The Last Gentleman

Chapter 152: Route selection

Chapter 152 Road Selection

The manager of the Cold Lake Cemetery, the lame Field.

When everyone looked at the old man, he was alertly alert.

Even the small grapes in Yi Chen immediately closed their mouths and hid deep into the depths.

"Make people unhappy, and the guys responsible for the management of the cemetery are so uncomfortable. Try not to expose me, I don't want to communicate with this old man ... and his grapes are about to break, as if soaking in the water for a long time. 』

"Well, you just hide. 』

Yi Chen can also feel a humid sense of burial from the old man, and it seems that he will be thrown into the river by him.

There is only one document that the old man throws on the table. The captain of the three teams can only gather together to check together.

The file is indeed very detailed. After detailed analysis of the three "root pathogens" between natural gray domain, the corresponding difficulty definition is given. The brief summary is as follows:

1. [Blackwarm] ★★★★, relatively simple root -implanted pathogens, a certain distance from the Holy Grail Mountain, there is less information on the route. Later Essence

2. [Eye Eye]-★★★★★, the most difficult root pathogen, occurred in the Holy Grail Mountain, a little deep-lesion infected person has found the correct path, and may even understand the location of the [Channel].

3. [Defense]-★★★★+? The difficulty is in the middle, because the investigation team has never penetrated into the dwelling of the Jaw, and cannot judge specific difficulties. The Baron family who has lived in the mountains for many years is likely to have a lot of holy grape mountain information, and there may be some family treasures in the mansion.


At the end of the reading between the captain,

A white -haired youth wearing a white robe coat, the main attribute belongs to [Intelligence], put his right hand on his chest, and introduced herself elegantly:

"In other words, we have not officially met each other. My name is Iscarion Loton. I currently work in the Magic Association. Of course, I am just a newcomer who helps miscellaneous and good at ancient magic.

We are a more traditional combat method. Ms. Jennie must be responsible for treatment and consciousness. "

Under the guidance of Bai Mao, another captain also started to introduce, and she was also the only female captain in the three teams.

Dark brown short hair and gentleman coats are designed with close -fitting combat leather. They wear metal structures with metal structures, with swords on the left waist, and there is a metal shield with elk pictures printed on the back.

"Noma Copete, a member of the preparatory of the pathogenic investigation team. Our team is responsible for the interpretation of the text of the text of the old world by Robert. I and Ralma and I are not good at at the [induction] level.

It is also not suitable for handling psychiatric infection. "

Yi Chen naturally heard the meaning of the two captains, and introduced himself with a smile:

"William Berranus, Student Ovar Tika College ... Since neither of them want to pick up [polymidis], we come to us ~ It happens that our team members are very high.

Although my captain is relatively low, this thing is relatively proficient in [eyes]. "

When Yichen selected the ash pathogen to face, the small grapes hidden in the body opened their mouths because of excitement, and they seemed to be able to eat countless high -grade grapes immediately.

Seeing Yichen's initiative to take the most difficult difference in the next, Captain Bai Mao also asked with curiosity:

"Oh? Is Mr. William be proficient in pupil skills? No wonder in the previous game, you can always find a suitable" angle "to give targeted blows and evasion against the special re -installed knight."

"Pupilist is not so much, but the eyes are better."

"I really envy you like a genius ~" Bai Mao smiled and turned his gaze to the other side. "Miss Noma, the remaining two pathogenic areas, what subjective intentions are there? There is no full -deeper, the house. "

Nooma itself is also a preparatory member of the investigation team. She knows some internal rules in some investigations. If there is no survey in a area in a certain time area, it must be concerned and the end.

"If you don't mind, give it to us if the village chief’s black pus incident."

White Maomalon made an OK gesture, it seems that this is the result he wants.

"It's okay at all, then our team is responsible for the mysterious baron hiding in the mansion. I personally curious about what this guy is doing something that can't be seen on the mountain, knowing that the disease will inevitably be infected but still staying.

That being the case, it's just settled! I hope everyone can go to the old world together. "

Yi Chen probably can see that the strength of the white -haired gentleman is not easy. He did not use obvious ancient magic in his previous qualification screening, but suppressed the other party with basic magic.

From his body, he can really feel the ancient atmosphere of "gentleman's skin".

It seems that Yi Chen is secretly observing him,

Bai Maolotsen looked at Yi Chen with a smile of a smile.

"In other words, although Mr. William looks like a gentleman, is he actually mainly intelligence? Do you want to consider to come to the Magic Association in the future? If you can invite you like a genius like you, he will definitely praise me. "

"Haha, let's say ~ I don't know how to develop in the future."

After meals,

After receiving the 'uphill route' selected by the three teams, the lame Field still said gloomyly:

"At this time tomorrow, the carriage will send you to the corresponding area.

Even if you die in the mountains, don't die too much, at least let your teammates bring out your remains, and put it in my cemetery to continue to contribute to the organization. "

After a while of farewell words, the old man walked out of the door. When he saw that he was about to disappear in the vision of everyone, he suddenly turned back!

The white eyeballs look at the young people on the dinner table again.

Slowly raising his terrible arm, the curled index finger continued to make a bone sounding sound in the process of gradually straightening, pointing to the two:

"You, and you ... come with me."

It was Yi Chen and Reagan named by Philde.

As a gentleman's predecessor, the person in charge of the station is also naturally difficult to refuse.

Jin also waved his hand, "You can go, maybe you can get some benefits from this old man. I will go to the clinic here later, maybe I can get a good [corpse]."

After Yi Chen and Reagan looked at each other, the latter held the last chicken leg on the table and followed the old man.

There is no speech all the way,

I came to the east side of the town, and sniffed the rotten smell per filled in the air. Yi Chen and Reagan recalled the life of the cemetery at the same time.

It's just that the rotten smell here is still with humidity,

It is like a broken leg captain to save the broken legs wearing boots in the dead fish and wood barrel. After hundreds of days sailing at sea, the taste emitted when it was pried open by the wooden barrel.

When I stepped into the cemetery, the lame Field finally spoke.

"You have the breath of the cemetery, and it is very strong ... Before you become a gentleman, do you have done this dirty work in other cemeteries?"

Yi Chen replied indifferently: "Yes, I used to stay on the seventh day of the cemetery for a while."

"Seven days ... Wilbert opened it? How about you, which cemetery from."

When talking about the cemetery, Reagan remembered some unpleasant memories, but the fat of the face quickly covered it. "The Camplier Cemetery, I worked there for nine years there."

"Big Cemetery, nine years? No wonder I can smell a strong smell as soon as I walk into the hotel. It is really rare that you can survive.

I came to you because I was inadequate here, and there was a group of [important goods] at the bottom of the lake that needed to complete the transfer before tomorrow. I believe that the two gentlemen from the cemetery can easily compete for this job.

Although my old bone only owns this wet cemetery, I will not let you work in vain.

As long as you do things well, bring the "tomb real estate" that you can get some benefits from me. "

   (end of this chapter)

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