But he won't necessarily follow us, after all, he and Edmund are on the same team.

  I have already left them. If I still poach Duckberg, it would be a real villain. "

   "Why do you have to think about these things, just ask him directly, as long as he wants to come, come here~"

   "I'll go back and ask Professor Chamberson. With his connections, we may be able to find a suitable person for us. By the way, I'll report to him about this relic incident."

"It's really troublesome ..."

   "There's really no choice, so I'll ask Duckberg, okay?"

   Just as the two of them were on their way to the train platform, when they just walked through a certain street,

A familiar voice came from behind,

"William Berrles?"

   Following the voice, he turned his head and saw a slightly fat young man with glasses standing behind him, very unfamiliar but a little familiar...

"Mr. Reagan? Is it you?"

   (end of this chapter)

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