The Last Gentleman

Chapter 145: Retrofit

Chapter 145

Since the list has been submitted, the organization will screen three suitable teams based on the list of the city tomorrow, and go to this place of natural gray domain to be born [Tunnel].

In Zion, many teams are preparing for this matter.

【Power Station】

An old castle building with a large amount of gear and steaming,

Looking up, you can also see the steel brackets erected at the top, and a large amount of exaggerated arc.

The number of gentlemen who have seen the appearance of the power station throughout the entire Zion does not exceed 15%.

At this moment,

Ludwig Reagan is in the depths of the power plant. A private laboratory with a webmaster is prepared for his final outlet.

In his busy process,

A woman who connected to the cable with a cable and achieved simple consciousness through the circuit board and the precision current was sitting on the side of the empty experimental table, shaking her legs up and down.

The cable hanging on the calf root is also shaking.

Observe the busy Reagan through the special eyes under the black hair.

Because she does not have sound thinking, she just likes to watch this very familiar young man, and she doesn't think much. As long as Reagan is alone, she will run out alone with him.

at this time,

Reagan watched his special devices that he had been studying for many years, and used the robotic arm and adjustable magnifying glass assembled in the experimental desk to make the final debugging the device.

It has been eight hours after unknowingly.

The woman still maintains the same shaking legs and observation movements, and even the amplitude of swinging her legs.

"Finally, do you still get the city ..."

Reagan who completed the debugging first came to the woman who was also a realist,

Through the faint arc that jumped on the body, Liden could directly contact the woman, and she could really touch her body ... or in other words, only Reagan could touch her.

Reagan held the woman's hands, and a drop of tears fell on it.

"Fay, please forgive my incompetence. Under the research resources provided by the webmaster, I still cannot break through in the reconstruction of" neural consciousness ".

At least as a 'human' now, I cannot break through this technical barrier in a short time.

I need to take you to a distorted, abominable and dangerous gray domain to find the ancient relics that can break through the limits of people.

Make sure you will never hurt you this time. "

When Ligan said this, the woman no longer shake her legs,

Her body began to move slowly, and the sound of rubbing metal cables with bones.

The tongue full of small holes stamped on the ears of Reagan, gently licked and made intermittent electromagnetic interference sounds:

"Okay ... we ... together ..." go together. "

This remark gave Reagan a great encouragement and got up and returned to the debugging device.

This is an increased device made by his personally designed the support of the webmaster and made a full ten years of salary.

A "exoskeleton spine" with metallic luster, white body white, white, and snoring.

Each spine section has a pair of soft metal attachment,

Once these attached limbs are inserted into the human body, they will automatically find the corresponding secondary nerves in the body for rapid connection.

The biggest feature of the device is that the individual's creatures can be converted into electrical energy and reserved, and it can also accurately and effectively adjust the power transmission of electrical energy.

For example, after Reagan eats normally, some food energy that is being transformed in glycogen will be divided into excess parts into electrical energy and reserves in the spine.

For another example, the energy generated during walking and running on weekdays will also be preserved in the form of electrical energy.

Because the device resembles insects, it is usually called [electric worm] by Reagan.

Due to the restrictions of era technology,

This device that needs to be transmitted in the essence of the neuropathy and needs to transform the physical energy. It needs to bear great risks during assembly. If the body appears strongly, it may die on the spot.

"Huh ..."

He took a deep breath and stretched out his hand to move the switch hidden in the inner layer of the outer spine.


The exoskeleton spine moves like a crawler, and each metal attachment began to knock up and down, trying to insert it into the main body.

Reagan takes off the top,

The revealed back has drawn a "ridge distribution map" with some induction liquid in advance, which will help exoskeleton for precision access.

As he rotates his body, the back of the activated exoskeleton spine.

The latter immediately detected the 'pairing point', climbing up the back like a snoring.

Feeling the cold metal possession on the back scraped, Ludwig Reagan didn't have any fear. He just tilted his head and looked at his favorite woman in his life.

"Wait for me, just be fine right away."

Such a smile did not last long.

The metal spine crawling on the back has stopped, and the attached limbs have begun to find the corresponding [point]

属 ~ The cold metal spike instantly pierced the body and inserted into the spine, and officially carried out the "nervous binding" and 'energy storage transformation'.

what! The screams of heartbreaking echoed in the laboratory.

Liden almost fainted directly,

The sound of pain touched the side of Fiji, which caused her simple thinking to respond, and she slowly floated into her arms.


With the gradual weakening of the back pain, the tireless Reagan fell asleep slowly in the hug and fell sideways in the laboratory.

A strong and stable current flashed between the closure of the closure.



Yi Chen reported to the tutor as usual the task he received in the guestsananani.

Qian Bosen naturally saw his student's thoughts, "Is it really not satisfied with the" dual -attribute relics "?"

"Try it ~ Is it better if you can find the" Three Attribute Relics "if you really find it?"

The "relic event" is completely different from the tasks you usually receive, because you need to contact the [Channel] to go to the really dangerous old area.

However, the channels like this new discovery and the channels that exist in the medium and thin -gray domain are often safer.

And the "skin content" of your clothing can further ensure your activities there, and monitor will also determine whether you are eligible to pass through the channel.

Now that I have to go, I won't say much.

For the sake of insurance, I still bring a tube of "Twilight Silver Liquor" ... Anyway, the amount of a bottle is enough, and the remaining amount is enough for your subsequent use. "

"it is good."

After bid farewell to Qian Bosen, he followed the paradise of Zade again. Teacher Zide, who had always been talking about, did not say much this time, and did not ask Yi Chen to come to a physical training before departure.

It is very rare to tell:

"Explore cautiously, don't throw‘ eyes ’like me like me."

After the rest of the time, Yi Chen intends to make a preparation that can affect the incident.

【Street District-Temporary Accommodation Area】

The corner room on the top floor is the single -person rental house of Jin.

It is strange that Yi Chen standing at the door did not smell the flavor of the past.

几 连 接 ~ No one answered the door several times.

"Well, it's almost ten o'clock in the evening, haven't you come back? Forget it, wait for the notice tomorrow to meet again."

Just when Yi Chen turned and left,

There was a heavy footsteps from the corridor, and I saw that Jin was holding a taller sack bag than her, and came up from the stairwell.

"Well? Why are William here ... thinking about it tomorrow may be departed in time. Today, many people use the contacts to collect [Advanced imitation meat]. You have to process it tonight.

"It's okay, talk while doing."

Yi Chen's purpose is very clear,

He wants to communicate with Jin in depth on the eve of the incident, talk carefully about the next relics, suppress the crazy characteristics of Jin as much as possible, and reduce the instability of the team.

Dark and narrow and filled with meat -fishing rooms.

In order to reduce the dirtyness of the clothing, the jacket has been collected, and

The two wearing only shirts, the first and second buttons of the upper part, the sleeve folded on the elbow,

The palm of the hand overlap, sometimes the cross,

Cooperate with meat and squeezed meat on the instruments full of meat, making meat, and handling all the imitation meat as much as possible before dawn.

   (end of this chapter)

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