The Last Gentleman

Chapter 28: letter

Chapter 28 Letter

Give your efforts to get the return you deserve,

This is one of the basic elements needed by the society-'fairness'.

易辰在绿湖镇间竭尽全力、拼上性命去达成的目标,在此刻得到与之相配的回报…兴奋之情难以言喻,因为在生前的很多时候,他的拼命只能换得一些可悲且Poor things.


Although Yi Chen got the highest "gentleman's skin", he did not know what it was useful for this thing.

"Mr. Qian Bosen, what is this skin used for? Is it the power that is hidden in the skin through the ritual?"

"It seems that Wilbert's guy didn't tell you anything ... Even the most basic training did not do it for you, so I sent it directly to us. It was really in line with his style.

Skin can make you officially become a "gentleman."

Everyone is waiting for you, let's talk while walking. "

Back to the main hall of Shenpi official residence,

Along the large ladder with meat -colored carpets, head to the second floor corridor.

Before the arrival ceremony, Yi Chen also had a problem to confirm.

"If I get a certain ability from the skin, will I conflict with the" disease characteristics "I have already possessed? "

Chamberon, who has always been severe at this time, is very patient.


"Gentleman's Skin" will not give you some ability,

Its essence is a kind of [media],

Once activated through the ceremony,

The skin of the gentleman will enable you to build a connection with a "growth system" that can exceed human limits.

It is precisely because of this connection that the organization will exist, and we will gather in Zion, and human beings will spy on the dawn of survival in this world.

For this reason, pay for everything. "

"Media ... Do you connect me into a certain growth system?" Yi Chen probably could understand the meaning. In short, he could slowly become stronger through skin.

Qian Bosen continued:

"Whether it is distributed to other appraisers, or your skin from the first gentleman, the skin from the first gentleman,

Once activated,

Your "conscious body" will be extradited to [Old Day Hall] under the media of the skin.

You will receive 1 ~ 3 letters there, the number is related to your own characteristics, and you can only choose one of them.

Each letter represents a career and determines your future gentleman line.


The color and nature of the letter are very important. Because time is urgent, I only say it once, you have to remember it! "

"it is good!"

"The letter is divided into four colors-white, blue, black, and purple.


1. White letters are the most common, corresponding to the "general occupation", and it is also the main choice of huge gentleman groups.

Although it is common, there are some outstanding people in Zion City.

2. Blue letters are relatively rare, corresponding to "rare occupations". Such occupations often have outstanding talents in some aspects.

Targeted training for their particularity, such gentlemen can often become bearing between organizations.

Some rare occupations may develop into [doctor].

3. The emergence of black letters is related to the individual's mind, corresponding to the "nightmare career". The characteristics of such occupations are dark and evil, which is inconsistent with some gentlemen's philosophy.

As early as a hundred years ago, the organization established a special department to accept and train gentlemen who choose to choose a nightmare profession.

They often have strong elimination capabilities as tadlists of the organization.

Some powerful gentlemen who choose black letters, reputation, are often referred to as [Master Sword Doctors]

4. The emergence of purple letters is also related to individuals, but we do not know what is related.

Corresponding to "unique occupation",

Different from the other three, the occupation given by purple letters is specifically designed for individuals and is unique.

This kind of occupation is full of mystery and variables. Some outstanding gentlemen who have chosen purple letters have stayed in Zion City for a lifetime, unable to remove the pathogens outside.

In short,

No matter what letter,

The cover will be printed with a "emblem" representing the occupation. You must judge clearly and then choose. "

This substantive [occupation] gives much more true than those who have defined people in the world before.

Yi Chenguang became more excited to listen to such descriptions.

Qian Bosen continued:

"The [skin] you get is derived from the first gentleman, and its media effect will reach the maximum, which means that there is a greater probability that the blue letter appears.

Of course, how to appear with black letters can also be selected according to the specific situation. "

"What if there is purple?"

"Unknown, I personally don't recommend ... but this is your own business, don't be affected by my words."

"it is good."

During the chat process of Yi Chen and Qian Busen.

The small grapes hidden in the body also have their own ideas.

"I really look forward to it ~ William, what kind of path will you choose? If it is too conservative and not interesting, I may steal it directly. 』


Between open circular halls,

The clergymen between eleven official residences have drawn a ritual formation through some sticky meat -colored liquid.

There are 17 small ring seals in the embedded, which just corresponds to the number of assessment.

As Qian Bosen led Yi Chen to push the door,

Everyone's gaze also fell in the black box of Yi Chen's hands, and there were a little greedy meaning.

The blonde Edmond didn't care about anything, and beckoned quickly:

"William, hurry up ~ everyone is waiting for you."


Yi Chen quickly stood on the last ring seal between the French formation,

According to the requirements of the clergy,

Take out the "gentleman's skin" between the box,

Cover the head like a headscarf,

At the beginning of the ceremony,

The mouth of each clergyman is very different and unconvinced.


The overlapping of the rhythm allows these broken ancient words to combine each other, forming a complete and strong spell, and promoting the operation of the French formation.


This feeling Yi Chen once experienced it at the bottom of the lake,

It is the subtle sense of consciousness being carried out of the flesh,

the difference is,

This time he voluntarily, without any uncomfortable and uncomfortable,

It's like a completely wet soap, accidentally squeezed out of the palm of the hand, and fell into the toilet accurately, and was taken away by the whole process.

When you open your eyes again,

The stone room full of ancient atmosphere is already full of ancient atmosphere.

There are no complex structures, hollow carvings, and bustling decorations inside the Shenpi official residence.

Like a simple cave with artificial excavation,

There is only a stone platform in the center, no matter it.

Both other assessors and clergy staff disappeared, only Yi Chen was here.

The "gentleman's skin" that was originally covered on the head did not know when to move to the surface of the stone platform,

Cortical creeping seems to be deliberately covering something ... According to Qian Bosen's explanation, Yi Chen can already guess what it is.

"I don't know what kind of letter will be."

Deep breath,

Step forward,

When your fingers touch the gentleman's skin with a letter, you can feel the vitality flowing in it.

Open hard.

[Blue] -The copper version of the paper, with a circle of evergreen vines printed on the surface, and the inside with a humanoid branch puzzle,

[Black] -The sheepskin paper material, with a pattern of the skeleton on the surface,

[Purple] -The white card paper material, a book that is opened on the surface, and inside the inside of the naked eye.

Three envelopes of different colors are refined into the eyes,

If this scene is seen by other gentlemen in Zion City, it will not be shocked.

It is very rare for the blue envelope alone,

Not to mention, the three special letters appear at the same time,

Maybe it has never happened in recent decades,


Even Yi Chen, who has never chosen difficulties, completely stunned at this moment.

As usual this weekend, if you have time, remember to give the role more than heart. If you have a monthly ticket, it will not be better. My family is quite big. You can come to sleep after you vote for the monthly ticket.



   (end of this chapter)

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