The Last Gentleman

Chapter 168: Top temple

Chapter 168 Temple of Shanfu


Ludwig Reagan stared at the black bones scattered on the ground. Although these bones are temporarily composed of small grapes, the bones have a hundred years of texture.

Through his high [perception] and the occupation of a prototype, he can conceive a very evil black wizard in his mind.

When he reached out and touched the black skeleton that was giving away, the imagination between his head was more specific, and even the eyeballs that were stretched with black smoke wanted to rush to the arm of Reagan to corrode his body.

Alas! A burst of electromagnetic rushing, the eyes between the arms were dry and falling off.

"William, your pet has great potential."

"Little grapes were originally an important product of the seven -day cemetery. Without it, I died in the cemetery long ago.

Let's continue the road! It should not be far from the real channel. "

The team went out of the grotto and continued along the mountain road.

At present, the height of the mountains where it is located can clearly feel the concentration of the gray domain. The more upward, the larger the concentration ... Basically it can be inferred that the [Channel] is at the peak.

When there is no mountain road, everyone chose to climb the rock,

This is a trivial matter for the amazing gold, and it is even faster than walking a mountain road.

Yi Chen has a plant auxiliary, and the climbing climbing is equally relaxed.

When I thought that the body is fat, it would be more difficult, alas! The exoskeleton spine on his back actually grew six soft and tip of the metal attached limb with a drill structure at the tip, and he quickly climbed with his body.

Reagan also takes out the happy water in the backpack room. The large mouth is irrigated. Some of the sugar entering the body will be transformed into the reserve power of the exoskeleton spine.

I can see the edge of the top of the mountain in just half an hour

The three were almost climbing to the top of the mountain simultaneously. I thought it would be a desperate state ... who knew that there was a feeling of breaking into a closed space.

  Om! There was a tinnitus disturbing their thoughts, and the gentleman's clothing constantly moved to improve the effect of physical protection.

The field of vision has become darker.

The mountain lawns that should have existed no longer exist,

Only the ground made of gray sand grains, and the gray round cover covering the top of the mountain.

"The environment here has changed qualitatively! This is ... medium gray domain!"

Unlike the gray mist that was permeated in the mountains before,

As the gray matter of the diseased carrier, the grains that are clearly stepped on the grain of the grains have been cleaned by air flow, and a gray film that is completely isolated from the outside world.

If there is no gentleman's clothing, the sand grains will be drilled directly into the body from the pores to stimulate and induce various possible deep lesions.

Lorian's voice also came at this time:

"William, grab the sand with your right hand ~ Let me feel it. 』

Yi Chen did not refuse, pretending to look at the environment, leaned over and grabbed a gray sand grain to observe in his hands.

Because the right half of the body belongs to the moon marks, these gray sand caught no threat between the right hand,

It seems that a sand granules are penetrating the skin, but they are quickly discharged.

Lorian felt the essence of these sand grains and said softly, "No wrong. Although I have never been to the old world, such sand -grain structures are extremely kind, and the old world should also be full of such gray sand.

It's getting more and more looking forward to it ~ Take me quickly.

By the way, I have faintly felt the breath of a strong man. Next, I will close the ward and stop exchanges for the time being. 』

"Um. 』

Everyone stepped forward without any danger, or all the dangers here had been cleaned up by the real monitor.

Arrive at the center of the mountain, here is a stone temple.

Because of the special experience of the previous hidden repairs, Yi Chen was more vigilant, and immediately called the small grapes to provide a visual increase ... perhaps because of absorbing the eyes of the pilgrimage.

With the visual access of small grapes, the details of things have risen instantly.

Each gray sand conducts regular movements under visual observation, both like a certain germ activation carrier, but also like a group of regular particles running around the channel.

This stone temple is also composed of sand grains and belongs to the 'unique structure' between gray domain.

It was confirmed that it was correct, Yi Chen first carried the box to the temple,

Gold pressure low masks almost entered together,

Reergen, who was moving with an arc in the pupils, walked in the last one with both hands and was full of spirit.

Almost at the same time,

Yi Chen's gaze captured a hint of darkness, and the golden induction to some kind of beyond imagination flesh fluctuations, and Reagan detected a more specific and powerful individual.


Yi Chen and Reagan, rolling left and right with standard gentlemen, dodge,

Gold used the red lotus blasting between the calf muscles, and jumped directly to a few meters height, just to meet the top of the temple.


A huge, thick and heavy and surface -covered black halberd came across, and a strong blow and even felt that the space was trembling.

The black halberd is in the position where everyone has just stood, and its specifications are so exaggerated that it is not as good as humans can use it.

The depth of the darkness of the halberd handle is delayed, and the length of three meters is up, and the dragon scales ring seal is carved on the surface. It also gives people a feeling of thick, heavy, which is not a feeling that humans can use.

At this time,

Jin Shun, who dodge through the upper jump, fell on the surface of the black halberd,

Stepping on the thick halberd handle, the red lotus mark was printed between the lower legs and the speed of the ultra -limit erupted. The black halberd went away, and at the same time, it also made a sword pulling posture.


A dull impact sound,

The bulging gold flew out from darkness.

Yi Chen, who was highly concentrated in the spirit, expanded his arms for the first time, ejected a large amount of plant mesh, and used his strength to help him barely caught.

The abdomen was hit, and the ribs with a crushed gold showed a crazy smile,

Put the gravy injections into the neck while throwing the hand, while muttering with the crushing body of the internal organs:

"Sure enough ... Instructor Belly said yes, the guy who could be selected as [Supervisor] was all perverted as no friends."

At this time, the thick metal shoe and hoof sound of the darkness,

A physique is close to three meters, wearing a human -faced cast iron helmet, the surface of the skin is the "metal armor", and [monitor] wearing black iron dragon -patterned metal shoes appeared in front of everyone.

The most exaggerated thing is that he only carried a four -meter -long and huge black halber in one hand.

Rather than a gentleman, it is more like an ancient knight.

Such an image has given Yi Chen a deeper understanding of breaking the human limit. This is the sense of oppression that the monitor should have.

The people between the cast iron helmets are overwhelmed by Sensen, staring at the three people in front of them,

"Zion can actually produce such a high -quality young man. It looks like you have cleaned up the most troublesome [clustering], right?"

"Yes ~ But on the way to clean the eyes, I also encountered some trouble. [Polyphysia] is also related to another disease. I wonder if the monitor you know?"

"What are the diseases?"

Yi Chen took out the leather envelope between the pocket, and in order to prevent the yellow rag from running away, he just opened a gap slightly.

When observing the hidden yellow substance, the expression of the monitor has changed.

"An unknown skin condition, at least I have never seen it in my experience, may be a newly born skin condition ... or it may be the old world product running out of the other end of the channel before I arrived.

Keep it, as long as it is related to the skin, bring back to Xianan to see the first gentleman to get the answer. "

"it is good."

   (end of this chapter)

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